Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6076, Beast: Kirin

"This ........" The Lord of the abyss is a bit embarrassed. After reading the sword, there is only a few, only to say: "Ye Tian, ​​this predecessor is looking for you, not me!"

Ye Tian turned his head and watched a sword. There was a unparalleled, and it was a bit surprised. Such young and let him feel the existence, even the owner of the abyss is called the seniors, and it also responded over a time. Nine hobby? "

Ye Tian, ​​is ignorant, the sword is unparalleled, the Lord of the seven-robbery.

The sword is unparalleled, and the priest explains: "Ye Xiaoyou, I am not a nine hobbian. There is no Lord of the universe of the nine-hobby. If you are about to cross the ninth robbery, you must go upstream time and space, visit one I will tell you everything! "

"There is no nine hobbian?" Ye Tian still afraid of the first sentence, and then thought of the sword unparalleled, and he went to thank you: "Thank you for your point of view!"

At this time, he remembered it. It is a sword who is not double to find him, and asked: "I don't know what the predecessor is looking for a late generation, the kid is willing to help!"

"There is something you need to help, I don't know if you can cut love!" The sword was very euphemistic, did not grab, so many people looked at it, he also lost that person.

A six-knocked little guy got the beastist, he can buy it.

Throw a treasure with a treasure, you can provoke the bordering eyes, you want to buy a treasure from a small guy who is the Lord of the Six, you can say it is very simple.

Ye Tian listened is a heartbreel, he suddenly understood it, this is to force buy a strong sale!

Key, there is really a treasure that cannot be deprived.

That is his own life to the treasure, and he is also an indispensable treasure on the road. It is not to sell. Once the treasure is lost, his practice is almost the end.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, give more treasures, he is not willing to sell.

But in the face of strong, he can.

The sword is not a fool. .

This treasure, today is talking about it.

Look at the other person hesitantly, Hui Qing, quietly sounded: "Xiaoyou doesn't have to hesitate, we want the treasure is not your life to the treasure, just want you to get in the abyss!"

The treasure in the abyss?

Ye Tian stunned, then thought of the chi to get in the abyss.

A blood cloak.

No wind, the wind is incomparable.


When I first got, because of the Lord of the Ordinary Universe, the origin is strong enough, I can urge the treasure, and then I can't use it. Because the source of the curious treasure, he will split the Qilin armor. In the body, but the unicorn was taken away because of a battle.

After the sword is unparalleled, the brow is wrinkled.

The secret of the other party is a defeated family, does this source can't keep cultivating the source?


The battle was taken away.

The origin is stripped, and the unicolor is probably not the breath of the beast. Where is this going?

"If the predecessor is interested in the treasure, the old man is willing to give the original source to the predecessor, as for the Qilin's seven-robbery that is hobby, I have no way!" Ye Tian said carefully Take the beast God.

After handing it to the sword, you will check again.

The sword is unparalleled with blood red, and I thought of the super-treasure of him introduced him.

"Kirin" in one of the nine big beasts

It is a cloak.

Now there is only its own source, the unicorn is lost.

"I will be greedy, you will be a talent. I want to buy this kind of beast!" The sword has turned out a wooden box without double hand, and the other party also opened the box, introduced: "There is a sky-eyed spring bead, which has a help to you, and I think your strength has arrived a happy level. I have this spring, and I have a successful robbery!"

Originally, I have to go to the sky. After listening to the success rate of the seventh robbery, there is a round of round, and I have been busy, I have been too busy, I have forgotten to thank Xie Jian.

It is still the Lord of the abyss to alert: "Ye Tian is not a gift from the predecessors!"

"Thank you for your predecessors!" Ye Tianfang is moving, replacing a respectful face with admiration.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is not interested in this set. He is just a fair transaction, there is no need to put a look of Delide.

Although this world is unfair, the most fairness is the strongman.

Sometimes, after a certain level, there will be changed.

For example, Huiqing will be very small.

Tongtian Buddha is to break through the strength and fall into the magic.

As for himself, there is not much idea, just an ordinary trading.

Although it is possible to deceive, it is not necessary.

He clicked, it will provoke countless powerful opponents, and it should also be charged.

"Right, you will have to stay with me for a while, I need you to find which seven-bit robbery is looking back!" The sword has no double words, continue: "But will not let you After a loss, I can give you one or two in your practice. "

Ye Tianyi listened to it just took the lead, and he could let the owner of the abyss respectfully, give him a pointer to one or two. This is just that he has encountered the biggest opportunity encountered in recent years. If you don't think, I will agree directly. Down.

For this sword unparalleled, turned to the owner of the abyss: "Let's go, I should stay in you!"

"Where, you can come to Hanhe, this is my pleasure!" The Lord of the abyss is very humble, take the initiative to lead, with a sword to enter another core of the abyss time and space.

It is also the old nest of the owner of the abyss.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and after got the treasure, he hurried away.

The first line of Wu Zhi and others, let him worry.

Because exposed strength, I am afraid I will prepare for the life.

So you must be fast.

"Flow cloud boots!"

A pair of ancient green boots, which contains a dragon, and is the Qinglong in the nine beasts.

After getting this beast, he already had three and a half.

The unicorn cloak is still incomplete, but it is too fast, he personally goes to the horse, must recover.

The other party is a master of the seven-robbery universe, which is hiding.

If it is an emperor, I am afraid there will be some troubles, I need Hui Qing to have a fulfill, but a seven-robotic universe is not to hide.


Tearing space, they almost instantly got a giant peak time and space.

This place is a site of Juyang Xianzun.

Before he entered, he also notified it, no matter what to say, it is an acquaintance.

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