Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6096 fights him

The Lord of the Seven Covered Universe, the power can break up to 20 million.

If it is not the northern time and space that cannot be loaded, it can be more stronger.

"This Brole is really anti-playing. Under such a strong attack, the power has not declined!" Shangcheng can't surprise: "The change of the cultivation of him is really so powerful?"

At this point, others also reacted, found that Brole has been hit, but the power did not decline.

Instead, it is constantly become stronger.

At this time, the power of Wu Zuo has begun.

Have been fully handling, now more than a fragrant time, I haven't solved the battle yet.

This is something that is unconventional.

"Do you want, I will help him?" There was a matter of failing at this time, I looked at the true spirit, and I watched the name of this name.

The true spirits take a little breath, and it is a bit impatient, waving the way: "Go, just practice your hands!"

"Wait!" The sword was unparalleled to stop the day, turning to Zhenling: "Now there is no more people now."

Because Brole's power has changed.

Already consistent with U.

Eight million!

And now, don't rush unilaterally.

Brole is also behind.

Even Wu Zuo started some unknown, and the power is also declining.

It was reached by Brole.


A punch, Brole's punches have been hit on the face of U., this time it is replaced with him into the mountain range.

After climbing out from the frozen stiff gravel, Wu Zuo's bottom is panicked.

Just just, he can easily escape Brole's punch, but now it can't be opened, and the power of that punch has also surpassed him.

"It's evil, this madman clearly doesn't have a superb secret, how can you strengthen this?"

He can pass the king, got that many inheritance, and also went to the world.

In the seven robbery, in addition to the sword, there is no double, you can press him, no one dares to say it.

Even if you fall into the day where hell is, you won't give him such a big pressure.

Nowadays, I have fallen into the next style.

This makes his face.

"The power of the king!"

He once again enhanced the power and directly showed the secret law of the king.

Shenle broke out to nine million.

This is his limit.

It was originally stopped, and I couldn't help but say: "You have long you have to know that there is a topic?"

"No!" The sword didn't swite his head, then affirmed: "It can't win, you can't win!"

"How is it?" There is no dare to dare to dude the ability of swords and unparalleled insights, but he doubts Brole's ability.

"Nothing is impossible, Brole is a madman who can give an infinite fantasy, look good!" The sword was unparalleled with hands, quietly watched.

When Brilli broke out the second breakfast, he can see that there is a very powerful force in Brole's body.

The limit can reach 1,300.

In addition to him and Hui, no one can solve.

Now just give the black face, it is not anxious.

However, he has 30% of his mental strength that he has been staring in Brole, once he exceeds Umbusical control, he will rescue it in the first time.

Just now Wu Zuo, has not yet taken truly war.

The king of Kings is still not used.

But it is faster.

The feet fall into the ground, holding a double punch, and bursting red rays in the body, drinking a big drink: "King Kings!"

A dragon, the figure is instantaneous, after Bolori, double boxing, directly bombards the back of Brole's tall.


Brole is not stabilized, almost falling, and the brilli, hurting, and smashed, turned directly to open the bloody mouth, and a destroyed light from the mouth.

There is no time to dodge, and can only be strong.

The destroyed light column is again shot.

King of Kings is constantly bombarding the body of Bolori.

Fully crazy.

However, so that his power is constantly consuming, the straight line is declining.

But Brole's power, but there is no change.

Nor did it decrease, nor do it become strong.

Just talk to a gap.

Ren Zhi Zhi is unsuccessful, or there is no way.


Under the short distance, Wu Zuo, one hand, one hand, with Shen Li, retreats Brole, and the body is soft.

Even if he wants to face, he also feels too tired at this time, and the whole person is very fast.

Looking up and look at the direction of the temple, breathed the gas: "Warriors, fast ... I will give me some of the power of all things, I have been successful!"

"Hey!" The true spirit covered his face and thought of the Haikou under Wu Zhi, and I felt some shame.

The sword has no double body shape, falling into the mountains of Jianzheng, he didn't go to see Wu Zhi, but looked at Brole in the distance, it was said: "Take it!"

Coating the force of a group, throwing the next black.


Wu Zuo took directly to the body, and it was absorbed into the body.

God has returned to the peak at this moment.

The nine million of the power suddenly broke out, and he wanted to shoot again.

"Wu Zhu Xiong!" The sword is unparalleled. It is low to look at Wu Zhi, whispered: "Can't come down, I suddenly itchy, it is better to make me cheaper ......."

How to .... , ,. . ...

Just fight, I almost shite him.

I have long wanted to change him.

Just in the sword, there is no pair of power, that is, you want the sword without a double shot.

But he also scrapped his face, not good opening.

Can only pretend that the power is not supported, and there is no power to the sword.

Now I have a step, he puts out a disaster, sigh: "It is you, change your personal, this credit I will not let it come out, no way, who makes us a brother!"

"Then thank you!" The sword is unparalleled with Wu Zuo, and a pair of cheap appearances with each other.

Wu Zuoqi sorted out the chaos, and the body was slowly lifted, and he waved his hand, it was not here: "It's all kinds of people, don't be so polite, now Brole is left. I gave me a punch! "

"Cough!" The true spirit has a cough, even he feels that there is a little too much.

So many people present, even if it is the Lord of the Six, I can see that Wu Zuo is no longer an enemy.

It is also as good as face.

Who is this?

It's hard, can he hide?

Wu Zuo, but the face is not angry and does not jump into the team. It is good to have a little bit of his face.

The sword remaining below is unparalleled, but the last sentence of U.S.

A strike defeated the other party.

Brolen is not growing up.

Even if it is to maintain the face of Wu Zhi, I have to succeed.

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