Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 610 Wan Lei Zong!

The Dark God, the bones, and the strong people in the Dark Temple present are full of envy to the eyes of the sister.

Under normal circumstances, they wanted to go to Wange, they had to fight for death, they went to compete for the age, and then waited until the day of the three thousand years, they could enter the ancient borders, and they got to the ancient borders to participate in the day, and only the performance is very good. Very dazzling genius, only have the opportunity to pay into the strongmen, most of them go to the ancient world, and can only be a cannon.

But this sister ... Just because I got a championship left by an ancient border, I can go directly to the ancient world, I will pay it to the territory of Lei Zong, and the strong people come to pick up, this luck is indeed Good anti-day.

"I originally wanted to stay in this ancient world for a period of time, but unfortunately ..." Sudan said, his eyes are unparalleled, the sword is not looked over.

Task, he just broke through the Lingxiao, and it didn't expect to go to the ancient circles now.

He originally planned to stay in this ancient world for a few hundred years, have passed the top of the top, after all, there is an ancient circle, where the strong is like a cloud, he is in a Ling Wei, just follow the antity Not much difference.

However, because the sword is unparalleled, it is because the sword is unparalleled, and he has to choose the jade simple, directly to the ancient world.

"Substant, you can go now?" Said the blood and asked.

"Blood brother, I don't think about it. The teacher has a hatred in this ancient world, or the kind of not to die, today if you don't have a brother, I am afraid that I have become a corpse. If you don't kill this person, I can't help but go to the Wanwei Ray, so ... I hope that the brother can shoot, and I will destroy this enemy for me. "

"Oh?" The blood browed, and the eyes of the red Thunder were once again left around.

If you hear the sister, the sword is not blessed but it has become a bit hard to look.

"Substant, who is your enemy, I will shoot it for you, let him kill him," blood directly.

For this blood, there is an ancient world in the district, and no one is able to stop him.

However, it is a hunger that kills the enemy in the ancient world. It is a person who is holding his hand. When you think that the Lei Jinzong owner personally tells the people who have told the attraction, this blood will not have slightly refused.

"Thank you for your brother."

Yisheng, then, then he immediately fell in the past, "Blood brother, my enemy, is him, looking for a bloody brother, you will kill him, the brother is grateful."

"Is this little guy?" The blood glanced at the sword. There was no feeling in the world. He did not bring the emotions, faint: "Kid, since my brother wants you to die, then you will die!"

The voice falls, this blood reaches out, and the sword is unparalleled.

A heavy red red Thunder is surrounded by him, and it is instant.

The moment, ~~~ The void is like a paper paste, there is a spatial crack that filled the foot of the foot.

The spatial crack of a few bodies, but still suddenly fell out of the spatial cracks such as ten years.

"The space of this old world is really weak." The blood didn't smile.

And this horrible scene, giving a lot of strong people around, one by one.

Task, their part is recognized, attacking the Dark God of Weiner's first, with his own secret skills, to show the most stronger trick, but only in front of it, there is a subtle spatial crack in front of it.

But now, this blood, casual pointed pointed out that the power is more stronger than the darkness of the Dark God to be ate thousands of times!

so horrible.

One pointing, destroying the earth!


The sword is not blessed. When I see that the destruction of the earth is directly attacked, he is desperately trying to avoid it, but he is frightened, no matter how he wants how to dodge, this means can be hit. he.

The sentiment is far beyond his imagination.

"The sword is unparalleled, you will die!" The Su Listed, looking forward to the scene of the sword unparalleled.

However, in the face of the destruction of the earth, it has not been really coming to the sword unparalleled, and the voids in the sword are unparalleled have been built into a big hole.

A huge palm shouted directly from this hole in this hole, and immediately pulverized the slam of the sword without a pair, and this giant hand, the power of the power is still not reduced, continue to move toward the blood. I took the past.


This purozer has always had a high-level posture. But this moment has changed, he didn't think of it, in which there is a small and old border, some people have to defeat his offensive, and this will continue to continue He waved by him, he didn't have the ability to break.


The giant hand slammed on the blood, this blood is now sprayed a blood, and the body is wolf.

At the same time, a sound that is magnificently covered with a bit of domineering has also slammed from the broken hole, and there is room for this world.

"Wanwei Lei Zong? Hey! Good one Wanwei Lei Zong, even those who have valued my Xia Emperor dare to shoot, good courage! I have the opportunity, I will replace the Di Di people, visit your Lei Zong Lord of!"

The sound of overbearing is too long for a long time, echoing in the world, making the people in the scene to survey.

"Xiao Emperor? Xiao Emperor?"

The blood glared at the eyes, and she took a shock. At this time, he also guarded his injury, and he looked at the sister: "Substant, go, we hurry."

Sugi was also scared by the scene, heard the blood, his look, also seen the feet on the blood, and immediately did not have hesitant, follow the blood directly to enter. That is within the channel to the ancient world.

As the light flashes, this blood disappears in the sight of everyone.


I saw the blood left, the bones were finally tone, "Fortunately, the master has always pays attention to this situation, personally shot, or ..."

The bones are sigh, he knows, just out, it is the dynasty.

"The sword is unparalleled, this life has already went to the ancient circles, you want to kill him, it seems to be waiting for the future." The bones of the Dragon did not have a double.

"Well." The sword is unparalleled, standing quietly, nodding, naceh, the face is cold.

"Wanwei Lei Zong!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, "Sudan, you are waiting, how long does it take, I will come to Wanchajf to find you!"


PS: Recommended that the two old books that have already been added "Wuji Cang" "Rebirth, I am the beast" is very good, everyone can go see.

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