Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6092 Death Return

Just gaining it in the life.

Maybe they are in the eyes of these people, they are chaos thieves.

It can be the origin of the original universe after they fall into the origin of the original universe.

After washing the power of life, the sword is unparalleled to think that these origins will return to the original universe, or return to the whole time and space.

But he doesn't feel the source now.

"Is it?" He thought of the death of the Hall of the World, the look moved, "these origins will not return to the Shenshen of the world!"

If this is true, it is also equal to adding strength to the other party.

According to the true spirit, don't kill these people, will also make the outstanding birth.

They seem to have fallen into a closed loop.

No matter what, it is all the death of the god.

The base of the big dream world is completely eradicated.

There is no movement in the god of the temple.

The life is standing above the temple, and it is quietly viewed through time and space.

Be behind a burly man, the sound of Muneao: "Let me shoot!"

"No!" I cried shook his head, pointing at the direction of the temple: "Be sure to do it, you can't show up with ginger!"


The original universe here.

The sword is unparalleled, because he can't solve this matter.

Others don't say anywhere.

I can only have some of the power of life, and explain to the gods, let them take the power to resist death.

The first battle, although there were some small changes, but there was no impact on any war.

Next, it was the second battle, and Wu Zuo cooperated with the strong people in the Qinglong Temple to go to the universe of the next door.

The rest of the team is not idle.

From each of them with all the teams, they began to clean up the temple of all major universities.

Since I know that the intention is used, the sword is unparalleled and released.

I know that the life will not be intervened, and the true spirit is notified.

All the baselines of the whole downstream time and space will be removed in the past.

Although there is no order of life.

But those strong in the base are not a fool.

As they expanded.

Those bases have also begun to jointly try to resist.

But more powerful, can't stop the eight gods.

In addition to Xinjiu and Hi Ming.

The remaining eight gods, the weakest power is more than 5 million.

The whole downstream time and space, the power of more than 5 million, it seems that there is no appearance.

Perhaps Brole and ginger are there, but these two will have disappeared, and they have not encountered from head to tail.

Originally, it has eradicated all the strongholds in the years.

It is only three thousand years.

Because some base points directly abandoned, those who have died the temples, all gathered everything.

Starting the sword is unparalleled, I want to try to drive these people, and I don't want to increase nutrients to the Shenshen of the Hall.

Unfortunately, he still thinks too simple.

I am afraid that he will not shoot, these people will be self-reliant.

The power is doubled.

It is gradually passing. .

One of the people of the seven-killed universe, after the war, when the last moment, he had burst out five million power.

This is a sword where there is a deliberate trial, otherwise, he can kill it when he is holding the other person.

He is to see the practitioners after these are all, there will be many.

I didn't expect his expectations.

It was originally able to rush, but it also began to fall.

Fortunately, he reminded it, otherwise it will also fall.

The strong people of these destroyed temples are like a madman.

After you are all, you are not afraid of death.

"The seventy-fourth flow of the sea is an emergency, and the nearest team is speedful!"

Deli in the court.

The backbone of the backbone is dignified, and the rescue is called.

A person who will be a life as a life, but at this time shouting.

Nowadays, the whole downstream time is basically all.

There are also a few gathering sites.

"I am coming!" The sword did not open it.

His speed is the fastest.

"When a fragrant time, can you resist?"

The back of the backbone is gloomy. When I just want to nod, the look will change again, anxious: "I can't stop it, and a seven-robbery universe of this place has burst millive!"

"Ten million power!"

When you hear this figure, everyone is ferrous.

Even the sword is unparalleled to frown.

This is a pyramid, rushing to Bamaga loudly: "Open the secret level speed!"

At the same time, in the air, let the backbone must escape.

Ten million power.

Used is not an opponent.

Don't say other people.

Especially the merchants heard the gods, they were an incredible expression.

They have never encountered such a powerful universe.

The skill of itself is just three million.

Now I heard the Shenshan of the Sakua Hall with the Lord of the Seven Cobloms arrived million, and it can still be calm.

At the same time, I was curious about the strength of day.

It is not a simple figure, which is not a simple figure, at least more than 5 million.

This is the weakest one in the sword unparalleled!

"When necessary, you must escape first!" After the sword was unparalleled, he closed his eyes and not open.

Because this is coming soon.

With the speed of the pyramid, only a few breathing time, it has already reached the sea universe.

A strong man who has gathered several tributary time and space.

The light is seven-robbery, there is three.

There are still many of the Lord of the Hexacittaless Universe.

Originally, there is no threat to the backbone.

Those who have been divided into the universe, the strongest is more than 5 million.

But this time is kicked to the iron board.

The ninth team followed, all fall.

Includes which charter of Yuanyang Palace.

There is only one person left!


The pyramid is coming, and the backbone is relaxing.

If it is not a first sword, there is no pairs of the power of their lives, I am afraid he has just fallen.

At this time, I was afraid.

The battle against the return is cruel than his door.

The sword has no double walk from the pyramid, but it is only a point to break the mainstay of the seven-robbery universe, can't move.

Time is not lapse.

However, the life of the other party is constant.

This is nothing to do with time.

Until the last minute, the other's power arrived as a thousand and two million, and he was there.

The sword is unparalleled to see how much the limit is.

After the Lord of the seven-robbery universe, the limit will explode to a thousands of million.

He directly informs the true spirit, and all teams stop.

The rest of the base is handed over to him and Hui.

At the same time, the bottom is also speculative. The Lord of the universe behind these is so powerful, then the source will be so strong after the origin is returned to the world, will it be so strong?

If so, how many skills have you absorbed?

This is a huge number, he dare not imagine.

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