This time trial is not previously.

At least you will not drop your life.

For this, I have trapped up to Ten Emperor in person, and if there is a breath, I can't make anyone else.

"The true spirits do things, I am waiting for natural and relieved!" Wu Zuo did not forget to compliment it. This is also because he also played people.

These years have come, not everyone go to the old and unparalleled secret law like swords.

Many people have cultivated the Deman in the dark and then throw it into the trial field, and finally let them pick themselves.

In fact, the sword is unparalleled, there is also a candidate, which is currently in his cave.

It was the little girl who took him in the quarter.

"Right, this trial is very simple, I have to figure out, the bridging has sent the Danadian who sent it, a total of billion, killing each other, and finally left a thousand people to carry out the battle, borrow ranking, Look at your place! "

The rules set by the true spirit are also very simple, and the last thousand Diva is discharged from the name for them.

One of them, let everyone feel some uncomfortable.

That is, they become selected.

Let those Deman to pick the master.

This looks at their personal charm, and the means.

If you are in your own, you have arrived before, and you will naturally worship yourself.

It doesn't have to be picked.

"Since there is no opinion, let's go!"

The true spirit took a tear space and took all people directly into the day.

However, they are in the body, otherwise this cave is broken.

The whole hole is a pair of mountains, and it is very suitable for mortals living.

"This viewing station, but specialize in you!" The true spirit pointed to a huge square, and there were already hundreds of thousands of strong people to fall, and they were all speaking.

In the center of the square, in addition to huge days, there are millions of derivatives.

Needless to see, this is the Tianjiao of those families and Zongmen.

I didn't think so much.

In addition, the true spirit is really very good.

But master the ultimate path, there is no one in one quarter.

Even if it is the Tianjiao, there are very few.

"Welcome God!"

The sword is unparalleled in the highest place, and there are many strong people below, they all come to compliment, obviously want them to open the back door.

But this time is very profit, no one will be sloppy, board a face.

It is reminded to take less water to touch the fish.

Those strong people are also very interesting, watching the gods and the palace owners, their faces, naturally don't dare to say anything, have returned to the position.

Just go back, I started the voice to give those backwards.

"Wan Mountain, don't live up to the expectations of the family, rush into the previous thousand, restore me in the past, don't forget the ancestors, don't forget the old ancestors!" Wanjia's home, also the descendants of Wordi, Now it is already the Lord of the four knocked universe.

At the end of the war, I didn't say that I didn't say it. In fact, I also made a lot of families of some of the fallen people.

The tilt of resources is much more, even self-paying.

In addition to Wanjia, there is a season.

"Qi Night, Ji Hao, the first thousand, you will become the pride of the family!" The old ancestors loured at the two upper players in the Ji Tianjiao, leaking expectations.

At the same time, many super families are overlap.

Even the ninth God "Mang Ming" also allowed family versa to participate.

"Qi Ping, remember your three feet swords, who will practice!"

This voice passed into a silent sword teenager ear, after hearing this sentence, the teenager god earthquake.

His three feet, but the old ancestors.

It is the ninth God of the Temple!

Just the voice is the rumored old ancestors.

He was calm, and after hearing this inspiring, he also leaked an exciting look.

The next few days below, heard the family ancestors or the elders, the morale is high!

There is no future generation in the sword, and there is naturally less.

It can be in his cave world, but it is another scene.

The top of the mountain.

A white hair was killed by a sword and blood sprinkled on the spot.

The people of the sword are a girl, her scorpion is cold, and a white is not dyed.

There is still one person behind the girl.

He has a chest of his chest, holding a long sword, is arrogant, but has made a high evaluation of the girl: "The old devil can be a big Dali, you can also kill, it seems that Master is this time Will take you away. "

"Why do you say this, you don't kill a big Dai Dai!" The girl turned to the man, the face did not change, and still cold a face.

"Why is the teacher in the cold, the teacher will take us to leave this world, why is it unhappy?"

The arrogant man, who is a pair of expressions, but only has a different personality for this girl.

The girl did not change himself, and said: "Unlike you!"

Leave this sentence, step towards the mountain.

"Is it for your waste?" The arrogant man smiled dismissed, "Master can't help him, I see you is best to give up, and he seems to be a bloody relative, and it has specifically, it is so many years, Why is it so persistent, we can become a fairy! "


Cold and cold sword, instant out of the sheath.

The sword tip is only a trace of neck, and the sword is naturally the girl. She has an anger in her eyes, a word: "In front of me, you don't charge him!"

The voice falls, the god sword is returned.

The girl left straight.

The arrogant brain wipes his neck, snorted, the heart is dark: "It's stupid, so I am so angry for a waste, I will surpass you, when I go out, I will take it ....... "

He leaked a smile.

Everything in this place is unbearable by the sword.

"It's a little ginger's taste!"

He smiled, and his mental movement came to the mountain wooden house.

The girl just just took the little girl he took away from the season, and now it is a deracent.

To say the longest layout, who can grow him?

The time of this place was changed by him, and the outside world was only tens of thousands of years, but this place was over 100,000 years.

Slowly three or four times.

And also specially gave her a master.

Her master is not outstanding.

"Lu Huadong, this time is hard!"

In the wooden house, the sword is unparalleled with Lu Hua.

The master found, is the palace master of Yuanyang Palace, and Wu Zhi's life and death brothers.

"Polite, but it is a doctor. I was still curious why do you want to teach. It turns out that you have already planned!"

Lu Hua smiled.

When the sword was unparalleled, I thought the sword is unparalleled, I want to give him a treasure with this matter.

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