This kind of performance is not accurate, and it will not be easy to say.

But this is so decisive, let the sword are unparalleled, and they don't dare to relax.

In fact, Hui Qing said is correct, and the special of the gods is obvious.

Can be separated from the hidden time and space.

In the god domain, it is a miniature boundaries.

Without any constraints, it is the god domain.

The universe of Wanliu Shenmu is almost.

Only Wanliu no one can control.

Beirut can control the god domain as its own source.

Weiner is definitely beyond their imagination.

"Be careful, the situation is not right, let's escape more than a little!" The sword was unpaired, and the body shape was back to the king of the king.

Ready to watch.

"No, if you have any opportunities!" There was a war in the scorpion of Hui Qing, and the double box was scratched.

The sword is unparalleled. So, now, how do he take a problem? It is impossible to attack Beirut, plus them, and it will make each other more.

It's hard to do, do you go to the net virtuality block?

Hui Qing turned his heart, the bottom of the heart: "There is no double brother, although this godde is special, we are also in it, it is not that it is so simple. If we don't have any opportunity, but the god domain has One point is different from the source of the source, because we can also be boundless! "

"But this, the other party is able to control!" The sword was unparalleled immediately, and the previous Hui Qing's attack, Beirut was easily blocked.

Reduces the power of Hui Qing, adding yourself.

"If he can really don't have it in the gods, I am afraid that I have never absorbed the middle of the time and space, but he didn't do this, but I got out the bat wasteland, I guess Bautu's diverting body, at all Can't open the heritage of the middle, this is our chance! "

Hui Qing continued to explain: "We only need to explode Shen Li, rush into the abyss, to show the power and the source, continue to devour the strength of the gods, the bigger the burden of Beirut!"

"I didn't think of it!" The sword didn't have a double eyeliner. He didn't think of it.

In this way, with his power with Hui Qing, you can bring infinite power to the abyss.

How many herself of Hui Qing is not known, but his own origin is in the air, but there is an endless force.

Nowadays, the three big universities have been successfully completed, and those time and space tributaries are not lost.

Although the time and space is higher than the universe.

But what is the universe, and the long river of time and space.

If the tributary of the end, the time is extremely disordered, the space is not as large as the size of the universe.

Can't agree with the perfect universe of the sword.

Even if the long-term long river in the middle time and space is not.

One of his perfect universe is comparable to these tributation.

The three have a complete universe, and the abyss will be swallowed, and it is enough to compare the whole mid-range time and space.

Hui Qing's book may not be enough, but the future is absolutely weak.

Two people really have the opportunity to fill out this abyss.

Now the power of the king will take the strength of the king.

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't be afraid, you can solve it right away!" Wang Yang stood up, very confident, rushing to the net: "Hand!"


The breath of shaking the gods is instantaneous.

The net virtual thin body, instantification is a million miles, like the gods, the face has become a big.

The sword is unparalleled. "He is not a family?"

"Oh!" The king said on the side: "Net virtual master, but the strong people in the starry sky are not the people of the people, but you don't look small, his power is better than you have encountered Heijiu is terrible! "

This doesn't need the king to say, he can also see.

He asked in the original breath, how much can he at least causing the power.

But after the net virtuality broke out such a horrible breath, he didn't see it.

It is definitely the existence of 30 million power.

The shade is very unparalleled, six arms, each holding a slope, roaring: "Beirut, I am in the big king, take you life!"

"Big King?" Beirut waved the broken blade in his hand, no fear, cold channel: "Let's come over!"

The voice just fell, his figure was also chemically made a million miles, and the power was only more than 30 million.

Has been returned to the peak.

Half-god position!

The battle between the two sides can be said to be the avenue to just, it can't see anything, but the power of each hit out is so pure.

Has arrived at the end of the practice.

The sword is unparalleled, can't help but surprise: "If you don't lose it, this strength is pure, and the god is almost."

The power of true God.

In fact, the same is true.

For example, the sword is unparalleled with life, Danbao is also, and it is strong than the sword.

In the north time and space, Danbao's life is the day!

Really satisfactory, strongest life.

The power of the sword is unparalleled, although it is also from his star empty, it is not as good as Danbao.

Because he is not God!

At the moment, the battle between the net deficiency and Beirut, the power of showing the power and the force of the break, has arrived!

The king kneaded the beard, evaluated: "Hey, there is still some gap!"

Demi god!

After all, it is just a half god.

Said to God, actually just a call.

That is, some practice arrived in a successful practitioner.

It is already the end of the practice, the front is true.

But the gain is limited.

If you want to break this boundary, you will break to the high rules.

"The king of the king, this half god, with the original title half of the god?" The sword is unparalleled, and he also listened to Dandao, he can help them a half god.

Just that time, I feel just a title. I have nothing to do. It is better to take my own way, so I don't know much, but now I see the Salers, I regret it.

The fight against Beirut, and it will not be able to win in a time.

Anyway, there is no other thing, starting to give this road to the sword unparalleled and Hui Qing.

"The general realm of the practitioner knows, from all kinds of immortal immortals, the integration of the Western" is the source of this source to enter the emperor, then it is the master of the universe, the mourning! "

If you carefully divide, in fact, every time and space is different.

But it is very simple to say by the king.

The realm of the vanity, according to the route of the sword, the route from the original practice, is the following.

Then it was emperor.

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