Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6072 Greedy Mask

If you want to seize this Fang Bao, you need to reach around 10,000,000 to you.


180,000 miles!

Jianyang Xianzun also stopped and has reached his limit.

"There is no double friends, and the old man can only stick to this place!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it will continue to dive.

Didn't have a big bigger, the Lord of the abyss also stayed.

Finally, only the sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing.

"There is a blessing of the source of the source, still some of them!" The sword was unparalleled, and the ring on the finger broke out a black fog.

Surround him with Hui Qing.

The two did not press the high rules, and the power directly beyond 20 million, rushed down at the bottom of the abyss.

No other person, two people dive with the fastest speed. .

"Well!" During the dive process, the sword was unparalleled to feel a familiar atmosphere.

Wherever I exceed 1,800 million power.

If you want to enter this place, even the treasure is a treasure, you need to be the top to Bao in the eight knocked.

"Beast God!"

The sword is unparalleled, seeing a dark red mask floating in the abyss.

The strength of the beast is also distributed.


The beast god is also called the greedy.

One of the nine big beasts with the candlelon.

I didn't expect to hang here.

When I entered the abyss, he also asked the owner of the abyss. The treasures of the other party from the abyss were still, when he went out, he could pick it up. He thought that the treasure left in the air in Moro, was taken away by the other side Then!

In fact, most treasures have been accommodated into the temple.

And those treasures of Moopo, surpassing the artifacts of the universe, are all in the hands of the life.

There will be a few pieces of truly flowing into the abyss.

He is still very happy here.

After watching, I've been observed, and I found that the origin of the face has reached the eight robbery.

It is a full treasure of eight knobs.

No wonder will appear here.

After numerous years of quenching in the abyss, it has reached the limit of the North Time and Space.

Although it is not a artifact, it has arrived in the point of the subaractor.

"Now, you have the Lord!"

After the mind movement, I will force the recognition.

I also sent a shock, but I still can't block the sword unparalleled control.

Eventually quiet in his hand.


The sword is unparalleled and very happy, the smirk said: "I finally got the second beast, and I was too bad!"

"Will!" Hui Qing Zheng nodded, he can pursue the future sword without double will join the beast of the beast, but there will be a bumpy middle.

At this point, he didn't say it.

"Let's go, continue to dive!"

He can't wait to enter the bottom to explore.

It is said that the abyss millions.

It hasn't reached their limits far now.

Million miles can we go.

There is no power, it is not possible.

However, there is no problem with the power of the two.

Continue to dive a time, they have a lot of goods.

They are all treasures for the bouffore, but these treasures are very ordinary compared to the beasts.

Both people can't see, and they have not been received.

Leave it to those people in the future!

350,000 miles!

400,000 miles!

500,000 miles ...........

"Call!" Hui Qing took a breath, "I have reached the limit of it."

The sword is unpaired, he is a bit surprised, he has not felt discomfort, how can I pay for the limit?

The strength of the two is actually a big difference. If anyone is more, it is definitely a more powerful future.

Hui Qing's this is parked in 300,000 miles.

In the future, it was 57 million miles.

The power beyond two million.

"Hui Qing, your future, the power of the future, but more than 2,500 million, how can there be pressure!" He really did not understand, and asked: "Is it found?"

Hui Qing shook his head, looked at the abyss below, and she said:

"There is no double brother, the abyss is just practice, in fact, when I am 300,000 miles, the cultivation is enough, but curiously all the way to keep up."

Indeed, this is to practice, why bother to enter the bottom.

It is also curious.

What is the treasure of curiosity?

The sword didn't have a double point, say: "Well, you will cultivate this, I will continue to dive, this cultivation may not be so long, Wu Z. They returned to the downstream time, we can't delay time, 10,000 A life ........ "

He is worried about the safety of Wu Zhou.

Still going back soon.

"Reassured, Wu Z. They will not be dangerous!" Hui Qing is slightly calculated, and the answer is given.

But the sword is unparalleled, it is not a fixed number, but the variable, everything is possible.

Still be careful.

It can't be delayed here too long.

"I will try to look at my limit. I am likely to see it close to the bottom. I will go to see it. I will not be more than a hundred years. When we will leave!"

He continued to dive with Hui Qing.

The power is constantly climbing.

Soon through 60,000 miles.

Still don't have much pressure, continue to go down.

Perhaps it is related to the gods of the gods he controlled, the more it is, the more it feels easily.

Instead, when he was in the depth of 3,400,000, he did not use the god domain.

After using the gods, his speed continues.


There is only one million miles away from the bottom.

"It seems that it is really!" His speed is not reduced, and it will speed up again.

Military, just blinking him, although this is abyss, there is no pressure to him.


An inertia, the body is in touch with the ground.

"In the end!" The sword didn't double his eyes, and the bottom of the abyss was different from his imagination.

The bottom of the gods of Zamas refining is a phagocytical source.

The bottom of the world of kings is the bottom of the abyment, but it is flat, and there is no one in the air.

Slightly adjusted breathing, his mental strength began to spread, gradually covered the bottom of the entire abyss.

"Well?" The sword didn't have a double eyelime, and he once observed a broken road.

The mind has covered the bottom of the entire abyss, only one dead scene, and lives.

There is no atmosphere.

He also relaxed vigilance and stepped down.

After two huge columns, they entered the broken road.

Unlike him, there is no landing treasure.

If there is a treasure that is swallowed, I am afraid I only have artifacts.

I have some fantasies, now it seems to be empty, I can only see what I can help myself!

In the broken road, it is very cold, there is only one disabled law, can't see the face.

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