Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6063 of the end of the practice

At the big branch, I used to know the half solution with Zhenwuyang, I once told him because the gas transport can become an emperor.

In fact, this statement is more general.

After all, a few times when the emperor was only?

The big dou is not as good as one of the original universe.

Naturally, it is natural.

Later, I realized that I called.

What is emperor.

After the nine big time and space, the sword is unparalleled and also understands the owner of the universe.

Nowadays, it is already the Lord of the seven-robbery universe.

In fact, there is nothing to divide the Lord of the universe.

It is the title of the Lord of the Universe.

But the realm is carefully, it is necessary to look at the quantity of ferry.

The nine robbery is successful.

The more stronger of robbery.

The Lord of the Universe, can be said that it has reached the limit of this world.

The birth of the starry sky has formed a long-term long river, with four attached time and space.

In the long river of time and space, there were those primitive universe.

The emperor mastered the universe, it was the owner of the universe.

In this estimate, the time and space is the Lord of time and space.

It is said that the realm of the king is the Lord of time and space.

Master a time and space, can it be God?

But this does not have any relationship with the practitioner.

Because the practitioners can't grasp time and space at all.

At the beginning, those speculations were wrong.

"The owner of the universe is already ended?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the fight above the abyss, the two and a half God exists, and it is also the main level of the universe.

The war has actually surpassed the god of time and space.

Like Danbao, after the immortal temple, the battle out of this is also the case.

If this is the end, it is also very boring.

Thinking of this, there is some lost in his heart.

Always thinking about which day is always going to the peak.

Success once, once again.

Nowadays, there is a bit not used to it.

The king knew: "Yes, no!"

"You still say it!" The sword is unparalleled, and the king is still thinking to sell Guan Zi, I can't help but say: "The road is the road, it is the road of the practice, may not need the development of others, you can come out ! "

"Haha, you have this ambition, I am very pleased!" The king is not concealed, directly open: "The upper top of the universe, in fact, it is not a very certain realm, but there are many people arrive. Over, it is a realm of getting rid of the high rules! "

After hearing, he didn't surprise, but it was very calm. "Cosmic God?"


This time the king is very surprised, but if you want to know how Hu Qing is known.

"Which day is told you!"

Hui Qing nod to admit, there is not much to say.

The sword is unparalleled, and asked: "The universe ........ Is there any difference with the owner of the universe, just get rid of the high rules?"

If this is the case, then he is very similar to him.

No wonder the existence of the main peak of the universe is to take the power line.

I am afraid it is not going to be unreasonable, breaking the high rules.

God is not an enlargement, but with its own powerful.

"Fraction, lower than time and space, strong than the owner of the universe, but the battle of the universe is not as a single bit. For example, you encounter the life, just master the strength of death, even the god of the star, What is it? God is too single, the war is very single, so I want to integrate life, replace the position of the reincarnation! "The king said that it is very helpless. In fact, God has arrived in the peak, why bother to pursue the ultimate The power.

The sword is unparalleled.

Under the stars, surpass the tribeer is always a gain.

The god of the starry sky, the god of time and space.

These locations are all selected from the high rules.

For example, the god of the life of the North Time and Space is selected, and then cultured by the king.

Danbao is the god of time and space.

The god of time and space, there is a king.

In fact, according to the reason, the power of the king masters can not be single, can be said to be all, but the north of the North Royal King will fall early, otherwise it will not be a threat, you need to find a helper.

Starry God!

In fact, there is no difference with the god of time and space, just the place where the two are located.

The starry sky is naturally stronger than time and space, so it will look down on the god in the time and space.


Listening to relatively low, but the war can surpass the god of the Starry Sky.

Because the practitioner gets rid of the bondage of the high rules, there is no upper limit.

God, the symbol of power and the war!

It is also a cage, because once you step on, you will never escape.

I don't hesitate to shuttle, and it is to break the cage and further.

God has the right to dominance and also have a bondage of fate.

The universe is different.

It doesn't have the upper limit!

Swordless is a bit excited!

This only the way he pursued, go to the road.



Everyone has their own end, and his end is surpassing everyone.

Become the strongest.

That is the end.

"My Road, only I am master!"

Kings also seen the sword unparalleled ambition, the look is moving, secretly passing: "Maybe, he can become the universe!"

After all, Lianvis is very optimistic about the sword. He has no reason not to be optimistic. From the perspective, the sword is unparalleled is the strongest practitioner in the entire North Time.

As a king, his eyes are high, and it is proficient in the whole way, and it can take everything.

He didn't have a double body in the sword, and saw the road of practice that never had.

This is already a prerequisite for breaking through the high rules.

"Hui Qing, we are ready to do it!"

After learning the route behind the universe, he did not feel a self-purple, or what is going to fantasy, but every step in the eyes.

Beirut's appearance made him a new understanding again.

The other party controls the gods, and the origin of the space and space can be swallowed, which has to be.

The origin of the northerture is harmed, which is equal to the threat to themselves.

The heritage of the northern time is hooks with them.

If the northern time is broken, don't say that it has become a nine hobbies, it is not possible to maintain the current situation.

So Beirut must die.

Fortunately, they found the opponent's embarrassment.

Hui Qing masters the heavens, considering it very long, so I have been insisting on left.

After listening to the sword, he was slightly prepared, ready to shoot.

At this time, the survival of the abyss, the net virtual has stood up, and it has been playing Beirut.

If it is not a tolerance that Beirut has a restraining force, it has been killed.


Spears, there is a thorns everything.

The net deficiency of the gods, holding six slings, crazy offensive, a hole wearing Beirut's body, but the other party is helpless, it is not dead.

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