He saw it.

Hui Qing this time really wants to kill ginger.

This is not the illusion of Bababi.

Ginger will be empty.

What can't be resurrected!

The causality of ginger, this is what he bothers.

Only he can solve it.

You can't let Huiqing a person to bear.

So he wants to block.

But everything is too late.

Hui Qing's palm, has touched the forehead of ginger.

The round remaining wave instantly diffuses, and a palm of the power.

It is enough to kill the hit of ginger.


The body of ginger, flying back.

The origin is broken with the body.

Even the Wanliu Shenmu behind him collapsed at this moment.

The temple in the world.

"Brolen, now you have played!" The loss of ginger is very light, there is no fluctuation, it seems that everything is not the same.

This makes Broles are very curious, and the life is clear, and the source of ginger is broken, but it seems so light.

So that he can't help but curious: "She is falling, you are not worried ........."

"What are you worried?" Doors turned to Brilli, and said: "Is it worried that you are falling?"

Although ginger is falling, Bolori has no tension, but the war is stronger, it is not afraid, if you face the life, he is cold, "I will not defeat!"

"Haha, I believe in you, this Ling Jing you hold, if you can't crush it, is it a little help you give you!" Doors will lose a black Lingjing to Brole, "Don't waste He will be a testimony of your highlight! "

Brumbi, who was still hit, did not refuse to pick up Ling Jing, a word, and smashing the space of the Temple of the Temple.

The sword is above.

Hui Qing dragged the exhausted body returned to the team, his gods were a little lonely.

Because ginger is really fallen.

Even the origin is returned to the Shenshen of the Division.


It's over for his torture.

Those who are embarrassed, all falls on him.

He will be luuspend in the future.

Live in pain.

This scene is that the sword is unparalleled.

I know that he personally shot.

In this way, I don't want to let Huiqing hate him for a lifetime, and I don't want to benefit from it.

Hui Qing! "

"I am fine!" Hui Qingqi squeezed a smile and shook his head.

His appearance, anyone can see something.

And it is still difficult to unlock the heart.

"When the day, he said, she has already told himself, I don't know how long I need to talk to myself!" Hui Qing smiled, and the knee slowly slow closed.

The sword is unparalleled to take a sigh of breath and hold the fist.

He deducted this to the head.

When he swallowed the power of the death, seeking Danbao to help, you should also resurrect ginger and her brother.

Just take a long time.

Now Dan Bao has no time, he did not defeat the life. .

However, this can be counted as a future goal.

Even if there is this strong enemy in the world, it will meet him.


Space trembling.

There are cracks in the mountains of the frozen era of the farfd.

A very straight figure appeared in the void above the sword.


The last one of the two most powerful people.

Ginger is all resolved by Hui Qing.

A Brole, no one is in the eyes.

Even if the sword is unparalleled, I don't care too much.

He has been waiting for the life.

Now Brole is coming out.

I am afraid it will come out soon.

"Wu Zuo, look at you!" Zhenwei turned to look to Wu Zuo, smirk: "Don't let me down, end the battle as soon as possible!"

Brole's power, it is not as good as ginger.

And it is just the Lord of the seven-robbery universe.

I like to express my old, I have already revealed my old bottom to the true spirit. I know that he is more than 8 million.

Dry a Brole, it is not easy.

Wu Zuo looked at Hui Qing, I feel that the battle just fights too sad, I want to ease the atmosphere, there is a model, there is a model, and the shoulders will be with the neck, holding a handshake, faint: "Give me a fragrant Time, I will let you see, what is the power! "

The voice just fell, his figure flashed, and he had been coming to Brole.

"Is you?" Brole didn't expect that it would be there. I felt that the temple looked down on himself, and suddenly roared, and the power suddenly soared to 5 million.

The figure is jumped, and the box will go to the black.

Wu Zuo is very calm, does not hide, in Barole's boxing, raising his legs, kicking in Brole's face, just a foot, saying that the other party kicks the mountain range Among them.

He just used five million power, but it was able to win the other party's bruises.

Brumbi, who fell into the mountain range, was broken, and the mountains were stopped.

"Unlike the hit!" Wu Zuo hunting chest, bowing disdainful looking at Brole to fall into the mountain range, looked up with the death of the Shenshen: "Decoction, it is better to come with me, so let me take Out of 70% of the power, otherwise it is too ....... "

But his words haven't finished it, in the broken iceberg in the mountains, a violent wild beast has awakened.

Brole's red eyes, the breath on the body is also changing, he holds his double boxing, Yang Tian: "Ah !!!!!"

God has begun to skyrocket at this moment.

From Heway, it has soared to seven million.

Give it again, kill the black.

"Wu Zuo, fast war speed!" The sword was unparalleled, reminded.

He knows that Brole's hard work.

At the beginning, he continued to improve the power, and he was very headache.

If you have true space in advance, he doesn't necessarily defeat Brole.

After all, you can resist his most strongest sword.

Brole's strength is absolutely no less than ginger.

Even if it is a seven robbery, you can't underestimate.

Unfortunately, Wu Zuo is not listening!

It is very excited to watch Brole's strength, but he is very excited and takes the initiative to fall into the mountains of Jianzhu, with Brole's care.

However, this time Wu Z has also seriously.

Directly display the peak state, eight million power broke out, and it has been placing Brolear.

It can be said to be the other party.

"Yes!" The true spirit couldn't help but praise.

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