Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6059 Most proud swords

There is no binding feel, let him be too confident.

Now I am suddenly chasing the throat, and I recognize how to be more than 20 million will.



Even if the other party has more powerful, this place is also northern time and space.

He also wants to pull the sword, fight!

"Time and Space!"


The four-way time and space is isolated, and his will be restored again.

Although it is still suppressed after encountering the other party, it can not be upgraded to more than 20 million, he can't touch each other.


Double sword one.

Time and space reincarnation!

A sword out, the vortex in the time and space begins to condense.

Casting time and space reincarnation.

"This is the most proud sword I have so far!"


The sword is full of sky, full of reincarnation.

Return from the sword.

Then it is destroyed by the sword.

Star emblem, fifth sword.

This is officially formed, and it has also reached a point where he is entitled to a complete sword.

If this sword, there is no such power to open the opponent.

So this time, they met with Hui Qing.

Wanji castle back.

Time swords and spaces.

The whole darkness is one of them!

"Time and Space, Return?" Beirut is ruthless, and the body is constantly retreat, the broken figure wants to avoid, but find the place, it is time and space, how can you avoid it.

His broken body is also life.

The end of life is the death reincarnation.

That can hide.


Beirut knows that after you can't avoid it, you will prepare this sword.

Time and space wheel back sword, the power is the power of the origin.

The end of the three perfect universe is bonded, and the conversion is a power, it is definitely more than two million.

At this time, Beirut's power is so much.

He naturally does not dare to hard, and once again, he will show the same means to pay for Hui.


That is, the core of this year's mystery.


"Well?" The sword was unbrick, and it was obvious that his strength was constantly weakened.

Just weakened, is the power, not his own source.

Therefore, there is no refund when the time and space reincarnation sword is, but the origin is high.

"Haha!" He also reacted at this time, ridicuing: "Beirut, your courage is useless!"

The huge swords of time and space are condensed, and the whole darkness is torn, and they will be rushed toward Beirut.

The power of this sword, that is, it is genuine.

On the occasion of Beirut, the arms were directly smashed by the shock.

This is the broken body, at this moment, it is more snow.

"If you think so, you can defeat me, it is too small!" There is a silk blood color in Beirut, and the corner is crazy.

He is known as the king of defeat, and it is afraid of damage to the body.

And his reliance is not that the power of his body.

It is a secret in the feet.


It can also be called "God!"

In the domain, he is invincible.


Beirut Demonstration of Demonstration is integrated into the domain, and the darkness of the darkness has completely disappeared.

A fantastic darkness appeared in front of the sword and Hui Qing.

At this moment, those practitioners of the outside world, and all super power in the middle time and space, it can be seen that a huge abyss appears in the secret of the year.

The abyss is rotated, and it is slowly eating the origin and the power of the entire mid-range time and space.

The sword is unparalleled, the most proud sword, falling into the abyss, just like the sea, there is no movement.


The abyss constantly collapses, the power of absorption is the heritage of the entire mid-range time and space.

This is swallowing.

Dark Zissen disappears, the classes left, is evidence!

Like the time space with Moro.

He couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of water, and the sound trembled: "It's okay, he is going to swallow the entire middle time!"

"Swallowing the whole middle?" Hui Qing also stood.

Mid-Tourism, although there is no top reach, it is not a practitioner to compete.

If the other party can be able to swallow digestion, at that time, the entire middle reaches are considered by Beirut, and the ability of them will be lost.

"Blocking him!" The sword is unparalleled, there is only one way now.

Blocking each other, or they are absolutely difficult to escape.

But how do you need to stop?

The abyss is the "domain!" Said by Beirut!

They can't even be found in Beirut.

I can't rule out this abyss!

The sword has no difference, I don't know how to start.

Concentratic abyss, the abyss is also staring at him!

"Domain!" Hui Qing frowned, "Then I have a duplicate, see if there is a great place in this field!"

Looking at the other party's confident expression, the sword is unparalleled.

Face everything.



Thousands of thousands of and went around.

"Swallow, I will!"

Just in the moment, the whole year is in the abyss.

It's so fast enough in the pyramid, and there is no trap.

The original choice is also correct, let Wu Z. They will go first.

Otherwise, you have to explain here.

"Wu Zhi Xiong, don't come back, leave the middle time and space directly !!!"

After discovering things, he will notify Wu Z Zhou left first.

And let the other party tell the king in this place.

In fact, there is no need to notify it, and kings know it.

Beirut came from the moment of the Dongfu, the king found the change in the middle time and space.

This makes the king of king a lot of headaches!

The bottom is also complaining, how is the sword without double they go, where the disaster is following.

He really wants to send them to the northern time and space.

When he sent to the world, he did not believe in the world, and what kind of moth can be made.

In fact, I have not arrived in the world, I have buried several strong enemies.

Go, isn't it a world?

Among the pyramids of the Year of the Year, Wu Zuo heard the sound, some did not worry, but Baba didn't listen to him, directly towards downstream.

"Warrior brother, this time is too big!"

Under the urgency, I will summon all people to discuss the countermeasures.

As for the king, I can't rely on the king.

Now there is no qualification to enter the middle.

The middle time and space at this time is like caught in the edge of the abyss.

If you want to save, you can only break the abyss.

The king of the king is blocked by the rules in the domain of the abyss.

I can't enter it at all, and even if I go in.

Most stood up with anxious!

"No!" The king bite his teeth, standing outside time and space, he is not willing!

It's hard to have a disaster in the northern time, and your own book is falling in the disaster. If you lose the middle, it is not equal to the downstream.

Downstream is actually good, it is not important.

Single is the end, but there is a solid role in the northern time and space. If the land of the last time and space is lost, the northern time and space is basically finished.

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