Sword Master of All Dao

Episode 6060 Chapter King's Big Brother

"I can only go to the big brother!" The king is a bit helpless, the figure shuts the time and space, returns to the world, go straight to a sea of ​​sea.

The last time he went to the starry to visit a number of big brothers and finally.

As a result, Wanliu Shenmu is almost finished.

Vis is impossible to help him.

And I don't use this time to go to the starry, I can only rely on those friends in the world.

For example, the "big king!"

Outside the sky, four attached time and space.

There are four big rings in the northwest of southeast.

The king of the king, the king of the king.

There is also a low-key god.

He is the big king.

The big king, extremely low-key, almost very small, knowing that the gods of his residence are rare.

On the four borders, the king of the king knows the other's residence.

The North Royal King sorted out the clothes, the figure was moved, and it fell into the island.

"Big Brother!"

Standing on the beach on the island, the king calls a call, but no one returned.

After shouting, the only wooden house on the island made a slight sound.

The door of the wooden house is pushed away from the interior.

A clear child, I came out of the house, I saw that the North Royal King, the face is happy, saying: "The teacher said, the teacher is coming!"

"Net virtual master, what about your master?" The North Royal King did not leave the other side, and he quickly asked about the fall of the big king. If there is, it will definitely come out, obviously not there.

I saw the face of the north of the North Royal King, and the net virtual is clear: "The Master went to the South Tianfu to visit and relaxed. At this time, I just arrived!"

"Then I will first ..." I know the big king to the Nantianfu, the North Royal King is ready to leave.

On the occasion of him, it was a net virtual blocked, "Northern Normal Uncle, but in the middle of the time and space?"

"How do you know?" The North Royal King face.

This matter, even he just knows.

It's hard, it is the relationship between the swords and two, and there is a relationship between the world?

The sword is unparalleled, he is aware, and there is a relationship with Vis, but Vis is not bound to the mainland, and it will not ask the big king.

And Tiis is the 12th star spirit, which has time to manage this little thing.

I really want to take Beirut.

A Belus, the peak period is just a half god.

Can't think of threats at all.

It doesn't matter if you are in life.

The net deficiency is expected, the opening explains: "It is the teacher to tell me, he said that you will come, and because of the middle of the time and space, the teacher is the old man's family to visit the Nantian government, because of this Talk! "

"Oh?" The king learned that the face was happy. I didn't expect this big brother to know the scourge of the time and space in the northern time and space.

It's really not to come to work.

"So, the big king knows Beirut?"

In fact, there is not much to understand Beirut, and even if the other party will have such a powerful treasure.

It turned out to swallow the entire mid-range time and space.

"I don't know this, just the teacher's privacy, the teacher came, let me go to the north time and sky with the uncle, kill Belut!"

Kill Beirut!

It's just a net deficiency of children, but I said so domineering.

And the breath of his body is general, you can't see anything special!

Even if it is a nine hobbies, go to the north time and space, and the power will be suppressed to 20 million.

How to kill Beirut?

The king did not doubt the other party.

Since the big king is told, it must have a bottom gas.

And his teacher is not simple, it is a half.

Don't look at the child's appearance, once the outbreak, the body of the gods, there is an enemy in the nine hobbies.

Once, there was a powerful record with an enemy three.

One person wars three half-gods.

"Good! Good! Good!" The king said three good words, even busy with net imaginary, leaving the island, and torn space, straight to the north time.

At this point, the middle of the northern time and space and complete collapse.

There is only the abyss time and space, still struggling.

The Lord of the universe of almost a mid-to-day space is gathered here.

"What happened in the end of the year, I have destroyed more than 30 time and space, only the abyss time and space can be stable!"

"It's hard to say, it is estimated that it is related to the super power of the upstream time and space, in short, this time he lives!"

Those who don't know, have already put flat mind, listen to the life.

Info, there are several gods.

However, the faces of these bits are not good.

They could have escaped, and the result was parked, decided to stay again.

It seems that they are gambling.

"Fossa, this time we blame you, if you are not you, we have long been going to the starry sky, go to the starry sky, you are still afraid that there is no treasure?" The red brother of the side can't hold the export.

Although Jianyang Xianzun is embarrassed, but did not say anything, mainly he doesn't want to go.

Starry sky, giant mountains.

Great nation's family.

There are countless opportunities in the stars, but their strength is not good!

Going to the starry sky, when the younger brother.

In the north time, it is big brother.

No one likes to be a younger brother.

He is now just the peak of the Eight of the Eight.

It is not necessary to return to the stars so early.

After the at least to arrive at the Ba Yugu, it will consider the return of the Nine-knocked border.

This is also a glory, and it is also a big man in the stars.

"Shut up!" Fygo smeared.

He is believed in Frosta, just now this situation is really unfavorable.

Maybe he has to fall again.

The last time Frosa can resurrect him, so there is confidence in Frosta.

Gamble, I also recognize!

The Lord of the abyss saw a few faces of the gods, obviously to see the problem, and wanted to go to the previous set.

There may be some problems inside, but the external, they are consistent, and they have not taken care of the owner of the abyss.

"Hey!" The owner of the abyss couldn't help but sigh, looked back, and the abyss behind him was relative.

He always feels big event.


Among the abyss of the monarch secret, there is a different angver and countless red eyes open from the abyss.

The abasity is the same.

Suddenly, there have been a number of strong people, and they will refund.

Those eyes are waiting to move, leaking out of the darkness.

Declined the army!

Survey the heritage of the entire mid-range time and space.

Even if the Beirut peak is a half-god, it cannot be digested.

Just will swallow the power to absorb some part.

The rest of the efforts is the development of his ruined legion.

Countless bats extend huge wings from the abyss, rushing out of endless abyss.

Every bat is the beast, there are seven robbery.

Especially those bats in the Nikki, there is a large group of eight cuff bats.

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