Unexpectedly, the Temple was so long, and it was once again held trials, and it was also the best in the Pantheon.

Originally, he also prepared to get a group of Deman to send it, but it turns into this section of yourself, in the temple, there is no family force, and there is no family force, there is no difference between the Dynasty.

No weight, what is the use of the cultivation of the Danadian?

In fact, he can completely invest in Wu Zhi, but he doesn't have the face of Wu Zuo, and it does not pull his face.

When Used, Wu Zhi is doing things under him.

Now I am in turn, I can't let go of the body, I have found a clear place in the small border of the wilderness.

If the sword is unparalleled, he will not go out.

And this kind of thing is also very meaningful for him.

He knows that the sword is unparalleled to cultivate the disciples, and there will be great achievements in the future, and he will not forget him.

Hele is not!

It is indeed a good thing, otherwise the sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning Lu Huadi, he would help him.

Moreover, he and Wu Zhi also pitted Lu Huadi once, and it was the first to throw the palace of the palace.

This is also compensated!

On the occasion of the two, there was a cold voice from outside the door.


Hear the voice, Lu Huadin smiled: "Ji Tiki, come in!"


The wooden door is pushed open.

It was that the girl who was previously in the mountains and a sword killed white hair.

It is also a small princess of the Jijia Dynasty.

In the house, Ji Tuminant saw the sword is unparalleled, but she is not simple in her feelings.

The whole person is subjected to oscillating.

Jian Yugu, the whole person is like a god sword that is ready to go.

In addition to these, there are some blurred memories.

In blurred memories, she seems to have seen each other.

"Ji Tumens can also recognize this predecessor?" Lu Hua got up: "If there is no he, you have nothing to do with me!"

The sword is unparalleled to do a ghost face, but also stand up, smirk: "Little girl, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Is you?" Ji Bei is happy, excited: "When you take me here?"

Although the memory is blurred, she has always remembered that there is a man with a face of a face of the smell, throwing him into the mountain.

Later, I was gone by my brother.

"Yes, it is me!" The sword didn't say a double point: "Now you have a success, you can think of it?"

Ji Yan heard this sentence, but he hesitated.

"Don't hesitate, your brother's thing, he can help you!" In fact, this thing Lu Jijun can do, but the sword is unparalleled.

In fact, the intention of the sword is unparalleled, not to cultivate a quarter.

There is also a brother of each other.

He refines this hole, it is because of that teenager.

The back and found that the character is very suitable for practicing the sword, and the other party will lose in.

"Shen Jian!"

Which boy is a atmosphere.

It is also the most hoping candidate who wants to inherit the sword.

The worst can also inherit the time and space.

The stars are still too difficult, at least to master the power of the starry sky.

This is difficult to fall almost everyone.

The top five swords recorded in the starry sky said, as long as you have the power of the Starry Sky.

But I want the nine sword.

Don't say that other people are, the sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning with Hui Qing, he also showed the sixth sword.

At that time, his war has reached the level of the universe.

The universe will present the sixth sword.

The nine sword is out, what kind of strength is you needed?

And I want to cultivate to the ninth sword, at least there is a starry source.

In addition to him, no one can do it.

But there is hope that the first five swords are completed, and it is enough to constant pressure throughout the northern time.

"Your brother, Shen Jian, will leave you!"

This time he personally, it is to take the Shenjian to leave with the season.

But there is another thing to do before leaving.

Ji Tang heard his brother can go out together, and it is also able to cure the hurt, and the eyes are red.

For tens of thousands of years, she has been looking for antibodes and rescues her brother.

"Let's go!" Lu Hua looked out and said: "Yan Shao is also coming back!"

Strict frost, which is the arrogant man.

In fact, this is also a sword, there is no double, let Luhua arrange.

It is to temper the silence.

When the sword is poisoned, it is strict frost.

It can't be said that there is no direct relationship with swords, and it can only say that there is thousands of linked contacts.

Out of the wooden house, just encounter returned stroke.

"You ........" Yan Cream saw the sword unparalleled, scared!

That face, he will not forget his life.



The sword is unparalleled, but he leaked a smile, and the sound road: "Yan Shuang, now you want you to dedicate!"

He didn't pay much more attention to the Shen Jian and Ji.

But against Yan frost, he can don't have less effort.

This is a test for Shen Jian.

Over, it is a squid.

However, even if you can't afford it.

Then he will also give a charm a machine.

Don't say that he is biased.

"Yan Shuang must not be rude!" Lu Hua knew that this is a sword unparalleled plan, blink: "The predecessor is I specially invited you to leave this world, it is not coming!"

Yan Shuangwei Wen, I went forward to see: "I have seen my predecessors!"

But his eyes are dodge, just like a loss.

The sword is unparalleled in the side of the human animal, and it can be different from him.

Yan fried identity, only swords are unparalleled and Luhua know.

The van period is a thief to raise a big child, burn from urination.

Later, I was unparalpled by swords, I sent it to Lu Hua, and played a big devil, I have been grabbing the striking handle.

The decision of the Shenjian is that he is provoked.

However, there is also a selfish heart, he is extremely eager to get the season, but he can also see that Ji Tong is not interested in him, and he seizes Shen Jian.

There is also a dollar thoughts.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a next thing.

Give the chance to temper the temper, and also give the season to the dynamics of the ever.

One fell swoop.

Lu Hua took three people, bypassing the wooden house to a cave house in Hissing.

Where is the place where Shen Jian is hurt.

In order not to let Jikang know their own arrangement.

He chose his heart to grind.

Four people stand outside the hole.

The sword is unparalleled just a point, a dark red ray enters the cave.

Just flash!

The original weak and weak sword once again appeared in the cave, the gods, the horns flying, like immortals.


Derivate has been achieved.

And behind him, there is still a broken sword.

As for the strict frost, there is no new position, no one is moving.

The soul of the other party has been detached from the sword, and sent it to the original universe to the transition.

Heart trial, very fast.

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