Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 609, the courage given by Master

It's just a look, it is a trembling of his own origin.

Refining the existence of this token, I am afraid that it is much more powerful.

At least it is the universe.

Or is a starry sky in the starry sky!

Even the candidate "Zamas" did not give him such a big impact.

If he looks straight into this token when he is Daojun, is it directly shocking?

"No!" The sword is unparalleled, "It seems that teachers have long, they will come today!"

He has no reason not to doubt this problem.

After all, after this level, I still can't see the realm and identity of the teacher, I will be as naive in his imagination.

Thinking of this, he is indeed directly to explore this token directly.

Missing has just entered the token.

A simple text appeared in his mind.

"If you encounter difficulties, you can crush the token, someone will help you solve everything!"

"Solve everything?" The sword was unparalleled and whispered, and the eye hole was also rusted.

It is possible to say this to him, and there is only your own master.

Like a giant tree.

Block everything for him.

Carefully incorporate the source.

It is also a rare base sign.

But to crush the token, there is only one chance.

He will not use it easily.

Or when he accepts it, he did not think about it.

Now, he doesn't need to cover the wind and rain, everything is going to pay.

I am afraid to war to the last breath.

I thought here, his eyes were firm, and the figure was flashing again, and it was already in the heaven.

Four major secrets.

Only the brightness of the heavens makes him comfortable.

Especially in the Tianyang Lake in the heavens.

I found a quiet grassland. He sat alone, took out a pot of wine and drinked, very comfortable.

Nowadays, the temple is full.

There are very few such secluded places.

Three days, he only used the day to visit the acquaintance.

In the rest of the two days, I sat in a daze.

Don't practice.

This is the slowest two days he passed, and I feel that time is passing.

In the past, a cultivation is calculated in a million years.

Quick down now, I feel the precious time.

The disadvantage of the hidden is because the feelings will not be able to card in the bottleneck.

This is his two days.

Suddenly, so, feel the mystery of time, but it is more useful than him cultivating 100,000 years.

"Time, not how much you have, but how do you use it!"


He got upright, slightly closed.

When I opened my eyes again, I have already arrived at God.


Ten gods. .

The four major palays.

The six halls of Yuanyang Palace.

And the merchant and Luo, all of them.

In the center of the road, there is a long table.

The top ten gods sat opposed to the four temples.

The merchant is sitting in front of the long table, one left and right.

In the middle, there is a vacancy, which is left to the true spirit.

Now they all come together, they will be a truth.

I don't know this little old man, run.

After waiting for a while, the true spirit is in a hurry.

"People are aligned, then go directly!" The true spirits were sitting down, this time is not in camouflage, the seat is his arrangement, and now, he is boss.

At this time, I got up at this time, take a piece of jade and put it into the long table, and the desktop has directly shown the map of downstream time and space.

"Please see, this is the map of the long river, the red mark is the position of the death of the Shenshen strong, and if we are looking for the Shi Shen, then you have to remove these positions!"

The discussion on the details, the sword is unparalleled and others listen to the clouds, this they really don't understand.

But it is also a necessary competition.

Otherwise, when you have a big battle, the source they can mobilize will be very small.

The light is the first step, it is negotiated that it is finalized for a long time.

The pioneer of the extent is to remove several magic domains of the original universe.

The strong people who stationed in the original universe have three seven-hidden universe.

This task is handed over to the fourth God of "no day!"

The three seven-torn universe of the universe, the most powerful, there is less than 3 million, and there is a good resolution day.

The rest of the thing is actually almost the beginning.

It is the sword unparalleled and others to go to the head, and the rest is given to the four temples and Yuanyang Palace.

Since the respective tasks are allocated.

Red tag on the desktop, one by one is removed.

Leave the Headquarters Headquarters.

Time, I also slowly said: "Once you do it, I will move the Temple to the Temple of the Temple, waiting for your news, and put all the strong people of the Temple of the Temple to the Hall. "

"No. 1 threat, killing!"

This people who are here know.

Just for the fighting force of the life, except for the sword, few people know.

"The sword is unparalleled, let you talk about it!" Zhen Ling know that it is not parallel to the sword, so let the sword are unparalleled to explain the strength of the life.

Originally the sword is unparalleled, you are not ready to tell the truth, so as not to move the military.

But if you want to think, if you don't say it, do you have a few young and blue?

However, it is not possible to explain the identity of the life.

Sorctive speech is concise: "I just want everyone to remember, in addition to me and Hui, everyone must stay away from the life, this is not your opponent, your opponent is the strong people in the Shenshen."

This is a bit simple, but it is also a little arrogant.

"Warrior brother, you have no exaggeration, a small killing, he can go to, don't use this!" Wu Zuo I felt something dissatisfied with a little, he just blocked the third God.

How do you not let him also show him in addition to Hui Qing?

The sword is unparalleled, but it is very strong: "I will sit in the middle of the town. If I am not enemy, let you go, not late!"

"This?" Wu Zuo is somewhat embarrassing.

If the sword is unparalleled, let them go to death?

Sorctivity is nothing more.

It is a little hesitial, but there is no opening.

The battle is a big event.

Purchase is not discussed.

The true spirit is almost the same, and the handle of the knockching chair is knocked. "Then I decided, I'm going to appear, I am from the first God's sword, if I can't add the second God is clear! "

After the things that have been done.

There are two threats in the Temple of Known.

That is ginger and brolen.

These two people are from the temple, but they are the biggest threat.

"I am coming!" Hui Qing took the initiative to gain your life.

Ginger is his disciple, this thing is to do.

The sword is unparalleled, I want to get a little, but after seeing Hui Qing, he will take a deep breath, say: "I agree!"

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