Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6073 Zamas Statue?

But look, it should be a family.

Not God, but the practice.

At the very least, it is a superb, or the super power of the universe.

Look at the look below, this road is not swallowed in this place, more like it is originally seen.

"Unfortunately, there is no face, don't know what is long!" Looking up, he looked at it, but he couldn't get it familiar with it.

The head of the statue is missing, and it is not aware of the five senses. Naturally, I don't know who is.

After turning around the statue, there is no thing around around.

At the end of my heart, I have to turn around to leave to find an empty position to restore the power of Beirut in my body.

When he turned, a bright reflected, with a perfect angle, his eyes, the glare of the light made him open, blocked the beam with hand, and settled his hop. .

A head!

The head of the statue.

There is also cracks on the neck, consistent with the fracture traces on the Fa, it seems to fall from the franchise.

As for the refrafted beam, it is from the ear of the head.

"My mental force can't be explored?" The sword is unparalleled. I just explored the things in the darkness of the darkness. I didn't find this head.

He stepped slowly, and one hand had already stretched the tensile shank behind him. However, when he came to the break of the break, it was found that there was a weak prohibition around him, and it was able to cover up.


Just gently fingers, crush the ban, and come from ancient breath.

This part should be self-protection ban, not considered to be arranged, otherwise it is not so weak.

As for the ancient atmosphere, it should be the reason why the deposit is too long.


A bright light appeared in the hands of the sword, he saw the head of the head by light.


It is an extremely ugly face that is reflected in the eye.

Endless, and have colors.

However, only half.

Half green face, half black face.

The corner of the mouth is grinned, and the doubles are rolled.

Some of the swords are a bit shocking.

"This ........ How do you look like Zamas?" He stared at this ugly face for a long time, he saw where he was familiar.

Into the image behind it.

Lenovo's appearance of Zamas, his rampant steering head.


It's too like it.

If it is not because he has half black, he recognized it in the morning.

Just engraving, too embarrassing, it is difficult to contact with the tranquil Tamas.


After he was completely confirmed, he took a deep breath and was very chaotic.

In the abyss of the king of the king, there is a law of Zamas.

And look at it, the law should be two people, just in order to be integrated.

How can this kind of law?

The sword is unparalleled.

I am afraid I will know if I will know it!

I want to think that there is no need, the sure is not studying this. He didn't have time to study, and he wanted to take the road, although there is no value, but there is a chance to ask the king.

Zamas did not persecute north time and space, perhaps from this carving, he can also find some clues to avoid being persecuted by Zamas.

He is broken into the north time.

There is an opportunity in the future, you have to make the king compensate.


Run your hand directly incorporated the entire road, and he nodded him, preparing to start digesting the power of swallowing.

When you enter the mustard, you will be annihilated in an instant.

He was also shocked, and he wanted to take it out late.

Directly crushed the stored mustard, broken mustard, the space in the mustard was broken.

This Mustard, he can create it, as long as the space can be created, the emperor can be created, but he has come to the universe, there is a starry sky, and it is too lazy to get these mustards, most treasures are thrown away. Among the origins, where the space is much more stable than the mustard.

It is just that the law is related to Zamas, and he places mustard for the sake of insurance.

I didn't expect to enter the Mustic mustard.

Crushed the mustard, but there were more pairs of earrings in his hands!

"This is ........" The sword is unparalleled, I didn't expect the law.

Pingering the earrings, put it carefully in front of you, did not find anything .

But I thought of the source of earrings.

On the sharp ear of the skull, it took this earrings.

That is, this earrings are things of Zamas.

He suddenly came to interested, and his mental relief was slowly explored, but he was slightly disappointed, and there was nothing special forces, but it was a kind of life.

This kind of life is usually, how much do he want, this is a losing place to lose the street, and after the probe does not receive the goods, he is too lazy to study, and throw it into the source.

Related to Zamas, then see the kings in the future, ask again!

Now he has to hurry to digest the power of the absorption.

"Call!" He gently spit out a vibration.

The power of the stock has collapsed in this source.

The power that dispersed, naturally entered the abyss.


After absorbing his strength, the entire abyss is one of them.

Obviously his strength is a huge power in the entire north.

It is comparable to a long-term long river.

The sword is unparalleled, it is suddenly contracted, and the three super unsteads rotate with him with a non-crafting law.

All the strengths of the absorption are all sent, and all the strengths of the body will be in the body, and a large amount of power will begin to feed.

At the bottom of the abyss, you can absorb the purest power.

The power that is counterfeiting is unified, and the strength of the active being swallowed is not a plug.

This is the benefits of the abyss.

Can quickly improve strength.


The sword is unparalleled, and this moment he does not use any secret law, just simply use the three major unstead to improve his own source.

A flashing radiance is also shining in the stars.

That is a star, the middle of the stars also have a black hole.

Then it is a secret.

Just an instant, the framework of a universe has been formed.

"The fourth universe!" The sword didn't double raise his hand, and the fourth bright light in the stars lit.

The universe!

Then the fifth seat.

The source of the source is back to himself, so that his origin is constantly skyrocketing.

The first universe, he used his life.

The second universe is only a few era, and the third universe is only a few years.

The fourth universe, he just used a moment.

The fifth universe is slow.

Because the strength of the rebound is also weakened.

It is impossible to be so strong with just a look.

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