Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6057 Cosmic God

The means is never contemporary, the opponent is definitely only the existence of this.

If the person behind him knows the unparalleled ideas, I am afraid I will miss a smile.

Because it is too seen.

Nine hobbies are strong, but it can be far from the dead in the stars.

That is true God.

The Lord of the universe can be very small.

Don't say it's comparable.

God in the starry sky, the god born in time and space, it is far from the difference.

The middle gap is not allowed to make up.

This is why, no matter the true God in the long river of the space, you must go to the world, not in time and space.

The difference is too far.

Only the boundaries of the world can be comparable to the starry sky.

Where is the place where the four affiliated time and space, and even the strong people in the sky gather.

Because God is also going to improve yourself.

I will know if I look at the life.

Whether you want to further and then further, Dan Bao perfect your life secret law.

Need to rely on cultivation and planning.

Not sitting on the mountain.

God is going to cultivate, and you must go to plan.

The practitioner doesn't need to say, and they want to be strong.

The Lord of the universe of the nine hobbies is not enough, to do half of God, but even the gods.

It is more necessary to break through the boundaries of the universe.

If there is no god, it is also a god of your universe.


The sword was unparalleled from Frosa.

"Cosmic God!" He couldn't help himself.

Maybe this is the highest position!

Without a gain, I will create one by myself.

In his universe, there is a starry sky.

And now you have to take a new route, what should you call?

"Star Sky God?"

He shakes his head and feels something to think.

I still have to consider my opponent.

The Lord, who used to be a nine hobby, known as the strong people of the god.

"Let's go!" He leaked the color of confidence on his face. After some information about the other party, there was no kind of tension, but it was very easy to say: "I found him."

Hui Qing's face, even he did not find that the sword was unparalleled to find the position of the other party.

"It seems that there is no love, and there is a lot of realm!"

"Shahe Qian is definitely, compared with your Zen machine, it is far away, just happened to know some things from the old man!" He smiled and shook his head, in fact, because of the power.

And those words that Frosa said, causing his attention.

Hui Qing's Zen Machine, did not show up, that is because the opponent is not existed in the northern time and space.

More than a cognition of Hui Qing.

During the promotion can only get a unknown threat, you can't always be vigilant!

Now I have an atmosphere, and the two are not so worried.

It doesn't need to fly, direct tear space, and transiently moved to the source of threats.

A cave with dark redness.

"It's this!"

He looked at the cave, did not find any special, and there is no array of array around.

Unlike the place where the strong is closed.

According to Frosa, the other party is just a lack of burning.

Although it is a nine hobbian, there is no source, and even the body is broken.

On the stars, there is no life in the stars, and the life level has been improved.

Can't die at all.

But it will be defeated.

It is not like death.

It is more terrible than death.

Because of the break, it is useless.

Unless reshaping the body.

Even if you don't need your own, you will have a soda route.

However, the body is reshaping the body, and it has not been distinguished from the translocking tire.

The power is on the body, and the body is re-reined, and simply puts the soul again.

Without the power, the source is burst into the robbery, only the soul is left, and then it is difficult to cultivate, and then a strong mood is also difficult to innovate.

And it will be tired twice as the first cultivation.

Will only take some detours.

The previous period will be very smooth, but the later stage will be a torture.

No one will use this way.

Most of them choose to reincarnate.

However, there are countless powers, and after the back-of-turn, they will sink the sea.

Because they want to restore the previous memory, it is necessary to surpass the achievements of the past.

Therefore, there is a strong person who has submerged countless reincarnation.

This is the best practice.

If you don't want the soul, you will only fall into a closed loop, that is, you can't exceed the peak.


It is much more cruel than they imagined.

It was also found that the nine hobbies were already a head.

Unexpectedly, there was this barrier on it, blocking their way forward.

The one in the Dongfu has come to the end of this poor.

Of course, this is a sword unparalleled.

He can't think of it, what is the true purpose of the other party?

It will not come to the North Time and Space!

The event has a wrist, and the sword is unparalleled.

Either them go in, or each other will come out.

That choice, the sword is unparalleled.

He really want to see how the other party makes the mystery of the coming year, can isolate the north time, and do real Jedi Tiantong.

At this point, they will be in the world.

Not restricted.

"Didn't you move?"

After the shout, the two waited for a long time, there was a fragrant time, and there was no movement, which made the sword unparalleled.

That can only take the initiative to be invited.

The dark red cave, the sword is unparalleled without any fear.

He is going to see, what is hidden in the end!


The sword has no doubles, and has not yet entered the Dongfu, but he was stopped by Hui Qing.

"There is no double brother, it is better to let you go to find out, you are pressing in the back!"

"No, we can't separate it, or have a good action!" There is no hesitation, directly dismissed Hui Qing's suggestion, although it is confident, but has not yet arrived.

Separate actions, he didn't have a bottom.

Hui Qing's strength is stronger than him.

Before he did not reach Eight Beard, he didn't dare to say to be able to win.

The other party is the same as him, and it is impossible to do it.

They have two together, there is no bondage of the power.

In the face of the nine hobbies, you can fight.

But if it is separated, it will hang.

Hui Qing saw that he was so unhappy, and he did not say anything.

It is ready to enter.

At this time, a violent force rushed out from the Dongfu.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power is constantly contracted.

The whole person began to wilk.

"The king of break!"

The sword is not biting and shouting: "I know who you are, you don't have to hide!"

This time, his voice just fell, he received a return.

"Oh?" A lazy voice, from the inside of the Dongfu, then I asked a little: "Is Jialang telling you?"

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