Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 611 against the sky

Failure to kill the sister, the sword is unparalleled, but in addition to the sister, those strong who have killed the Jianzu have been all killed, in this ancient world, the sword is unparalleled. .

Next, the sword is unparalleled with the bones, and returned to the demon continent, returned to the huge black castle in Xiao Emperor.

In the garden, Xiao Emily sat on the stone bench, and the scene next to it was respectful.

"What is your business?" Xiao Emily watched the sword.

"After processing, although there is an accident in the middle, it is good to take the seniors of the emperor." The sword said.

"Oh, but the little guy who issued a day of God, there is a small thing." The emperor whispered.

"Tianqi?" The sword has no double one. He knows that the nature of the emperor is naturally the blood from the field of Lei Zong. Strong, but I don't know the specific realm of this blood.

Now the sword is unparalleled, and the blood is the level, called Tianzhi.

"The little guy in the world is nothing, but he is behind the domain, in the sky, there is a non-weak zone, and there are several people in Yongheng, you have went to the sky in the future. Domain, when you want to find the trouble of Wanwei Ray, you can be careful. "Emperor Scenery.

"Eternal nominal?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Little guy, are you still eager to get this second gray stone bead? I will now give it to you, wait for you to understand the big realm of the big day, naturally understand this day, eternal The concept is. "Xiao Emily said, waving the second gray stone-bead slap and throwing it.

This gray stone bead seems to have his own consciousness, and when there is no double near the sword, it immediately passed through his body into the body.

The second gray stone-bead is in the body, and it began to rotate crazy, followed by a vast message to pass to the sword unparalleled mind.

This information is naturally a cultivation method of the big day.

"This, this is ..."

Accepting the cultivation method of the big realm after the day, the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is not surprised.

This message said, Daotian Conduction, two volumes, on the volume, with straightness of Jiuyi.

This is straight to Jiuyi, starting from just entering the martial art, step by step, building this level, this level, this level is perfect, and this is perfect, it is a perfect The foundation!

That is to say, there is only one on the big-in-law, that is, it is to create a perfect root base, just like the sword is not in this way.

After having a perfect root, the next step is to cross the sky!

In four steps, the sky is the real core, the essence.

In four steps, these four steps are one step, two steps, the three steps are not dead, four steps of the ancient supreme!

The normal warrior, there is also four major realm on the cloudy, namely Lingxiao, Tianqi, Eternal Babra, Dao Yu!

Like the ordinary Warrior, the corresponding is the first step in the big days, in the sky!

The sword is unparalleled now, then if he breaks through, the breakthrough, that is, the sky.

"The big tangent is just a roll, just just to create a perfect root base? The next volume is four steps, is the most important thing?" The sword is unparalleled.

In his opinion, he is cultivating the big day, and a few levels, it is magical, it is incredible.

But now he knows that the truly essence of Daotian is in his next volume, that is, the next four steps!

As for on the volume, just to create a perfect root base, let him perfect.

"Look, I still have a little bit of changing." The sword is unlock and dark.

This changed his destiny, completely exceeded the anti-heavens of the cultivation system of ordinary military.

It is mostly magical, how much the ability is, and the sword is unparalleled.

However, the sword is unparalleled. Since he has embarked on the road of renovation, then he will not be afraid, but will not hesitate to continue.

"I don't know, I have four steps from the sky, which are all different from the four major realms of ordinary military." The sword is unparalleled. "

However, he also knows that he is still too weak, he just broke through the nine-year-old, and he wanted to cross the first step in the anti-day.

"The four major realm of the ancient circles, the top of the previous shot, is the heavens, and there are also strong people in the Wanwield Raytar." The sword is unanimous. "

"Ling Xiaoying, Tianzhi, Eternal Babrary, Dao Zun, among the four realms, Lingxiao is the most ordinary." Xiao Emperor explained: "In the ancient world, the ordinary disciples of those Zongmen, most of them are Ling This level is also the bottom of the ancient world. "

"Like the sky event, although there will be countless strong people to participate, but these strong people, at least the minimum is eligible to reach Lingxiao."

"Tianshen ... This level is in the paradise of the ancient circles, and it is barely calculated that some people are extremely strong, and they can go to someone in the ancient circles. You can also go to the Emperor."

"And Eternal, Eternal immortality, endless, to achieve this level, even if it is also strong in the ancient circles, there are many people in the ancient circles, the strongest, the most powerful, and These strong people have attached great importance to it. "

"As for the last Taoist ... Dao Zun, is the peak of the ancient circles, the highest existence, the real overlord!"

"Of course, these four realms are only the level of ordinary military, and you cultivate big days, and is refurbished, but it has everything possible."

The sword is unparalleled, he has been listening carefully, and the words of Xiao Emperor are all in his heart.

At this time, Xiao Emily looked at him, "Beginning the day, there is also a three-year time, three years, I will improve your strength as much as possible, so you have the opportunity to be in these three years I stepped out the next step. "

"And the level of you, the strength wants to improve, nothing more than two methods, the first kind, is to improve the feelings of the road!"

"Second, it is a secret!"

The sword is unparalleled.

The feelings of the road, naturally don't say more, Lingxiao strong, strength is strongly dependent on the degree of feelings of the road.

And that secret, he did not understand, but after handing with the dark God, the sword was unparalleled and a very clear and terrible.

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