This gap is really too big.


For the swords and other people, those who are so-called sacrifices will be worth mentioning.

The seven-robbery in the district is not even eight hobbies.

You don't need a sword where you have no double shots, anyone in them can be crushed throughout the temple.

The sword is really worried or dying.

Not interested in these claws.

"There is no eight hobbies?" Wu Zuo frowned, sigh: "I thought that there was something that I had to go out, I didn't even have an eight-minded!"

Looking at the appearance of Wu Zuo, the sword has nothing to say.

It is indeed the same as they think.

How is it also a starry sky, and even an eight knobs have not been cultivated.

Some said that it can't.

Give a few million era of the king, the eight hobbies can cultivate a group.

During the life, it is not a short introduction!

How can I even have an eight robbery?

The true spirit, but I feel somewhat embarrassed. It seems that they are very rubbish, even the seven-robbery they can't solve it, don't say eight hobbies.

In particular, it is more disappointed expression on the face of Wu Zhi and others.

"I understand, you have a trick, the opponent below the eight knocked, is not in the eyes!" The true spirit glanced at everyone, hurriedly said: "Tell, what is your strength now?" "

In fact, you don't need to ask, he can also see that everyone is not general.

Especially the sword is unparalleled and Hui Qing, at all, at all, the least is half-step, and even the super powerful.

Like Zuo Zhi, each of them exudes the breath of seven-robbery, and the power fluctuations are more than two million.

The merchant is also curious about everyone.

The two are the Lord of the seven-robbery universe, and it can also see that everyone is different.

"Cough!" Wu Zuo has cough two times, clear the clear and clear: "General, just get some inheritance, become the Lord of the seven-robbery universe, it is also awkward, the business does not go upstream time and space, It can become the Lord of the seven-robbery universe, and they are somewhat like eating dry rice. "

"Wu Zu brother is too polite, although everyone is the Lord of the seven-robbery universe, but the gang gap can be seen!" The business is very modest, but seeing the people so calm expression, the bottom of the heart, this time It's really a success.

Waiting for countless rescue finals.

Pulling the death of the world, is imminent!

Luo is also very curious. She can see that everyone is the Lord of the seven-robbery, but they don't think they are in their own body. Everything feels like a mountain, can't peek.

It is clear that it is the same, but it feels a lot.

Especially the two people in Wu Zuo, the two people, the light, see each other, all see a abyss.

As for the sword, unparalleled and Hui Qing, all arrived on the extreme restraint, just feel that temperament is not usually, it does not see the breath of a power.

The true spirit, although he is the palm of the temple, you can also see that Wu Zuo and the ancestors are not general, far more powerful than the seven-robbery universe he saw, but from the sword unparalleled Hui Qing did not see anything.

Either surpass them too much, or cultivate a secret law that covers a breath.

"Okay, don't talk about it first, you can come back, you are a great blessing of my , today I don't talk about the things of the life, I have let the dragon are ready for the dinner, you must celebrate!" The spirit has an unprecedented, and there is a lot of faces.

There is no feeling in many years.

Although the threat of the sterility is still, it is not bad for a two days, and the sword is unparalleled, and the opening: "I don't know, the original familiarity, there are still a few people!"

"You have a batch of the inheritor, it is indeed a few!"

Virtual eye flourish.

The location of the dinner is in the heavens, not the tomb mountain.

This location is also not suitable for air.

Come to the heaven again.

Looking at it, I have already turned into the earth.

Yuanyang Palace is still there.

But those people are not there.

Today, Yuanyang Palace, exceeding the four temples, became the first forces of the temple.

The inheritors of the tomb will be more than.

Because the hecture of the heritage has increased a lot, the strong, but the number is rare.

Yuanyang Palace, but he walked with a non-class route. At the beginning, there was a lot of robbery.

The current palace master is Luo!

Luo is also the Yuanyang Palace that came into the original.

Business is the leader of the tomb mountain and the leader of the whole temple.

As for the four temples, I have long been chaos, and the original halls of the temples have returned to the scenes, they have some trivial things.

Today's four temples are the Lord of the Six-Bombia Universe.

Even the church of Yuanyang Palace is six robbers.

Everyone got into Yuanyang Island and took into the main hall.

There are also a lot of familiar faces, but more or unfamiliar faces.

After all, it was just a time of the era.

Behind the precipitation of millions of era.

In the familiar figure, most of them are also ordinary robbery, some are still emands.

Under the washing of several million era, there is a master of the universe, and there is also a frustrated person.

When they see the sword unparalleled, when the hero is in general, the eyes leak out.

A bunch of shines on the rays of the first generation inheritors.

Prove that they have experienced the years.

The inheritor from the original star was originally opened.

Experience the adventure of all kinds, four secrets, and the threat of the Temple of the Temple.

Holding the light on them.

These lights have appeared on the body of the sword.

"Wanxing, if you are still alive, how good!" A lonely woman saw the brilliance of the sword unparalleled and others, I thought that the Wansu Jun, who was columnless with the sword, etc.

Unfortunately, it has fallen.

In addition to these frustrated old inters, there are some young inheritors with embarrassing or non-embarrassing, even the second generation of the inheritor.

They don't look at the sword.

"Is this a person who is really equal?" The strong people in the four temples can't help with the whispers: "How do I feel that their power is very general!"

"No, it is suppressed and powerful, I see that the weakers in these people are seven-robbery, and they are almost like the palace owners. They can't wait for such a long time. They have been thinking about them, and there are some Young inheritors have seen the extraordinary of swords and unparalleled people, and the shadow of the invisible pressure is not ordinary.

The top of the temple.

The six sides of Yuanyang Palace Six Six Dabans were separated from the four major temples.

Each is a super power in hexack.

It is a top ten magic will be in the standard.

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