Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6079 Death Gate!

It is too far away from him.



The pyramid feels that he is moving with Hui Qing.

Wu Zuo took the lead in and saw that he didn't work with Hui Qing, it was relieved.

"Why do you stop here?"

"Hey, don't mention it, go in front!" Wu Zaizhi sighed, pointed to the front: "I will know if you see you."

The sword is unparalleled, and the moment is in the future.

Where is the juncture of the downstream time and space, pass through the knot, can reach downstream.

It is just a step away from the hometown world.

But when he saw the knot, it was stunned.

It should have been a junction of time and space, but it becomes black. .

Gate of death?

The sword is unparalleled in an instant, I thought of a magical scene that I heard.

Represents the nesting of death.

I will fall.

Wu Zuo should also know, otherwise it has been trickled.

"The child playing the game, the life is trying to be used to calculate me, it seems that he is ready!" He is just slightly surprised, it is not too much.

The door of death, listening to scary.

In fact, it is just that.

If it is ran, the power of life will be swallowed.

The direct fallen of weaknesses.

Seven robbers will make life fat, but it does not affect the power.

If Wu Zhi, Wu Yi people travel through, it should be isolated by the pyramid, there will be no things.

Even if you don't have a pyramid, wear more than you have lost some life, then contaminated with death.

This is more troublesome and needs to be taken carefully.

An accident, it may harm the source.

Wu Zuo is not allowed to take this, so I stopped, mainly I want to wait for the sword.

This is in this heart.

"He can't look for us, or what?"

The sword is unparalleled, and he is a little in a time.

It seems that I haven't seen it.

The door of death, dealing with the universe of the seven-robbery, but wants to calculate him, there is more bad!

"What do you mean?" Classic Wusong did not understand, and he looked at him with a strange look.


The sword is unparalleled to open the nephew, lightly: "Nothing, just take it!"

"Just waiting for you this sentence!"

Used is also welcome, just walking directly.

At this time, everyone in the pyramid came out.

It is about to enter the downstream time and space, they can't sit.

! ! ! !

One by one, just like the first time and space.

Just this time, they stand together.


The first mouth comes from the downstream time and space, everyone can't help but remember.

"I am back!" Wu Zuo can't help but shout, scared everyone.

There is no goodness to say: "If you come back, you call so loudly?"

"How?" Wu Zuo turned his head and was a day. "Walking so far, come back, can't shout!"

The sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing is not to pay two people, but use mental power to explore the whole downstream.

Simple naked eye, can't see something.

Only by using mental exploration can only be seen in the clear eyes.

The whole downstream time is shrouded in a black fog.

Death taste.

Although the black mist rises.

"The wind is with chill!" The sword didn't have a double reach, but it didn't have a smoking. He turned to look at the pyramid, "Baba Tower, go to the temple, how long does it take, Luke?"

I have just visited the temple, I have discovered the temple, there is no change, or in the original position.

Just outside the original universe, there is no inheritor of the temple.

I want to come, I have reached the point of shrinkage.

Inside the pyramid, Baba fly out, suspended in half empty, respectful: "The owner, the distance from the god of the temple, the pyramid requires an era! There is no obstacle on the way, and there is no danger. "

"Too slow!" The sword shook his head without double.

There is no way to get downstream too much.

Although the speed of the pyramid is fast, it is also an era.

However, one thing is better than in the middle, that is, you can freely shuttle.

The downstream time and space, the power of the source is weak.

Space and time are relatively weak.

Can be changed at will.

Of course, I have to see who has changed.


Everyone looked very surprised to watch the sword.

The rest of the gods, the rest did not know, today I saw that he had burst of more than 20 million, and it had been able to change the time and space, and he couldn't help but absorb a cold air.

I thought that the sword was too late to hide too deep, it was not revealed before.

"Just, it is beyond 20 million power!" Wu Zhi's voice was shaking, and he was shocked by the sword unparalleled.

The rest is true.

The brightness of the light and shadow and the backbone of the bone.

The gap that was originally considered has been reduced, and the at least arrived in the same realm is the Lord of the seven-robbery universe.

How to look at it now, the gap is bigger.

Their will have no more than 10 million.

The sword is unparalleled directly to more than 20 million.

There is also a good breath that can't hear the swallowing water, which is unable to breathe by his powerful shock.

"Why do you do it, come in!"

I heard his shouts, everyone reacted, and stepped in.

Original sword is unparalleled, ready to be low, slowly fly over.

But I have come to the downstream time and space, he can't wait to go back to the temple to see how the situation is now, the sure is not concealed, and the time and space is changed.

At the same time, the gods are also exposed.


When everyone appeared again, they have already arrived at the temple they are familiar with.

The intersection of the big company and the Tongtian Buddhism "big defect"

The temple is situated here.

Recall the year!

Once a case, the wind turns.

He was chasing Hui Qing by the billion army.

Wanjun from it, the sword is unparalleled from the north to the south, and she has escaped from Hui Qing.

Because of a trip to Bodhi, stepped into his heart practitioners, but woke up the trophy of the starry sky and mastered the way.

After breaking through the big fairy, Hui Qing is also a step nine.

They all have their own way.

Today, step by step.

Looking back, it is already yesterday.

This is not much lost.

The original universe has also changed a lot.

Especially the surrounding the temple.

Because it is very close to the temple.

Plus the threat of the Magic Lord.

The big company is gone.

Tongtian Buddhism is gone.

It is empty around.

The depths of the big downtown, the place where the sword is unparalleled, also disappeared.

That is everything he once.

Nothing now.

More far, there is only a battle of war fortress, countless tribers, and the righteous tiger is staring at the temple.

These practitioners are the downstream local tribeters.

After entering the downstream time and space, he found that hundreds of time and space in hundreds of people were accounted for the death of the world.

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