Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6069 is not today!

What did this?

"Maybe!" He faded to Beirut, calmly: "Maybe one day I will regret it, but unfortunately not today!"

Zamas has been sinned, and Beirut will fall today.

Time and space reincarnation, directly crushing the expanded Beirut, and the body became a powder, the soul is completely destroyed.

It's completely fallen.

No one can save Beirut.

Beirut fell, the phagocytosis in the abyss is completely free.

Those bats becomes the stem of the abyss.

The power of being swallowed is also returned to the entire mid-range time and space at this moment.

This time the crisis is released.

However, those power absorbed by Beirut, but it was a reincarnation. .

"The sword is unparalleled, do you stand?" The king is a little worried. After all, the Belut peak is a half-god, the power of the absorption, and ordinary nine hobbies can't resist.

Now this source is swallowed again.

Semi-sprocketing is swallowed back.

However, the sword is unparalleled, you can control it, you want to absorb it, you don't want to absorb it.

There is no shortcoming of Beirut.

"The king of the king, the abyss gods," he absorbed the source of the origin after Berut, while asking about the abyss gods.

This matter, the king can not explain it.

Why will Belus come to the north time?

Because of Zamas?

The king sighs, explains: "I have a very small understanding of Zamas, but this abyss god domain should be the abyss of the king of Wang Shen, the abyss of the middle, and the people of the world. Hand, Zamas makes Beirut come to the north time and space, and the gods, I am afraid it is because of the abyss time and space, if you have time, you can go to the abyss time and space, say it will help you. "

"The abyss time and space!" The sword didn't have a double point. He has long suspected that the abyss of Beirut has some connection with the abyss time and space.

Now he heard the interpretation of the king, he also responded.

Beirut's abyss gods is Zamas refining, the abyss time and space of the middle, that is the king of the king.

Perhaps because this reason is for North Time and Space!

His ideas are very simple, just simple benefits.

But he doesn't understand, Zamas is far from the hate of the northern time, even the hate of the people.

The abyss gods are also in the abyss time to build the king of the maritor, that is the core of the northern time and space.

It is the bright manifestation, it can take the position of the king of the king.


Beirut's power absorbed, if you don't enter the time-space reincarnation, you will not return to the source of the middle time and space, which is equivalent to him.

Infinite power, all backlogs in the stars.

These power are enough to let him double again.

Little three universe at least again.

At that time, almost also reached the seven robbery.

It is not far from the bordering

The life and death of the priests were achieved, and the growth of the sword was effective.

If it is not an urgent return to the temple, he even hopes to break through the eight hobbies in ten era.

Just now, Wu Zuo has returned to the downstream time and space in advance, and they can no longer be dragged.

"The king of the king, there is nothing in this place, I will go first with Hui Qing!"

"Wait!" The king took a ring from his arms, smiled and said: "Beirut is killing, the abyss gods left, naturally you, please!"

The sword is unparalleled, so why do you want to give him a ring.

As for the abyss god domain, he didn't think about it, just wanted to understand the secret behind the gods, now I know that Zamas is engaged in ghosts, and has not studied value.

He didn't dare to get this super treasure.

"Don't think too much, this treasure is also not used." The king took a sword unparalleled shoulder, "I don't need to worry about it, you don't need to worry!"

The sword was unparalleled, and then wanted to understand.

This abrigant domain is from the hand of Zamas, once in the world, Zamas can take it at any time.

Now they all gave Zamas, and the sure is black.

The sword is unparalleled, it is just killing Beirut, giving him a suitable.

After you want to understand, you are not in the air, bring the gods, one point out, will put the union of the gods into the ring.

He is not Beirut, there is no source.

We will use the god domain as its own source.

This kind of god is a false god!

But the war is much better than half the god.

This is also the promise of Zamas to Berut.

The sword is unparalleled with the Star Sky. It is not necessary to treat the god domain as its own source, but it can be used as a field.

Once the entire time is covered, all people are in a bondage.

It is indeed a good baby.

But this area, it's not going to deal with the stars of the stars.

Instead, it will be tired.

He didn't bind, up to 2,500 million power.

But the life is not bonded .......

I am afraid I can shocked the abyss domain.

This treasure, he still needs to exploit and improve it, it is easy to use.

"Then I will not be grateful!" After receiving the Shenyuan God, he left the monarch with the king.

Losing the gods, the annual mysterious environment began to break.

Disperse into the secret of the universe.

Wat around.

Among them, there is a coke soil, which is the original Moose time.

"Beirut is probably in the original Moose time, and there is also a calculation, but it is too simple to die, there is no chance to know some of the secrets of Moro time and space!" The sword is unparalleled.

When you kill Beirut, there is a big person.

No one will look at the time of Moro.

Even if you take the initiative, the other party will not tell him.

Annual mystery is broken, there is no support of time and space, these cosm-level secrets will no longer threaten.

During this time, it will also be the outbreak period of the midstall time and space.

There will be countless power from the rise.

However, this is not a relationship with the tower.


When passing by Moro's segments, Hui Qing couldn't help but took the coke soil left by Moro.

"Perhaps, there is a little help to the temple!" Hui Qing carefully closed, according to his calculation, this coke and the

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no more to say, leaving the monarch secret, and did not go directly to the downstream time and space.

Because there is another thing to solve.

Nothing is not something.

Just visit a very old man.

"Giant"! "

"God Farosa!"

There is also the original Fygo, which was in the Three Kings Tie.

I heard that it is the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe.

Even Fosa is the Lord of the seven-killed universe, and the cultivation speed is not slower than them.

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