Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6078, you have changed!

"Go to the upstream time and space, you can go to the ancient tomb, you can also go to Tianjiao Palace, report me the name!"

"The elder, the late generation!"

Ye Tian's eyes were excited, and after deeply read the sword, he turned into the time and space tunnel.

This time, the two-piece beasts were bought from the practice of the practice.

Although it is strong to buy strong sale, he also gave each other enough benefit.

Should not be happy.

At least he thinks.

Originally, I was preparing to get away from the Lord of the slag, but when the other party said that Jianyang Xianzun promised, he was able to see a slight rays from the eyes of the slag.

That is concerned, and it is also faith.

So there is no mention of this matter, just give the opposite holiday.

Those treasures can help the slag hients to complete their dreams. .

"There is no double brother, you have changed!"

Looking at all, the face looked at him with a smile.

The sword is unparalleled: "Sometimes I think about it, I don't have any enemies at all, maybe I can sit down and flat, just like Ye Tian and the slag, the beast god soldier may be the key to the treasure, but active Let me, in fact, it is the leader, but I have to let them have no regret, still enough to pay, if I can give life to the life, I am afraid that each other will thank me! "

"Haha!" The last sentence, let Hui Qing laugh.

In fact, the Lord of Ye Tian and Slag is trying to do our best, there is one reason.

One is Ye Tian, ​​he is a finish.

Want to help each other or give a better environment.

The first Xuan and a teacher also helped him.

As for the Lord of the slag, it is different.

He saw the shadow of the king from the other side.

Two people are gone, but what they do is enough to admire.

The king of the king is very humble, even faced with a half of Beirut, and is insults, they are insulted, they don't dare to return, but also to move the rescue, and the final decision is not in their own hands, but North Time and Space, it is already low, still has countless fairy wolves stare.

The Lord of Standard, for the same division, even the owner of the universe of a six-hearted universe, is careful.

Different identities, different status, have a different experience.

This is also why he wants to help the other party.

Just didn't say it.

"Right, I just induced the breath of the pyramid, and Wu Zhi brothers should have not left the middle time and space!" Hui Qing suddenly thought of the breath just inherent, quickly reminded: "Now, now, we should go back together!" "


Immediately let Huiqing guidelines, he rushed to the junction of the middle and lower reaches.

Where is the pyramid!

Just the breath and the middle of time and space have been isolated.

The sword is unparalleled.

Still Hui Qing pushing.

Have to say, the Zen machine, the more obvious the post-late effect.

This is a treasure hunt, then you have to supply Hui Qing.

It is simply a goddess.

The sword was unparalleled and looked at Hui Qing and thought of the temple.

He really wants Hui Qing to show how the temple is, after all, still do not ask.

So simple things, I can't think of it?

Either I can't predict, because the existence of the life, so that the downstream time and space is confusing, it cannot be predicted.

Either is predicting bad things.

Finally will take one.

He is more hope to be the former.

During the life is for him.

Should not push the temple.

Pingdo, he would not have to come back.

Go directly to the world to continue.

Temple of staying, still in order to keep him.

Forced him to achieve its own promise.

Returning to the temple!

After you have the gods, he can go beyond the limit at any time, and the speed is naturally doubled.

Only a few days, I came to the intersection of the middle and lower reaches.

From the middle to downstream, it is very simple to him.

With the wave!

Go counter!

The strong people in the middle time and space are rarely going downstream.

Downstream time and space, there is more than 100 tributines, but in these tributies, there are few people in the universe.

The tributary where the original universe is located is even more universe.

Take millions of era of ethics now.

There should be a lot of universe of the universe.

Before they left, the business became a robbery.

As long as you don't fall, you are now at least a five hobbian or the Lord of the Six-hearted universe.

The potential of business, he is still recognized.

In addition to him and Hui Qing, it is definitely a ponder in the heritage inheritance.

Bao Sikuo, if it is fine, you can reach hexack.

If you have to go upstream time and space, your achievements are never legged.

At the very least, it is seven-robbery, or even an eight knocked.

Hui Qing became an eight-minded because the celestial woman scattered his source and gave Hui Qing.

But the bottom of the merchant is much smoldering than they, and millions of era in upstream time and space, plus the championship of the king, and it is not difficult to become eight hobbies.


The other party left for them.

At the beginning, he took so many people, and the temple was in the heart of the Shenshen, and he had not taken a strong force.

If the merchant leaves, then the Temple is no longer ahead.

The four major temples are all , there is no rising space, not the tribener, and finally will be lonely.

The practitioner is stronger.

They are weakening.


Through the angled river, the sword is unparalleled to see the look of downstream time and space.

Hundreds of tributaries spread to the quartet.

Unparalleled spectacular.

The downstream is in the middle, the space is larger.

It's just a wilderness.

The tributary is also very small.

Survive space, smaller.

But the overall space is the largest.

It is ten times more shorter than in the middle.

Ber, which is larger than the upstream time and space.

The space is big, it is not good.

This will make the power of the source are relatively thin.

This is the reason for the next time and space.

The upstream time and space, small space, and the power of the source is relatively strong.

In fact, there is also an improvement method, that is, it is refining the origin of the downstream time and space.

Just this is too difficult.

The universe can't do it.

Don't say that I will refine hundreds of time and space, it is difficult to cut a whole.

With this kung, it is better to light your own universe.

The sword is unparalleled to waste this time, do this silly thing.

Don't say that the king is willing to cut love, even if you come with treasures, he is not willing.

Refining downstream time and space becomes its own homepower, it can improve the integrated strength.

This is a precedent.

Northern time and space, but the rest of time is!

That is a special existence, itself is the super power in the universe.

Then refine the origin in the time and space, the strength has reached the point where it is unpredictable, and it is absolutely strong in the stars.

He is still heard from the Visteet.

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