Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 612 is a 5th!

"The first is the sense of the road!" Xiao Emperor gaked his sword unparalleled.

"The road is evolved, what is the source of the source, how to change, like a lot of priests you have touched before, they almost use the weapons to combine with the origin, this is the way to control."

"However, the way of the origin is the way of the origination. It is the way of weapons. This is two completely different concepts. They incensely combine two different nature, even if they control it, but this kind of road Strictly speaking, it is impossible to summarize it. "

"If there is no strong pointing, if you don't have a strong point, if you do it, they are destined to stay in Lingxiao, and they can no longer have any lifting space."

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled.

He touched many ways to be in the open sword sword road, the blind emperor's heart sword, and then the drip of the wind, the soul of the Junjun, the brock of the golden snake gods, etc., all the origin and weapons combination Reconscious way.

At the beginning, the sword was unparalleled, and he also found that he also found that he was able to control the killing of the killing of himself.

Until now, the sword is unparalleled.

Those magic swords, heart swords, drip swords, and brutal knives, all the way to take the way, compare with his perfect pure killing, nature is going to be poor.

"Little guy, I know you feel two kinds of origins, among which the killing of the source is higher, it has been able to understand the way." Xiao Emou took over, "I am very sorry, that kills, I am not good at, so I am not good at I can only let the emperor point to you. "

"Seniors in the emperor." The sword was unparalleled to see the emperor.

"Kid, I specialize in killing, although there are some kinds of gangs, I have died, but now it has already recovered, and I have a sense of killing, even if I have a strong sense of eternal. , Pointing you, nature is not a problem. "The emperor smiled," In addition, you have received the six-dimensional building before, in fact ... it is me for you. "

The sword is unparalleled, he guess it.

The six heavy buildings are full of magic. The first layer of banned is unparalleled. When he cracked the first floor, he directly understood that killing knowing, but also a more advanced five-layer ban, so there is a six-story building. Can an old man have?

The answer naturally has only one, that is, the emperor borrowed the old man's hand, handed over the sixth building to him.

! A figure is unparalleled from the sword, and it is a sword unparalleled killing.

"That's, then the three years, I kill this, I respect you, I'm trying to visit the seniors of the emperor." The sword is unparalleled. "

The vision is just helpless shrug.

He is not good at, nor does it like to teach disciples, but since Xiao Emon's order, he has to comply.

"Killing the way, although I am not good at, but I am good at the world." Xiao Emily opened again.

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled to look forward to Xiao Di.

The dynasty is Xia Emperor's subasight. The strength of these two people is unquestionable. It must be that Xiao Emperor is much stronger, Xiao Emperor personally guides, of course, it is better than the emperor.

Xiao Emily said that I didn't say it, I waved directly, I immediately gathered in the world, and I had a volume in this garden in this garden.

"Is this?" The sword watched this soil yellow jail.

"This is the world's jail." Xiao Emily explained, "This world is completely made by the world, you stay in this world, you can very clearly inseparable the world of the world, and this world jail will also Continuously forced you, will bring you a recession, you have to do it, you have to understand the world as soon as possible, and then make this world-free prison to completely break. "

"Is this?" The sword has no double look, but it can be tight with the sword.

Do you want him to completely break the world in prison?

Although he has not truly entered the world's prison, he can just stay outside. He can see that this world's prison is strong, don't say it is him, even if you attack the power in the first, I have created the dark God of the secret skills, I am afraid I want to break this jail.

"Division nine!"

Xiao Emily said, "In this world, there are many kinds, but no matter which one, there are nine-heavy metaphysics, this nine-Chong Xuanao, every important is very unparalleled, like you still have this ancestors of this The warrior is just the threshold just joined to the road. The feelings of the opponent are still very low. Don't say that I have been in methamography, the first heavy mystery is very difficult! "

"The first heavy mystery is very difficult?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes." Xiao Emily continued; "Don't say that you are in the ancient world, even if you are in the ancient borders, you can completely enlighten the first red mystery in a way, this kind of People are in the ancient world, and the real genius is enough to let many of the kinds of sects, and the world in front of you needs to completely understand the first heavy time of the world, can be broken. "

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled.

According to Xiao Emperor, Lingxiao can enlighten the first red mystery, and it is the top genius in the ancient circles, and he is now, but it is no longer comprehension, and the world is the first Heavy Xuanao is even more poor, and the most important thing is that he is only less than three years.

In this three years, he wants him to break this world, Xiao Emperor has not seen him too much?

"Little guy, you can rest assured, I don't want you to break this world in these three years, but you want to break it as much as possible, how much it can be broken, the world's first heavy mystery, How much can you understand, how much is it. "Xiao Di Road.

"This is still good." The sword was unparalleled.

"Well, you will go to the world to try it." Xiao Em said.

There is no double point of the sword, nor hesitated, and it is directly within the world.

The huge world jail, the sword has a double one step, immediately detected the strong power of the surrounding world, these world strengths form the substance, combined with special laws, this has formed this incomparable huge world Jail.

"It's amazing, so wonderful!"

The sword has a shock of a shock, and looks around.

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