Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6058, I am

In the north time and space, knowing that his identity is also a Juyang Xianzun of the gods.

If it is not the old ancestors of the giant god, he has great grace, he will take care of the giant gods.

Even if I was swept away, I was unprecedented when I was destroying the entire midstream, I chose the other party.

But I didn't expect that the other party turned her himself.

Then, the last silk is gone, and since then, he has no more relationship with the giant god.

Among the dark red cave, a flesh has withered the waste of the scaffold.

The lack of trousers, let him leak the Sensen white bones.


Then the entire shadow appeared in front of the sword unparalleled and Hui Qing.

A thin body shape is thin, the flesh is almost damaged, and there are many broken traces in the body.

The sword is also seen in some people, and it is not unexpected.


This is this.

And each other's power, he also feels clear, even the flesh is almost, and the body is leaking outside, and some broken.

What is the way to cover up.

It's just the power of the other party, they have not seen it, I can't take it.

Now I have seen this power, and I will lock the opponent next time.

Just didn't have the next chance.

The two sides meet, definitely to win the victory and death.

Think of the northern time and space, then remove it.

What's more, the other party is really doing.

The broken breath has spread to the entire mid-range time and space.

Once the other party succeeds, the whole middle of time is completely cut with upstream.

There is no way to flow in the middle of the sky, and the downstream and the end will be completed.

At the time of the northern time and space, there will be upstream.

Kings must not be crazy.

The face is not fully equipped, standing in front of the sword, there is absolute confidence, but there is absolute confidence.

"In order to let you know this seat, you have to listen carefully every sentence!"

The sword is unparalleled, the face is light, reached out: "Don't worry, slowly say!"

After the next level, even if the next moment is going to die, but also keep calm!

This is the strength of the strong.

"My name is Beirut, from the stars!"

"I know!" The sword did not have a pair of booths, and then said: "You are not as good as saying that the monetary state of the year, I am very curious why do you have a bondage?"

"This is ..." Beirut is somewhat hard, laughing: "I am afraid that you will kill me, you will know!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the opening said: "There is no need to say nonsense again!"


"Do it!"

He and Hui cleared the distance and tested Berut in the triangle.

A nine hobbian from the stars, the sword is unparalleled, I want to test the strength of the other party.

This is the opportunity.


"Super ancient times!"

The perfect super ancient times turned to make his skills arrived in the peak.

Then it was a dedication.

The three-round sun and the moon rose slowly, high hanging over.

The sword is unparalleled on the Sky Mountain, and the right hand slightly shakes.

This is not because he is nervous or scared, but in the mind, constantly calculate the speed of his own.

Do one step by step.

This is learned from Huiqing.

Battle, it is the most extreme.

What does it mean to fight with those years, and I don't feel the collision between the strong.

The other side of Huiqing also puts the ground.

The third scorpion of the forehead has appeared.

The source of the source of the Taoist organ.

Two movements came out from.


Similarly against the sky.

The power is constantly climbing.

The power of the two exceeded two hundred million.

In the darkness, it is more perfect than the flame mountain and complete.

Let their skills have played the extreme.

Just Hui Qing still hide, if you whole power to show your future, I am afraid there is no upper limit.

This is the horror.

There will be more powerful in the future, there will be more powerful.

The key to Hui Qing's future is now maintained for 100,000 era or a million era.

If you upgrade, you can maintain hundreds of thousands of era, I am afraid it will be more powerful.

"2,500 million, two thousand or seven million!"

Beirut smashed his head, looked at the sword unparalleled and Hui Qing, the expression on his face, some disdain.

When I was a trick, I had a bright arm armor.

"If you can resist this, then you will be you!"

His voice just fell.

The battle is progressive.

Three people did not take the initiative.

Instead, it is observing the change in the breath.

Ready to find an opportunity for yourself.

Hui Qing's Zen Machine, at this time, the biggest role is played.

He will be the first person to break.



In the future, I'm angry, and my eyes were gone to Belut, and there was a stick in my hand and there was a stick in my hand.

Waving the rod, the turn is a sun and the moon shape, and it will be killed in Beirut in an instant.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is no urgent, but is ready to wait for an opportunity.

He has not seen Beirut.

The sword is not good.

This time, he wants to use the strongest sword.

Forcibly display time and space reincarnation.

Take Beirut this nine knocked knife.


Hui Qing's stick, fell to Beirut, was blocked by the other party!

"Hey!" Beirut smiled dismissed, "Is this?"


One pointing, block!

2 points out, kill!

It's just a way to flew, and you will fight the future.

That powerful power, straight rush.

Hui Qing's whole person was shocked, and he felt the thrill of the source.

"Just ....... What is going on?" Hui Qing was repeated, I still think some incredible, just attacking two thousand seven million power, but after the other party, suddenly lowered seven hundred Ten thousand.

And the power of the other party has no change.

When Hui Qing is still surprising, the sword is unparalleled but opens: "It is the force of the break, we are still bound!"

At this moment, the sword did not have a difference in the problem.

When he appeared in the other party, he felt.

At that time, the power suddenly decreased, and then broke out again and returned to the peak.

However, Beirut's power has never changed.

The threshold threshold of the nine, is 20 million power.

But Beirut is the real price of the real price, and the power is definitely more than 30 million.

Even after the defeat, the power is not as good as before, it is absolutely more than 20 million.

Otherwise, he has this strength with Hui Qing!

According to the truth, it should be parallel to the other party.

Never a gap is so big.

I finished the attack of Hui Qing, and the second finger shocked Hui Qing.

There is only one possibility.

That is, they still did not break the boundaries.

Or, this boundary is controlled by Beirut itself.

The wealth of the other party is indeed nothing before they don't bond.

After coming to the admiration, the sword is not floating.

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