Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6105 finals

The sword is unparalleled and pulled out, which suddenly landed.

The breath is surrounded, and the pressure of the pressure cannot breathe.

Feeling the dodge of criminals from the entire North Time and space, widened, and the body is shot!

Just a punch, let the downsides fly out, the sword is unparalleled, and then catch up again, and keep explosive.


"Die, your own power, why, no matter what it used?" The sword was unluckled slowly, staring at the change of changing, and it did not precaution.

At this moment, he felt that God did that, there was nothing.

"God does not inviolery !!!"

The sword is unparalleled, and it has not responded, a black spear flashes from the eyes.


The spear pierced his body.

The speed of the moment, it seems to be eternal.

So after passing through, the sword has no double reacted.

At the moment when you have a spear, the force is pulled up to the limit.

Directly beyond the swords.

There is a memory and consciousness of the life, the high-definition, and hold the spear income in the hands of the spear, stare at the sword and unparalleled, and then said: "Now I am going to me!"

The spear punctures time and space, and constantly attaches the sword.

Hey! ! !

The sword is unparalleled, although I have just been very big, I am piercing the body, but he is extremely excited, excited: "Yes, the power has improved a lot, it seems that you have been completely integrated with the mountain!"

The double fight, and after falling, it has come to the enemy.

Fight continues.

The ridiculous place of the downstream time and space is all distorted by the two people.

Many tributaries retake.

It is a trend that is a mainstream to be recycled.

It is very thin that the origin of this place is thin and the practitioners are very small.

Even the life is very small, let the battle of the two have no counsel.

The two from the void to time and space, and kill the deep place from time and space.

All the way is close to the end.

The temple is not dare to be close, can only follow it.

The king of the king hit the fist, and the sword was unparalleled.

"Fast, North Time and Space can't live!"

Although the god is covered with downstream time and space, it is only a treasure for all the gods, not the source.

The sword is unparalleled with the battle, and it is consumed or the northern time of northern time.

This time, it consumes most of the heritage of the northern time and space.

So, I have been put down, and the origin of the North Time and Space has to be exhausted.

Consumption of half of the heritage, you need to repair several reincarnations.

Time concept is actually awkward for true super power.

A moment!

One interest!

A moment!

At the time, day, month, year, era.

The era is a reincarnation.

The time of the reincarnation is the most blurred and is not fixed.

It is generally a trillion to a round of reincarnation.

The Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe, rarely be able to live a era.

In the air, in addition to the kings and the gods, the longest survival is the three ancient times.

Among them, Tian Cang's old man has lived twelve rounds.

That is, the whole northern time and space, over twelve reincarnations.

Every round, make the northern time and space strong.

Now fierce the heritage, it is likely to have a loss.

I have to spend a few rounds to accumulate.

I have gapped with the remaining three affiliated time and space, in some, don't talk more, even the back of the deal is not.

Kings also have a bitterness.

Need to cultivate a powerful practitioner, otherwise it is malignant.

"The king of the king, will they hit the end?" Wu Zhi looked at the two huge gampers and again, and was going downstream.

Some of this situation is wrong!

Kings did not speak.

If you are getting in the end, it is fine.

Where can you not return him.

The end of the end and space is the ultimate place.

It does not pay attention to him.

And where is more powerful than here.

The upstream starting point, constantly aggregating time and space, do not know how many years have been formed.

So many years of accumulation, don't say that the sword is unparalleled, even if the super strong in the universe can not be destroyed, and the time and space in the world is stable.

"I didn't expect, the battle of returning, I will fight this look!"

Even if I saw a wide-known Urzu, I felt that this time, not only beyond the scope, but also surpassed awareness.

It can only be seen.


In the countless gas group, the sword is unparalleled to ignore everything, the body is shaped, and the shuttle is time and space.

The back of the future is poor, and it is angered: "The sword is unparalleled, you have not retired!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is the same.

I looked at the life behind him and smiled. "It is too slow!"

He has been hiding, because he just received the voice of the king.

Want to change the battlefield.

Can't ruin the entire downstream time and space because of defeating the life.

This is their site.

Loss or yourself.

Good in the downstream time and space, the tributary for birth to life has been gathered together, and the site left is the land of the land.

He is to go to the depths of the land, and then do the final victory with the life.

The battle is so long, and it is time to win.


A black light column out of the outstanding hand.

Feel the sword who hits the power, I'm busy with my body.

This is not a simple air wave, it is really hard, he has to be injured.

When he turned and avoided, he did not know when he had arrived in his body, a spear had arrived on his face.

"Dinn!" The roar of the life, he is waiting for this opportunity.

The front attack is both obedience.

After so many years, the skills of fight have long been drilled into the extreme.

The black spear with an arc, wearing a sword unparalleled head.

Then I added a feet.

After being attacked, the sword is unparalleled to lose the ability to resist, and this foot will directly put him billions of miles.

The body is uncontrolled, slipping, and breakdown all the other side!

Eventually stopped at an extremely small tributary end.

The sword in the ground is unparalleled in the ground.

Run your hand and hold the spear on your head, and pull it with force.

After pulling out the spear, the body was soft.

Turned to a long-term long river next to it, he smiled!

"Is this the end of the game?"

Ling line open.

Looking up.

There is a huge abyss at the end of the long river.

The abyss is huge than the middle-time time and space.

According to the king of the king, this abyss lord king will not refine, the super existence in the stars is placed here.

This abyss does not belong to the northern time and space.

It is the gathering of the entire space and space.

Just like the wonders of the upstream time and space.

It is the ultimate place in time and space.

After the fracture of the flesh, the sword is unparalleled, the body is constantly, the mouth is rising, and this moment he leaks unprecedented confidence.


"Well?" After felt the death of the sword, there was no opening, and he did not open it yet. He saw the confidence of the other party, curious: "How, the brain is stupid?"

"Look at it, this will be the world to see the world!" The sword didn't look at everything around, and he said: "Perhaps, it is also the last thing of this world!"

Because the next battle is likely to ruin the surrounding place, leaving only the abyss.

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