Super ancient, the power of the increase is based on your own.

20 million power, just in the limit of the northern time and space.

If you use your own path!

In the domain, his skills will skyrocket.

Nowadays, there is a seven universe's home country, which has been able to increase 70%.

The three universe is 60%, seven universe.

It seems unreasonable, it is actually reasonable.

This is the case.

This is why so many people have changed their power lines.

No way, it is too slow. .

He is so firmly walking this source of this source, in fact, is still affected by the temple.

It was too big to see the shock brought by the top of all things.

So let him believe that the source is the strongest.

I don't regret it now.


Hold a fist in one hand, the power of the source is condensed in the palm.


A unmatched power broke out on his body.


The powerful power, so that the sword is unparalleled!

Never thought of power.

Or, he didn't expect himself to be so strong in northern time and space!

This source does not have any constraints, even if it is not in the domain.

Easy to get superpower.

Even if you don't use the starry emblem, his power can easily surpass your own power.

It is equal to his current source, and you can play a force that exceeds 20 million power.

This is still without using the god domain.

Once the god domain is used, it is not bound, and the power will skyrocket.

The source of the source is coming, the increase of 70%.

Ten million of the power, the increase is 70%, that is, 3,4 million.

The future is much stronger than the future.

Thirty million power is already the power of Nine.

Three thousand four million power is definitely the strong in the nine hobbies.

Not at the top, but it is not ordinary.

The threshold of the nine hobbies is 20 million power.

30 million is normal, and 3,4 million is already the strong.

There is also his power.

The seven universe contains seventy-hundred thousand black holes.

I am afraid the universe of the universe, it is also comparable to his strength of this seven universe!

After all, most of the universe, or the power, I have almost didn't take the source route.

Because it is too difficult, the same realm is not comparable to God.

The sword is unparalleled with a very starry sky, so the source will be so powerful.

If there is no way, even if you have the ultimate way, you will not have such a strong universe in the universe.

At that time, he would also choose to take the power line.

Some roads are not voluntarily, but forced.

The source of this source disappeared, and his breath is returned, only the super ancient change.

"I have left!"

Unconsciously, in the bottom of the abyss, it stays for decades.

It's time to leave.


It's more troublesome when you come, but you can go out, you can quickly rush out of the abyss.

I quickly saw Hui Qing, and I will continue to take it back.

He did not tell Huiqing at the bottom of the abyss, because he did not figure out and did not use it.

"There is no double brother, your origin and the power have changed, it seems that this time has a lot of harvest!" Hui Qing saw his power, couldn't help but laughed.

Two million power.

Hui Qing does not show the future, almost this level.

There were also a lot in the abyss, but it was still much less than the sword.

If the sword is unparalleled with the local source, there can be 3,4 million in the gods.

Hui Qing's future body is only 30 million.

It is beyond the other party.

"Slightly a breakthrough!" The sword was unparalleled and laughed.

The two people are getting faster and faster, and they have seen the Lord of the abyss. After pulling on the other party, with Fossa and others, they left the abyss.

The gods of the gods is not easy to enter the abyss, and they will not rise to the limit.

It is the main practice of the abyss to practice, and it has not been helpful to him unless they arrive.

But now the northern time and space, you want to be born in nine hobbies and have a long way to go.

At least, I will wait until Denbao created a renewal secret.

After the scatter can re-raise the road, the next step is to improve the overall life level.

A step by step is perfect in the northern time and space.

Although this is not a lot of relationship with the sword, he is not scattered, and it is very far away from the nine, but after this thing, he feels that he thinks to protect the northern time and space, first let the northern time and space.

Of course, there is yourself, it is more powerful.

Super Age has changed as his fastest secret law, and needs to be innovated again.

But this time, the beast will be required.

The beast gods and super ancient times are integrated.

"The Lord of the Abyss, can you send such treasures from the abyss?" The sword didn't double the wolf mask in the abyss.

Above the power of dark red beasts is particularly eye-catching.

The Lord of the abyss just looked at it, he nodded, said: "Yes, I have got one in the abyss, but the treasure's breath is almost the same but the level is a lot, I got there. Parts, just the seven-robbery level, and the origin is damaged, there is nothing to use, I will throw it to the treasure house! "

"Bring the road!" The sword is unparalleled, but it is leaked in the eyes.

I didn't expect to find one from the spirit of the abyss.

When you get a greedy mask, he feels that the beasts will be less than 200,000 miles, but they did not expect to be weak.

It seems that because there is no source, float in the abyss.

Just received a greedy mask, he felt a different breath, and his body was stopped in half.

"Well?" The owner of the abyss is a bit surprised.

But I don't dare to say anything, just waiting for it quietly.

The sword is unparalleled, using mental power, speeding to explode the same breath just caught.

"Found!" He torn space, like the main situation of the abyss, flipped in the torn hole, did not take a practitioner to come in front of it.

When this person saw this person, the owner of the abyss is very beautiful: "It is you!"

The sword is unparalphed. The Lord of the Abyss, found that the other party knows, and asked: "Do you know?"

"I have known that this kid has secretly entered the abyss. I was caught by me, but I didn't really hope that he is not bad." The owner of the abyss smiled.

The strength of the other party is really good, the Lord of the six-hearted universe, has a power of 1200,000, which is already a strong strong in the six-minded.

Look at the other party is not struggling, the sword is unparalleled to lose him.

The Lord of the Heramnous Universe is a face, and I saw the owner of the abyss leaking anger. The cold channel: "The Lord of the Abyss, you are imprisoned for me tens of thousands of era, and I will arrest me! "

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