Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6070, the old people meet each other

It is necessary to know that the original Rosa is just a normal robbery, and Fygo is a resumption of hexack because of his life.

The six robbery to the eight hobbies, it seems that there is two robbery, but some people can card here for a lifetime.

Fossa has been robbed from a robbery, and it is terrible.

It is not a loss of the starry first ethnic group.

The gods of the entire North Time and Space, I am afraid that there is no more than two digits, almost all of them can reach the seven-robust.

This potential is indeed ahead.

And they have not returned to the family.

Once returned to the stars, it is also possible to rapidly improve again.

No wonder will become the first ethnic group. .

Think of the past and the other party, the sword is unparalleled.

The two people are extremely fast, and they are not absolutely pyramid.

Now the sword is unparalleled to exert the speed of the cosmic level.

Continuous shuttle spatial and space, soon I arrived at Fossa.

The abyss time and space!

The most powerful time and space in the middle, they still don't know that this time and space is a unsuccessful existence of the northern time and space, as the foundation of the northern time and space.

Don't say the middle time and time, look through the entire northern time and space, is the most powerful time and space.


The sword is unparalleled with Hui Qing, and the distance is far away from the familiar atmosphere.

I don't wait for the initiative to go forward, Frosa and others are already close.

"Sword is unparalleled!"

It was very far away, he heard the familiar sound.

"Fosa adults!" The sword was unparalleled.

At the beginning, he called the other party for a long time.

See you again, the two have reached the same realm, and the sword is not a big more powerful than the other party.

Frost, who once claimed to God, did not have too many surprises. At the beginning, he felt that the sword was unparalleled in the morning, and he beyond him is not a problem.

After all, I have mastered the power of life early, and the road can be comparable to ordinary robbery.

It is said to be anti-Tiantaojun, and it is not too much.

Fosa heard the name of the sword, the face, smiled and smiled: "Call me Frosa can, now you are stronger than me!"

The strong is respectful.

This is the case.

There is no discomfort in the sword, and there is no discomfort, calmly talk to each other.

This time, the other party is also a busy busy, so that Wu Zuo is gone in advance, otherwise it will be a little dangerous.

I haven't been ticked for a while, and Jianyang Xianzun is also coming.

There is also the Fygo who swallowed the white monarch.

The sword is unparalleled without opening, just reached a greece, then look at the Jianyang Xianzun, "Listening to Frosta said, you know the situation of the abyss time?"

This time I come to Fossa, not the old name is so simple.

The lunar princes took the initiative to let him go to the abyss time and space, and there is obviously to let him improve the means, and when Fossa is also because this thing makes him come.

"Laoimi is also a little bit of knowing one or two. If you ask the entire mid-range time and space, who is the best for the abyss, then it has to be the owner of the abyss!" Jianyang Xianzun exists as the peak of the eight hobby, but there is no pair of swords.

The battle of the previous year's mystery, they felt.

And Beirut is now falling, I am afraid that there is a great connection with people in front of you.

He dared to get free to get freely.

The sword has heard the Lord of the abyss, nor will it be used, and the other's breath is in the abyss time.


He torn time and space, and the arm was instantly stretched into the time and space crack. He turned on a moment.

This scene of Jianyang Xianzun and Fyigo did not dare to breathe.

The two are the strong bodies. Juyang Xianzun is the main universe of the eight hobby, even the opponent of the owner of the abyss, can be in the sword, the Lord of the abyss is like a baby, handless You can get it.

You know, the spirit of the owner of the abyss, but it is more than 15 million.

The sword is unparalleled to come, at least 20 million, but also rush on the other party on the realm.

The sword is unparalleled is only a seven hobby.

Frosa is not surprised. When the sword is unparalleled, it can be so strong. Now it is the Lord of the seven-robbery universe. Don't say that transcendence, it is to go beyond the nine robbery, he believes.

In fact, only the sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing knows that it is not so exaggerated.

Mainly because of the sake of the god.

Using God domain to deal with these ordinary practitioners, most useful.

The whole northern time and space, except for the existence of the three ancient times, the sword is unparalleled to use the gods.

Of course, it is also necessary to exclude a life.

As for the existence of ancient times, it is because the other party already has the realm of the nine hobbies. If he uses the gods, I am afraid that the three ancient ancient existence can explore 300 million.

If you have to add one, that is, Hui clear.

Hui Qing's future body, can also barely reach 30 million power.

The sword is unparalleled, because of the quenching of the power, it can be improved so much.

Now he uses the god domain, it will increase the power to 2,500 million.

Do not use the power, it can also reach more than 1,500 million.

Overall, the whole northern time is not an enemy.

The gods of the gods were surprised, and they turned their head to the owner of the abyss.

At this time, the owner of the abyss is the most speechless. He doesn't know what happened. He has just celebrated the people with friends relatives. Now it is arrested.

In an instant, he understood who is a strange youth in front of him.

"You are the seniors of the upstream time and space?"

The sword is unparalleled to see the other party is still honest, and you will lose it. The sound is cold.

Speaking of everyone who refers to the giant praise.

This is also a return!

In front of the things of Beirut, it is still awkward.

"No problem!" The owner of the abyss promised.

No matter what to say, the abyss is the other party, the sword has no parallelism, but also to say hello.

The owner of the abyss of several times with Jianyang Xianzun, never thought of this ending.

In the abyss, I swallow my treasures and secrets, but also give it to the whole time and space.

Juyang Xianzun as a giant god family, is a special in the abyss, and wants to enter the abyss, it is also to practice.

Treasure is still the next.

There is a swallowing in the abyss and also have feedback.

Introducing your own strength into the abyss, you will get more power to feed back to the body and your source.

Simply put, it is a lot of treasures that allow the practitioners to improve much in a short time.

The Lord of the abyss of the abyss, became the first stronger of the entire mid-range time and space, is also for this reason.

The king of the king let the sword are unparalleled into the abyss, in fact, let him go to the abyss rules.

But he has other ideas, wants to find treasures left in Moro time.

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