Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6091 has arrived!

At this time, he can only say these.

I know that a few people are also a few people.

If you let others solve the ginger, you may have messy the heart, it is better to let Hui Qing yourself.

It is nothing to see if there is any opinion, this thing is fixed.

However, Brole, but it fell on Zhuang Zhi.

This time, no one dare to sweep the left.

After saying the top three, the threat of the Temple of the Temple of Due to the Temple of Temple, there is also a magic and mountain monarch.

Gu Qun is still in the temple.

It was pressed against the true spirit.

The two swallowed the way of swallowing the magical king, handed over to the merchant.

By the fourth God ofform, if there is any enemy, he will help.

The rest of the people should respond to the sudden situation. After all, no one dares to say that there is no other power of the Shenshen.

"I announced the law and the law, tomorrow, tomorrow, immediately toned the army to prepare!" Zhenling got up, solemn announcement!

Everyone also followed up, and the face was serious.


The merchant and Luo have four temples to leave with the strong people of Yuanyang Palace, preparing for things.

The top ten gods left all left.

They have no soldiers in their hands.

This is also true of Xinjiu and Mang Ming.

"You are waiting for a while here, there will be someone to take you out to take you out of the spirit of the Shenshen!"

The sword is unparalleled, etc., it is close to the god.

War is on the rise!

Are waiting for that moment.

At the same time, the strong people in the four major secrets have been divided into twelve teams.

Merchants and Luo respects a team.

The remaining ten teams, from the four major temples, the main leadership of the Six Lots of Yuanyang Palace.

"I have arrived!"

"Set off!"


Zhenling appeared.

The strong people who lead the army have just come to the body.

"From now on, the books will leave the temple, leaving only the forefront of the forefront!" The true spirits concise, swept the people, and smear: "Depart!"


All of them got up, and the seat left a transparent general.

These fares are very fragile because they have left all their own.


This is the willpower of everyone.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled, and the left is also very weak.

That is to take this moment.


The sword was unparalleled with a spatial crack and left the temple.

Once again, it has already reached a big shortage.

The outside world has gathered twelve teams.

The first battle, ahead of a day.

They all come out and is to supervise the war.

At this point, there is already a fourth team, which is the strongman of the Suzaki Temple went to the big dream world in the original universe.

Originally this place is the site of the big dream, a medium domain.

Nowadays, it is a big camp that is killed in the original universe.

There is a three-seven-hidden universe, and the owner of dozens of hexacid universe. .

Confused the Shuque Temple, only three of the six-hearted universe, except for the season without frost, the remaining two are only the Lord of ordinary six-knocked universe, although these days have exchanged a lot of treasures, but the strength does not improve how much And the power is only 800,000.

It's better than those of the universe of the upstream time and space.

This is normal.

It is a seasonless power, breaking millions.

In the upstream time and space, it is also a super power in the six-knocked.


There is no nonsense when you take the lead.

There is also a seasonless frost with the army, and one person is incarnation, and he is directly wrapped in the whole big dream world.

However, he did not eat eating.

Just reduce the power of everyone to 90%.

As for the main owner of the three seven-bit universe, it is not so good.

"Sneak attack!"

"It is the power of the temple!"

In the big dream world, the heart of the gods, I turned in an instant.

This doesn't blame them, but the means of day is beyond their imagination.

Just instantly let their combat power lose 90%.

So the season, there is no frost, such as cutting melons, and the pressing is suppressed.

And there is no day to the core of the big dream world.

The three seven-torn universe just appeared, and the pupil began to spread.


"Delivery of adults ......."

The thing of this location has not yet passed.

The three universe is the moment, and it will be killed.

Three rounds of heads, have been suspended in the hands of day, and his face does not change, the figure flashes, and it comes to the void of the big dream.

He did not leave directly, but after the next battle was completely ended, he returned to the temporary base in the wilderness.


There is no day, and three heads are thrown directly on the ground.

He did not speak.

Silent scene on the field.

It is shocked by the fierce battle!

"It's too strong, I have not reacted, is it so over?" The four temples and Yuanyang Palace have a strong, and they flew the pot.

At the same time, there is endless confidence.

This is the most powerful point of the Temple of the Temple.

Just the fourth God's main shot, it is easy to solve.

Then they can directly lay it flat and ready to meet the battle.

And the decisive battle, there is also the first god and the second God, the probability is not used.

At that moment, all people will miss the moment.

The original broken big dream world has begun to vibrate.

The sword is unparalleled, feeling the dead, and took a step directly to the void of the big dream world.

After approaching, it was found that the dead is from those broken body.

The original universe is not supported.

Because it absorbs too much of the original origin.

The time required to digest.

But the dead gas that appears here is not that simple.

When I saw it, I thought it was a life.

It is conceivable that there is more terrible death here.

"It's a ceremony!" Someone exclaimed, and reminded: "Be careful, will erode the source!"

Everyone in the big man is looking at the sword.

When you feel this is your own thing, you have followed it.

But after the dead, his body has returned.

"No day, you step down!" The sword has no double turns: "I will give it to me here!"

He finished, and the power of countless life is condensed.

The force of death is completely pressed.

The big dream world is not trembling.

Originally, the power of death is to manipulate those monks, but they are purified by life.

The whole big dream circle, once again lived.

It has returned to normal.

After this thing, the sword had no doubles to consider, and some of the power of life, but it suffers from behind.

Otherwise, those who are attacked, equal to improving the strength.

After waiting for his life, after the death of the dead, the origin returned to the original universe also disappeared.

The original origin of the fallen is actually the practice of downstream time and space.

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