Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6093 Don't have to give you!

The key, this is just beginning!

The sword is unparalleled and frowned. I looked at the backbone Luo, and she said: "Come in, I will take you back!"

As for those that fall, even the flesh is not left.

After being frightened, there was a bit of gods, after entering the pyramid, it slowed over.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have long known to be right!" The backbone is holding his eyes, staring at the sword.

I know what the other party is saying, the sword is unparalleled.

In fact, he has always emphasized that the life is not so simple.

It is not that simple temple to die.

Don't you can't hear it!

"If you are afraid, you can always stay here!"

He has been with his hands and tone.

Bring the other party back, his mission has been completed.

As for the life, it is also nothing to do with these people.

What's more, these three thousand years have come, everyone has a lot of strength, and it is also a reply to the temple!

The rest is that he is alone.

He didn't want to pull these people.

Go, you can.

Even him will send it personally.

After all, you must give the original universe, leave a root to the god of the temple!

"I know that you can't see me!" The backbone is smirk, holding the fist, looking at it, saying loudly: "But I am not a coward, I am not afraid of death, you also don't use me!"

If the backbone is, let the sword have no difference in the earth, and they did not expect the other party.

Just shook your head, not saying anything.

In fact, he even wants the other party.

There is no need to leave this water.

Because this is not a god of the temple.

He took the pyramid and did not have a rush to go back, but the road to other large strongholds, and kill the power of the Temple of the Temple.

Just no longer encounter the Lord of the universe behind it.

The whole downstream time and time lasted thousands of years.

Graduate down.

The power of the Temple of the Temple, nor did it know that it is controlled or because of the belief, there is no escape.

Just face their strand.


An universe secret in the next time.

The temple of the death is quietly coming.

Move your own position.

Although the position is moved, it did not cover any breath.

This is a battlefield for the other party!

After the sword was unparalleled, the sound was sent to the true spirit.

The temple is also driven at this moment.

All people have gathered together.

The sword is unparalleled with the fastest speed, and the arrival of the temple of the Temple of the Temple is in the temple.

Standing on him.

As for the pyramid, it is left to Wu Zhi and others, so it is reluctant to encounter danger.

He looked at the temple that was unsatisfactory, he really felt the sense of compression as the immortal temple.

"It's artifact!" Hui Qing brows.

The sword is unparalleled early, and it is lightly said: "Nothing is gone!"

Strong stood!

The mountains have their own way before the feet.

Did you go, turn over.


Dramatic space jitter, let the entire swords will tremble.

Then, the whole space broke, a temple was squatting below. .

Countless people have also begun to have a hidden in the temple, and the moment is condensed.

It is a lot of strong people.

However, this time, all of the stood is the Lord of the universe above the six-minded.

Plus the sword is unparalleled.

More than 30 people.

True spirit is the first, and his eyes are straightforward, and there is no fear.

"This scene, can you foresee?"

The majestic tone is mixed with countless people.

That is a lot of power from the inside of the Temple.

At this time, Yuyang Lake in the mission of Tianjie has become a day, and the emperor who is unattended, the Lord of the universe is the Dao Jun, Danadian, is watching.

Countless people's expectations.

This is the potential!

Unstoppable potential!

The sword is unparalleled, and I can't help but move your lips.

The movement of the temple of the temple is waiting.

"Good draft!"

In the temple of the world, the life station in a dim window, the tone is light, and the eyes are looking to the swords below.


The cold ice covers the countless sword shape, slash, outlined a sword word, so nominating the sword.

During the choice of choice, there is also a metaphor.

Take the sword!

"Let me play!" A strong voice resounded throughout the world.

It is born Brole.

He did not change before, or a prerequisite.

Since the Temple of the Temple, he didn't have a hand, or if you were suppressed, you will leave the downstream time and space.

Nowadays, the sword is unparalleled, this biggest enemy, the biggest opponent, I have long soon to explode to the peak.

"You can't hold a sword in the sword in the sword!"

In the dark temple, the two people stepped together.

Standing in a place with a beam.

The burly Brole is some unconjuding, biting the mood to be angry.

Another petite ginger has a change in the earth.

Today's ginger is the entire downstream time, in addition to Hui Qing's only eight hobby universe.

The most striped existence is sitting in the life.

In fact, ginger and Brolen are just tools, but ginger's achievements will be higher than Brole.

Because Brole is a madman, it is always pressing each other.

The more pressing, the cloth of Brole is, the more crazy strength.

Don't look only the Lord of the seven-robbery universe, but because of the extreme change, you can display multiple changes, let Shen Li skyrocket.

Even ginger and Baroleum have felt very hard.

So the life wants to go to the ginger first, then press Brole.

But when Jiang Yan saw Hui Qing, he hesitated in his eyes.

At the beginning, the big words, instantaneous disintegration.

"I ..." Jiang Yan breathed some messy.

It is a smile that is leaking out, and it will always face: "Isn't it faced, isn't it?"

"I will not let you down!"

Ginger recovered his emotions and his eyes became cold.

"No!" Due to the body, the eyes are gentle, and the ginger is revealed: "You are not for me, you are also for yourself. In fact, there are many things I don't say, I think you should understand, I am not This time and space, this place is for the power of life, for the sword, there is no parallel, our goals are the same! "

The goal is consistent!

As a dead god, evil representative!

How can I make the goal.

If the sword is unparalleled, let the life killed ginger, I am afraid that the other party will not hesitate.

Ginger is not stupid.

She knows that she is just a piece, but she is going deep into it.

Because of a breath.

"Why ........." The surface of the ginger is light, but the bottom is, "Why, you are not me around you!"

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