Sword Master of All Dao

The 6080th chapter has been waiting, you!

Naturally, the entire downstream spatant practice will cultivate its own claw.

It is also ridiculous.

These practitioners are actually playing the slogan of murdering foreign practitioners, sieving the temple.

As everyone knows, they will really die.

The distance is far away, he felt the power from the death of the death of the Hall, which is interferes with the origin of the entire downstream time and space, has always eroded the entire downstream.

This is a cancer!

Just as everyone recalled, an angry came from afar.

"The power of the temple came out, and he kill the rebellious!"


Just instantly, a team tribeman rushed to this direction.

Ten teams, a two-hobby, nine.

These people are the practitioners of the downstream time and space, even the practitioners in the original universe. .

Nowadays, I have to start with the sword.

A unknown fire, the sword is unparalleled, just a time, it will be stationary.

The whole void begins.

The practitioners who rushed to rushing were not perceived, and their body is disappearing.

Until thoroughly lost awareness, I knew that I was falling.


Static space, moment is broken.

In the edge of the void, a huge face appeared.

He glanced at everyone and finally looked at the sword.

"You finally come back!"



Atmospheric collision.

Trial in again, let the balance of both sides have arrived at the vertices.

People who are interested in swords are not in danger.

"Don't worry, come slowly!" The voice of the life, "I have spread throughout the time and space," The day of your return, it is the day of the Temple of the Temple to launch the Temple. If you still have the same, do a shortement Turtle, then hiding in the god hall, never come out! "

This time, the sword is unparalleled without avoidance.

He stared at the life and shouted: "I will wait for you!"

At this moment, it gradually.

The true spirits in the ,

A familiar figure, watching him tears.

How many years.

One another era has passed, he will give up.

Fan Tianfeng, the first returned, did not know how many years, he thought that other people will come back soon.

But I am afraid that I will step back to Fan Tianfeng's rear dust.

I have been tangled in my heart.

Now I have seen the sword unparalleled with the hardship hard, and I have a bottom gas.

Waiting for it, he waited for too long.

The sword is unparalleled is a little curious, why is it afraid that he hodes?

It was first hiding in the god hall, that is his strength.

At that time, I have just rehabilitated and the strength is not good.

This has been over for so many years.

How to die, afraid he hodes?

Is it so strong?

Can you block the life?

He is a little less sure, this is to ask the true spirit.

Dry back.

Zhenling appeared.

Thinking of the scene that didn't give you another, how similar is it.

One will become a thousand bones!

The true spirit did not believe.

The sword is unbelievable.

This time, they still have a complete return.

If it is not Fan Tian Feng privately come back, plus the true Wuyang has changed too much from Wuliu Shenmu.

He can make people returning.

But now it is enough.

Learn to return, vow to be a Dragon Slayer!

"came back?"

After meeting, the true spirit is not so excited, some are just ateenate.

It can look back at the sword.

He is very happy.

This is his biggest reality in these years.

The sword is unparalleled, and he has hope.

"Come back!" Everyone was at the same time.

Zhenling wants to laugh, but the face is with tears, and the sound is hoarse. "It is good to come back, come back to save!"

"walk home!"

I went home, so that everyone couldn't help.

In the upstream time and space, there is no sense of acquiring.

At this moment, here is home.

The sword is unparalleled, the home has not been defeated, and now only the temple is left!

The temple opened.

Everyone followed the most familiar place with the true spirit.

Four major secrets.

Change a lot.

People have changed much.

The strong is more.

The original Temple and the death of the Shenshen are the situation of five five.

Later, the front of the front contraction was finally contracted.

All entered the temple.

This has not been brought in.

After entering the Temple of the Temple, the Lord of the universe cannot be improved.

Fortunately, the universe of the universe got all the universe.

Otherwise, it will be destroyed by the soul of the world.

Tomb Mountain!

The true spirit took them, first went to the tomb mountain.

At the place where left.

Tomb in front of the tomb.

Like the original, everyone worships!

"I know that you will come back, I finally hoped today!" After the real spirit recovered, he was strong and excited: "You know how many years I have waited for this day, how many years?"

He looked back at everyone, and said a word: "I have waited for the time of 5 million era, just wait today, blow the counterattack horn!"

The true spirits make a hand.

A huge map appeared in front of everyone.

"Look here!" He pointed with a red mark and said: "This is the location of the Shenshen!"

There are a lot of dark-red markers around the red marker.

It is obviously a huge war fortress, waiting for them to clear.

"When Fan Tianfeng returned, I was very happy. I also pointed to her. Unfortunately, she didn't return!" I really sighed, "I won't return it, where is there!"

"I don't want you to follow her back!" True Spirit said: "This time, it must be completely prepared, but it is also the time to tell you all the secrets of the Temple, because this is the last chance!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is the greatest relief of the temple.

The true spirit should also let go.

He turned his head and looked at everyone and won one one in the past.


At the beginning of our self, the origin of this Temple will begin to refine this temple.

Why do you need to refine?

This all know that it is great to make the inheritance of the god.

actually not.

There is also a reason.

That is to prevent one person!


Delicious and destroy cooperation, this is not fake.

For so many years, the true spirit has also groped useful information.

But why do you want to defense?

Since all cooperation, why should he be defeated, and it has made a true spiritualization.

A true spirit that is not the same as the fate arranged by the gods.

Isn't this giving yourself?

True Spirit is doubting yourself.

He was almost in the case.

However, he got the answer from the heart of the devil.

When the sword is unparalleled, the heart of the sword has changed everything.


One, is not a person.

The heart is different.

This is the reason for the failure of the robbery.

There are two sides, you know.

But no one can cut two sides.

But Dizhen did it.

He cut his greed and cut it.

That is, the way to swallow.

On your own kindness, left it to the temple.

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