Although Beirut has been beaten, there is no panic, but not the precaution: "Haha, come .......... I look is your kind of power, or there is a lot of breaks in the gods!"

He has absolute confidence!

Although the body of the net deficiency is powerful, it also can't resist such consumption.

But he can supplement unlimited.

That is not dead.

"Radust!" Net is cold and cold, and six arms have skyrocketed again, and the power will also take the limit of the owner of the universe.

If you don't have three feet, you have a god, pressing his skills, and it breaks through the high rules.

The boundaries of the northern time and space are the nine hobbies.

The boundaries of the world, saying that there is no boundaries in the gods, but still have to high rules, and cannot break through the limit.

Only after they become the universe, they can do it.

The strength of the net deficiency is very powerful. In the middle of the gods, it is the top existence and can be ranked in front of the world.

But compared with the true universe, too much.

Even if you break out again, improve the peak state, crush the body of Beirut, or you can't kill the other person at one time.

In the peak period of Beirut, it is also a half-god, and now it has completely recovered, and it is much stronger than ever.

It can be said that it is not dead.

The universe can't come out, almost no one can kill him.

I want to kill a half-god peak power, it is too difficult.

Perhaps this kind of strong in the sky is just a king.

That kind of super power will not be the dead life of the space space.

The attached time and space is originally a ridiculous world. If it is not a big man in the stars, the four affiliated time and space, even life will not be born.

So in the stars, the existence of spacers of time and space is very low.

It is also necessary to mention the four attached time and space.

This is also why you have dare to stay solely unscrupulous, and enter the reason for the god of time and space with space space.

Because they are not afraid!

Kings is nothing wrong with them in their eyes.

The king is managing the space and space, and there is no relationship with them.

Unless it is the king's own combat power and strong, you can get some respect.

Unfortunately, the north of the North Royal King is falling, and there is a fight.

The strong people in the stars seem to be a waste.

No one is looking down.

This is also the sorrow of the North Royal King. In fact, think about it, it is also a sad person, not only to develop the northern time and space, but also to protect the strong people of the northern time and space, even the respect of this is falling, all the way It is not easy.

"The king of the king, this time, let me come!"

The sword is nothing, and the breath suddenly broke out, and the angered said: "It is now, enter the abyss!"

! !

Not waiting for the king to respond, he disappeared with Hui Qing, and once again appeared.



Hui Qing took the lead, pointed to the abyss: "The origin of the goddess is swallowed, it is below, we must be close to it!"


The sword is not hesitant, and it is rushing.

The king of the abyss reacted, and found that the sword was unparalleled and Hui Qing went to the abyss. I quickly asked: "You are crazy, that is the core of the abyss, your two little guys go in, the bones will not Down! "

The king is a bit anxious. The sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing is the great practitioner in the northern time and space, the fate of the future of the northern time and space, can not fall because of the power of different time!

If this is false, it is a big losses, and it is his loss.

"Clear deficiency, don't leave your hands, and kill Belut!"

He can't stop it, and he can only send it on net, let the net virtue.

Originally, I would like to test the net deficiency, I also found that the sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing entered the abyss. He didn't understand, but there is not much thought.

The gods of the gods disappeared, restored the child's appearance, and his hand had a blunt tower.

Single hand tower, serious face.

"Aurora Tower!"

See the small tower in the net virtual hand, the kings and Beirut can't help but exclaim!

This treasure is too great.

That breath, let all the practitioners are bold.

Even if the king can't help but shrink the neck.

Beirut, which was still very light, but also quickly retreat, and did not think about the sword of the abyss and Hui Qing.

Although I don't know what these two people want to do, I can't threaten him.

It is more threatening to abyss.

He can do not care about the origin of multiple practitioners.

It is the extreme light tower, which is too big to his threat.

I am afraid that he has a god domain now, and he dares me.

"I didn't expect, in order to deal with me, the big king of the big king is lending you!" Beiru wrinkled, but private but which supported his super existence in the voice.

Although the super strong in the stars can't see these kings.

But the big king can be the same.

In the whole world, you can arrange the super existence of the top three.

In addition to the king of the king, the four affiliated time and space, plus the boundaries of the world, the god of the world is the highest.

On the four major kings, the key to the key is extremely powerful.

I have killed the universe in a starry sky.

It is this extreme light tower!

One hit kill!

Since then, he seals God.

In the past, the image of the big king gave people is gentle, modest, no grab, everything goes through.

But a old man, there is also a fire.

At the beginning of the world, the mainland has given birth to a star-level secret, and the super strong in the stars came to explore.

Among them, there are several universe.

These universe gods can't look down on time and space, and they block the stars of the world's stars, only the strong in the sky can explore.

This move is very dissatisfied with the strong world of the world and the four major space and space, but no one dares to refute.

Because the universe in the world is very small, the strength is not.

Many universe gods on the mainland of the world come from the stars, anyway, there is no harm to hurt his interests, and will not stand out to host fair.

In fact, there is this time, the big king and the remaining four kings did not shoot.

No way, the strength is not good, you can't blame others.

But the gods in the starry sky are getting more and more.

Not only, it is not only to account for the secret of the starry sky of the world.

The resistant is all destroyed, and there is everything.

Unparalleled arrogant.

At that time, the young north of the north can't watch it, take the initiative to shoot, I want to drive away the universe from the starry sky.

But his strength is not enough.

North Time and Space, the latest in gestation, the strength of the North Royal King.

In terms of war, the most comparable to the universe.

But he wants to break through the uncleary god of how many times in the appearance of the stars.

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