Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6081 has been winning

He will be the temple as a back.

So will prevent the destruction.

Therefore, it is a place where it is, it is unable to enter the temple.

On the other side of the life, it is to swallow a way.

Although cutting, it did not give up.

Three big magic.

Mountain Jun, Ancient Jun, Magic Jun.

It can also be fused again.

This is his cooperation with the life. .

It is because this reason is for this reason.

Two side of the treasure.


Too raped.

Whoever wins is the same for gods.

Anyway, he is the biggest winner.

Successful, master the reincarnation, the god can completely recover.

The true spirit won, then he continued his back, and the temple will certainly be great again.

The most critical is that he knows that it is dead.

So defeating the life is the god of life.

Death is swallowing life and cast it back.

Life is ended, and it can also be cast.


It's a numb!

Everyone listened to it.

"It's really a root dog, I will open my eyes again!" Wu Zuo can't help but exclaimed: "I didn't expect the Master to be so perfect, I really admired!"

The true spirit is smile, "nor does it look at who, or I can so smart? I inherit the wisdom of the gods, not as three magic, one stupid, now ........ .. "

I am talking about the opening, but I think of the relationship between the sword and the mountains, and he does not say more.

"What is the strength of the world?"

The sword is unparalleled, but asked the story of the Temple of the World.

As for the gods, he guess the seven or eight eight, now listening to it.

The only one that makes him accidentally, the god can be able to inside life.

Is this still a half-step?

Ability to block the star empty.

Simply incredible.

I am afraid there is a secret that is not saying, but unfortunately I don't know.

He is really curious, how can he be able to constrain a starry sky?

The true spirit heard him, and he would make everyone changed a place.

There is no change in the past, or on the top of the tomb.

Guan Yunting.

Everyone landed.

! !

They just sat down, a familiar figure came, with a strange woman.


The sword is unparalleled, and there is a smile.

Dongsheng and finishing are also gathered together, which can be an old man.

"I haven't seen you for a long time!" Hui Qing also got up.

It's a little swelling in U., I looked at the legs, I turned to a strange woman next to a business, surprised: "This Taoist's strength is so strong, I have never seen it, it is difficult to pass the second generation By?"

"Cough!" The true spirits did a cough. Let's take it! "

Millions of era past, more and more built.

So, this is the same, so many years, there is no change, still so calm, it is a headed figure of the year of the year.

It is also the pride of the leaders in the practitioner, the pride of the inheritor.

Seeing the sword without double returning, he changed the normal state, and he was excited. But still pressed excited heart, solemnly said: "Her name is Luo, is the lower part of the Suzaki Temple!"


"Zhu Xue Temple"! "

"Doctors !!!!!"

The strength of the other party, the sword didn't look at it, and the top of the seven robbery was strong.

Small age.

Through a variety of causations, he saw the other party's life.

In fact, the time of practice is not more broken.

She came from other time and space, and the Temple of Sheki is expanding, and the number of tributines will be occupied.

The business is also encountered "Luo!" At that time.

At that time, Luo is already the Lord of the universe. She is resistant to Shang, and later, the two came together, they came together.

"I have seen it!" Luo slowly slammed, leaking a smile.

It looks beautiful.

Follow this scene and think of your own aesthetic, you have an extraordinary!

"In the lower sword, I haven't paired, I have seen it!"

"In the original universe, Dongsheng!"

"In the original universe, the color!"

"In the next day Buddha world, Hui Qing!"

Also they are so polite.

The rest of the person has reported a name.

After knowing each other, the true spirit has an eye to the business, and the schematic can begin.

"About the Shenshen of the World ...." Story began to say about the Temple of the Temple.

From them, they have just left until now, all said.

When the sword is unparalleled, the number of strong people who have killed the temple will be almost the same.

However, the Dizhen Temple in that time has developed a era.

The Temple of the World is just beginning, and it will be able to play with the Dynasty.

The follow-up gap will be opened.

When the Temple is still competing for those resource points, the power of the Temple of the Temple is in a closed custom.

The number of strong people, almost every era is doubled.

When the gap is the greatest, it is still the world.

Six struggle.

Almost destroyed the Zongmen forces outside the Temple.

It is good to break through the business.

From a robbery to the six robbery, only a few erases.

This is surpassing everyone.

Also let everyone look at the merchants again, not so arrogant.

They can have a chanting of kings.

Commercial can fight out.

"Magic!" Comoring: "When the magic is coming, we ......."

The words are heavy.

Even if it is a day, I will pay tribute.

At the beginning of the battle.

Falling a lot of people.

Many of them are their friends.

For example, "Quarter Chaoyang!"

Ji Chaoyang, who has just become the master of the universe, burying himself in order to cover the emperor and retreat.

Being the gods of the devil, even the corpse capital can not leave.

Hui clearly heard here, both hands were all ten in the quarter of the soul of the Buddha.

I also recalled in front of the time to get along with the other party.

The Magic will break away from the suppression of the original universe, so that the strength of the death of the world is completely transcended to the temple.

Later, it was still to resist.

The front of the front is also shrinking.

It is until contracted to the inside of the temple.

"What is the strength of the devil now?" He seemed that Shang and Luo were the Lord of the seven-robbery universe, and the true spirit also made two people as a successor, and the strength is not weak.

This can't stop the magic?

Not reasonable!

It's hard to fight, the magic monarch is integrated with the mountain?

The merchant also saw that the sword is unparalleled, and explains: "The most terrible enemy of the Temple of the Temple is not a magic, but Brole and ginger!"

These two people will follow the monette of the temple.

However, he (she) is stronger.

It has reached the half-step eight hobby level.

In addition, the Temple of the Diwandry also has ten devils.

Each has a top-hidden battle force.

On the temple of the anti-view, only two of the two seven-robbery universe.

There are no fewers in the Lord of the Six-Bombia Universe.

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