Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6104 Unlimited Growth

In a quiet, it's coming!

"Brole, let you look at my true power!" The sword walked out of the magma, looked up and looked at the world, and angry and said: "Drash!"

"Ah, ah !!!!!!!"

He smashed his body, his double fists, began to explode in the domain.

20 million!

That is his limit in the north time.

At present, his foundation is 8 million, plus robbery, equal to 10 million basic skills.

Show super ancient times, increase by 100 times.

The conversion becomes a power, it is 20 million.

However, the super ancient change is that the power of his current has increased so much.

Finally, just increased by up to 15 million.

This is still what he grows, otherwise it will be lower.

Plus the foundation.

It is two thousand and five million power.

This scene was stunned and the true spirit.

As for the strong temple, it is silly.

They don't know how much the limit is.

But now I only see the end of the power through the sky.

Two thousand five million power.

"It can be so strong!" The merchant is exported to Luo Zi, and it is shocked by the sword.

Wu Zhi knows that the gods are all, say: "Don't worry, the unparalleled brother has not used the source of the source! Brole can not have the source of the source, even if the growth is fast, where can I get?"

"Don't talk nonsense, look good!" The true spirit is broken.

Can he know that Brole is there?

The key is that Brole is also hidden with a huge power.

At least 10 million.

That is to say, 30 million power can be built in the gods.

The sword is unparalleled, there is no limit to two thousands of millions.

I want to slow my breath, stare at Brole: "How, I don't press it, don't you be more crazy?"

"Well?" Brole stared at the sword and unparalleled, found that the other's power was suppressed, but he would only increase the atmosphere.

I don't know what the god is not known.

Simply, the other party is a battle genius, but the brain is stupid and has no consciousness.

"Brole!" I couldn't help but remind him at this time: "You are a fool, fast out!"

When I heard this sentence, the sword was unparalleled.

Instantly change to Brole.

Want to solve the other party with this short period of time.

Now Brole does not know how to explode, he can completely kill each other with absolute power.

In an instant, his native road is also coming.

It is a starry sky that has not been light.

Among them, there are seven-sports universe!

The power has also been raised from two thousand five hundred million.

This is his limit.

It is also comparable to half God through the growth of the local road.

Doo life is stupid.

The most shocking or sword is unparalleled, it is actually a starry sky.

This is not surprising, why the power of the sword is unparalleled will so much.

Such a powerful power, Brole hidden, but also die.


A boxing directly bombards the chest of Brole.


The sword is unparalleled, all of the arm of Brole.

The body has been taken from the body.

Ten million of the body, for the present, like a thin paper.

Suddenly increased so much, let him have a lot of power to control the power.

At the same time, there is also a strong sequelae.

Such a lot of power is very large.

However, it is still no problem to maintain the battle.

Baroleum was smashed down from the chest, looking down at the sword unparalleled arm, and the eyes were full of blood.

Rule, I want to pull out the arm.

But I was smashed out.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is no chance to give anything, rushing again, constantly embarking Brole.

This sword is unparalleled.


"Don't shout!" The sword was unparalleled from the magma, and said: "Today is your death!"

The sword has no double body shape, to Brole, a sword, and directly into two pieces, do not wait for the other party to recover, and the sword is cut by the brilliance of Brole.

But he clearly, as long as the Temple of the World is still there, Brole will recover again.

So his main goal is to kill the Heaven.

"not good!"

The inside of the temple also found out the problem, and even if you want to stop the sword, you are still late.

In the wild domain, the sword is very fast, and the moment is above the temple of the world.

"I will see you, I can't turn back!"

"Drake me!"

The sword is unparalleled, and a sword is down.


The whole world is broken!

I didn't dare to think before, but now it is easy to do.

The Temple of Dieter is thoroughly smashed.

A body appears from it.


"Sword is not ... Double !!!!"

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled to see the life, frowned.

He found that the current life has changed.

It turned into two phases!

"Do you know Zamas?" The king of the king couldn't help but exclaimed: "Where did you get the piece of jade?"

I have a cold snort, "You are not qualified?"

"Zamas?" The sword was only thinking of the super existence of this kingdom. It also looked at the eyes of the destroyed, and there was a killing, cold channel: "Is you colluding Zamas, or Zamas Come and pull you? "

I heard Zamas and kings couldn't stand.

How do you don't go with him?

He is just a king of space space.

In the world, the mainland is a small person.

Even some half gods, he dare not sin.

Why is Zamas going to him?

The king of Wang Xin is bitter!

Endless anger is burning.

If there is a day, the other party fell into his own hands, he must regret it.

I have hated, but I haven't forgotten the threat of the moment, and I am busy reminding: "The sword is unparalleled, can't be more big, this time your opponent is killing!"

"Dieting?" The sword looked at each other without a pair of tastes, and it was a little hair.

"Do you absorb the mountain kings?"

I have never reacted for a time, I really don't know that the other party is really stupid or fooling!

"Less waste, do it!"

During the fusion, BBLOR is more powerful.

Kings said on the side: "The sword is unparalleled, don't hesitate, knead the token!"

"I have my own countermeasures!"

The sword is unparalleled without opening the token, but choosing a test.

However, he found that he was not an opponent at all.

During the present, this state is now more horrible, especially the endless means, can be more powerful than a madman.


After a punch was repeated, the sword was unbeaten.

"It seems to be gambling everything!"

The sword is no longer hesitating, directly crushed the king to give him the northern time and space token.


In the moment of pinching the sign, the entire North Time and Space is shaking.

Infinite power instantly gathered to the sword unparalleled head.

The powerful power is irrigated, and the sword is unparalleled.

The key is not pressed by the North Time and Space.

But his body is unable to carry this kind of power!

Don't destroy your life, he can't live it.

"No, I must resist!"

The sword is unparalleled, constantly instills the power into its own source, let the origin of the stars to absorb, absorb the power, but it is your own.

God is broken, so that the kinemare is shocked.

"You, you are a madman, actually pull the whole North Time and Time tribeter to gamble?"

It is also a wide sexy, understand it.

Suddenly angelic, this North Time and Space, you can't be so destroyed, you will be ready to stop the sword.

"During the life, you are afraid you want to step on me with me!"


Hui Qing's figure blocked the life.

"court death!"

At this time, there is time to take care of it, and it is full.

Hui Qing can't stop, constantly being killed, and the body is falling, and the whole person is falling into sleep.

It can also come to the sword.


The sword has no double open eyes and looks at the life.

He is all absorbed at this time.

Although it is still a bit boring, it is finally used for yourself.

"Now I am going to me!"

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