Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6089 will take four secrets

Magic Region is still there.

Big summer is no longer.

He is still in the trend of the field, and many memories have been left at the beginning.

The emperor who once pretended to be big, and I have also spoiled with the White Jun.

I have also encountered the chart of the three Wang Ting.

It's just that it is a person, no acquaintance.

After being reshaped by the flesh, the Bai Jun Wang was falling.

There is also the original Mono's older, which is the owner of the monk owner, but left his life in the Magic State.


The sword is unparalleled.

Turned and left the ground.

He didn't go directly to the heaven, but went to the original star.

The Suzaki Temple is still here.

In the dark red hall, the portrait is in a hurry.

Today's Zhu Xue Temple, but a person who has a bad person, although there is no Xin Jiu's strong battle, there is a unique means, the four temples, the Shuque Temple is a temple in the rear of Ange, now the comprehensive battle Forces, it is a good white tiger temple, and it is also very good.

This is all because of today's temple.


The little girl of the quarter.

He has to meet the scene of the other party for the first time.

The small niece of the quarter, now is now the Lord of the peak universe.

The past is tender and light, but now it is stable with domineering.

The sword is unparalleled through the main hall, just glanced at each other.

In the tomb mountain, it has not been old with the other party, it is separated.

Now returns to the Temple of Zhuque, it is already in the place of being placed.

It is indeed a lot of mature.

If it is before, it must be forwarded to him, and he is cold.

Perhaps because of the big responsibility, the original character has been put down.

Through the main hall, he didn't bother the other party, just stopped a sulf of the Hall of the Temple, "Have this mustard to your temple!"

"Well?" Which of which was scared, was a strong strong, he just felt a little blurry in his mind, just like receiving an unable to resist the task, he was stunned to hold the mustard Holding a Hall of the Trump.

After giving the mustard to the season, I woke up.

"This mustard, who is gave you?" Season No frost just checked something in the mustard, and the pupil is magnified, some can't believe it is true.

Which of the restored Zhuzu Temple deacon, seeing himself in the temple, and the palace is still asking, it is still awkward, but it is still unfortunately to say the strange things they encounter.

The season without frost, I understand, I originally calmed down, and I lost a clear eye, whispering, said: "I know, let's take it first!"

"Yes!" The deacon of the Shuque Temple dared to believe that the sound of just sent from the main mouth of the temple, and he slowly retracted.

At the same time, I am also curious. What is going on to let the temple leak a gentle side, he thinks that the temple is always cold.

The people in the hall are busy, only the main seasons of the temple have a frost, and they turn around to look at the temple, but they have not seen the familiar figure.

In the end, I just sighed, I took the mustard and continued to be busy.

At this time, the sword has left the front of the Shuque Temple.

The Temple of Sukark, there is also a hide.

There is no practitioner here, it is .

It is the predecessor of the Suzaki Temple.

Zhu Yifang is here.

Just he came here, not looking for Zhu Yi, but looking for Zhu Qi.

This mountain is old.

When the Mountain of the Mountain gnone, he should also come to see.

He came back and has not seen her.

After all, it is just an emperor, and now I have no use of the Temple.

They stayed in Zhu Xue Temple, now just busy some minions.

Even if Zhu Yifang is also.

The sword is quiet, quietly enters a branch, Zhu Qi is here.

Some volumes are being organized at this time.

I am busy, I didn't find that the sword is unparalleled.

Still because the sword is unparalleled to block the light of the candle, she is busy looking up.

"Is you?" Zhu Qi shouted: "The sword is unparalleled?"

She can't believe it.

When the sword was unparalleled with many people disappeared, he learned that it was to go to the outside world, and there was no news from which there was no news today, and it was difficult to believe in the past.

"I haven't seen you for a long time!" The sword has no double missing smile.

Zhu Qi was busy gotting down the water.

The two are relatively, I have been talking for a long time.

Of course, people talking is still the mountain.

Also from the other side, let the sword have repeatedly realized the mountain.

Don't see him to visit these, and there is no relationship with the overall situation.

In fact, he is understanding this battle.

Understand the mountains.

It is equivalent to understanding the death of the gods.

From Zhu Qikou, and his own understanding, he can't believe that the mountain is the obstacle to the god.

Or, swallow the avenue, not a evil door.

Not so unbearable.

Perhaps the wrong is just a person who is god.

Talking for a long time, he left.

Unfortunately, Zhu Qi is just a puppet, he can't help it for the time being.

In the future, you can help the other part to change a stronger flesh, or a stronger source, let her live like a person.

Four major temples, he turned to visit.

Going to the white tiger hall, just is not very familiar with the white, just simple cold.

The Qinglong Temple is also the same.

Only to the Xuanwu Hall, he stayed for a long time.

Talking to the Xuanwu Temple for a long time.

"At the beginning, did he say this?"

"Thousands of true, the predecessor is actually just passing by the temple. He went to the depths of the original universe, saying that it is necessary to find someone, with my name, and give a mile!"

Xuan said here, I suddenly thought of anything, I quickly took out a small box, said: "Which predecessor is to give you something, saying that when you take the initiative to see me, let me give you! "

"Thank you!" The sword won't pass.

The hands are then a wooden box, his eyes change.

In the strangeness of Xuan Yi, he left the Xuanwu Temple.

The teacher said the depths of the universe, is his hometown, but unfortunately everything is gone.

After experiencing these swords, there is a long-awaited, and the teacher who is going to do, he has been guess.

In the past, he thought that his mysterious master, perhaps a big energy to reincarnate, need him to help.

Later, I met again in Sanyang Ting, and he thought that the teacher had to pay him to him.

Today, I gave him this wooden box.

He took it in his hand and didn't open for a long time.

When you take the initiative to meet the main people of Xuanwu?

When he was in Daojun, he would see the Lord of Xuanwu.

This is something, I am afraid it is not a treasure.


His a long time, he carefully opened the box.

The wooden box is opened, and a token is lying quietly.

The top of the starry sky is written.

" !"

Two ancient words, at the moment he visited, a powerful percentage covered his breath.

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