Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6112 Feng Yun again

Seeing such a serious spirit, everyone has been thinking about it.

The loss of the temple today is a huge number.

The bottom of the downstream space is the weakest, the resources are also least.

If there is a treasure that Wu Zuo from the upstream time and space, the temple can be extended to this look.

If you want to curb this, you must first start from the internal cleanup.

Leave inheritance, picking up the true monopers, cultivating them into the back of the temple.

To put it bluntly, it is the future to let them resist, and the sword is unparalleled and others will stay in the north.

"This matter, I took it!" There should be the first to open the opening.

He is more reliable in everyone.

There are many disciples under the door, and there are many inheritance, but it is not true.

But the means of professor disciples, he is the most clear.

Under his door, there is already the disciple of the owner of the universe.

He will not feel that he will lose to others.

"I also pick it up!" Dongsheng agreed with his portrait.

Wu Zuo and swords are unparalleled to sponsor, naturally did not hesitate, and raised their hands.


Hui Qing hands closed ten, these days, he has no heart, just throwing time.

Since he knew that Dan Bao learned that the practitioner who can resurrect the soul, he thought about the mainland of the world.

It's just that the time is not arriving. He is also a sword, and it is turned around in the north.

Wait for that time.

Before Denbao left, he had told them.

How much time does not use, the nine-time border can be born in the north time and space.

At that time, it was also when they left.

"Since there is no problem, I will talk about the rules. After thousands of years, I will get a group of Dani to enter the god of the temple. When I got the disciple, the number of disciples is not limited, and after the introduction of the disciple, each teach A era, starting to test, decided to have the top ten, who's disciples have not entered the top ten, who will engage in the deficiencies of the Temple! "

If the true spirit, the people nodded and felt still considered.

top ten!

The sword is unparalleled.

After thousands of years, they raise the few disciples.

Can enter their eyes, at least the ultimate seed.

Maybe you can rush into the top ten.

At that time, the remaining seventeen is embarrassed.

After all people heard, they also took a breath.

This time is very profitable, you can't help it.

At least let a disciple enter the top ten.

The original people have gone to gather together, and they have been discovered.

However, after this pressure, after the declaration, he hurried away.

Start preparing some of the treasures to Daguai to the big Deman, and it is necessary to organize your own inheritance.

It is necessary to get out of the at least of the Deman to the emperor.

Subsequent universers.

The sword is unparalleled with everyone.

This thing is what he is coming out. If you have not teach it, it is shameful.

Treasure is not anxious.

The key is his way!

When Dao Jun, he was hearned with the sword.

It can be said that Wan Dao is slightly known.

But the most hand is still a sword.

Taoism, except himself, I didn't see the second person.

So he only chooses Kendao Tianjiao.

Then you have to give your own swords, create some of the adherent and the absolute school that is suitable for the Deman.

Under the emperor, or under the robbery, it is the main source.

Shen Li practitioner is very small.

That is because the treasures are rare, and they also require high.

After returning to your own cave, he started to write!

From the Yanxiao to the Emperor's Jun's Junxia, ​​and the magical pass.

"Star Chart!"

This is his strongest secret law so far.

He is ready to leave, just don't know if anyone can successfully receive inheritance.

As for the scholar of Deman to the emperor, he just left a simple inheritance.

It is not easy to pass, and it is more unhappy.

If it is not suitable, it is still to change.

"Star Sword!"

The start of the sword space is also the beginning of the emperor.

If you can integrate this sword, you will explain that there is an emperor's skill.

This is not enough.

When he was in the Daojun, he kills all the same as the cut.

"Star River Sword!"

After this sword, after fusion, it can be comparable to the peak of the third-order Emperor.

Then continue to write down the "Star River Haihai!"

This is the priest method he created, but now it has been different from the past.

When he showed the fairy.

It has been upgraded to the emperor level.

Stars, Star River, Star Lake, Star Sea.

The four swords, from the ordinary emperor to the peak.

It can be fused, and the six-order emperor can fight.

"Almost enough!" He grew up.

Complete starry emblem, also accept it.

I took it, I will make a pen.

The starry is too difficult, he is afraid that no one can inherit.

I left a simple version of the starry.

"Cosmic map, time and space map, starry sky map!"

The three maps represent three ways.

If the cosmic map can be cultivated enough, it can become a full strength of the eight hobbies.

The time and space map arrives well, which can become ancient existence.

The starry is recorded, but there is no upper limit.

He does not use super ancient times, showing the starry chart, and can also kill ancient times.

Three things were taken carefully, and the time of the outside world has passed thousands of years.

The improvement of the Xinghehuhai is just a time.

But the improvement of the starry sky, but spent him.

"As for the body of the body, I still have to see how those disciples!"

Going out of the cave, this day is extremely lively.

During this 10,000 years, the trial is all spread.

Many family members, especially the family of the universe, are desperately cultivating the Deman, and then to the true spirit.

I originally think about some of the whole downstream time and space.

No way, this is too big.

The old people of the true spirits, three five sentences, let the true spirits open.

There is only a sigh of the sword.

No way, I have decided everything.

However, this time trial, it also enhanced a lot of the fairy of the next time and space.

In addition to the families of those who are the owner of the universe, there are also a large number of derivatives after listening.

It is for this opportunity.

The seven seven-bit hi-hobby universe plus a master of the eight hobby universe.

Don't say the time and space, it will also cause vibration in the upstream time and space.

What's more, or all the top power of the downstream time and space shot.

Wanted time.

Everyone gathered.

The goal is a hole in the Temple in the Shenshen, which is made by the true spirit, and can accommodate the emperor, enough to try to practice.

"In addition to the family and Zongmen's Tianjiao, the rest is my personally arrested, this is assured!" The true spirit looked at the bridging of the fairy, leaking a smile.

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