Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6115 Shen Jian

Just a moment, I haven't seen anything, it is over.

But for Shen Sword, it has been in the past few years.

In the illusion, he saw that Yan Cang and Ji Tong married, and he was unable to stop.

Later, I found my poison was a strict frost, but I had given a woman in Yan frost.

He has no heart to revenge, and he is full of depression.

Later, he met a picture.

Pick up a short sword.

Riding a thin horse and start looking for places in the painting.

In, he met the sword and unparalleled.

As a result, he revealed the ugly face of Yan fried.

And set challenges.

One scene in the illusion flashed in the scholar.

Very real!

Therefore, there is a tear of the eye.


This time, it is a double squat.

"Shen Jian, remember, swords should be heart!" The sword was unparalleled, and it was light and tapped, praised: "This time, you are doing very well!"

Ji Tit did not know what happened. When I just wanted to speak, I was in the calm, I have never let go for a long time.

As for strict frost, from the beginning to end, there is no god, there is no god.

Only the sword is unparalleled to care about his life, and now I am refining the body of the other party's reincarnation.

Although I have done a shark stone, I have not gone by the sword.

A big family in the original universe will also be achieved in the future.

However, he has erased the memory of each other.

This memory is also a black history of swords, naturally erased.

"Time to give you a fragrant time, wait for it, wait until there is a war waiting for you!" The sword was unparalleled, and Lu Hua left the mountain.

Back to the wooden house and wait for two people here.

As long as the two can enter a thousand, this hole world can give them.

Just enter and exit.

"Since there is no matter what I have, I will leave, just go to the outside world to watch this time!" Lu Hua got bid farewell.

The sword is unparalleled asked: "Don't you tell you?"

"In the future, it is the opportunity to meet, and I will spend a long time for you, it is the simplest thing!"

Lu Hua is quite a consciousness of everything in the world, saying that the fracture of his own dissipation and returning to the present.

kill time.

It is not a simple thing for swords.

When he saw the Shenjian, there was a heart that wanted to end.

When everything is busy, it is also the time to turn off the eight knobs.

And there is another thing, he didn't do it.

That is the beast.

It's still a bad thing.

According to his original idea, it is ready to collect the beast from the mainland.

But the last piece didn't know where.

Asked the king of the king and also explored it.

Then explain that it is not in northern time and space.

Or entered the abyss of the end.

If you really enter the abyss, then you can't find it.

There is also a small chance to enter the world.

This will look at his luck.

A fragrant time, very quickly.

Shen Jian arrived in time.

"These two token are closed, there are all things you think!" He throws two tokens.

It is the trial token of the true spirit.

There are also introductions for the Temple of Temple.

Of course, he also added a lot.

It is information about the identity of the season.

"Remember, don't be reluctant!" The sword was unparalleled.

Titan and Shen Jian nodded.

However, in the eyes of God, there will be many colors.

That is a yearning for the big world.

This feeling, the sword is unparalleled.

Every time you accept fresh things, this is always.

If he knows the king, you can't leave the north time and space.

After getting a king of the king, I am afraid that I have similar to the two people.

This is what he lack now.


Go to another world motivation.


After reading a deep look, he torn space and wrapped two people and disappeared in this cave world.

Going to the Sword and Treasure Fighter.

There are also places that make the jarm sad.

In her token, the sword is unparalleled, telling her that the mother is dead because of him.

This is what he gives the other party's driving force.

When there is once again, the sword has disappeared, and the Shen Jian and the jarry have appeared on the square.

In addition to the sword unparalleled and true spirit, no one knows the identity of the two.


Consciousness returns to the present, the sword is not a double turn head toward the true spirit.

Can begin.

If he is not he delayed, try to start.

The true spirit is a deep breath, as Hong Zhong shouted: "Try now officially started, three interests began to transfer!"

In addition to the Tianjiao in the square, there are also those who have been plundered by the outside world, they also heard the sound of the true spirit.

I received a token of billion Di Dynasty, I have long understood what is going to face.

No one is scared.

Some is just a war.

Whether it is the Tianjiao of those who have been plunder, or they are not afraid of fighting.

"Transfer!" The true spirits have moved.

Ten billion Danoma instantly in a canyon of the trial world.

" !!!!!"

Ten billion Danoma was concentrated together.

It's just a moment, shouting, and shocking the whole canyon.

On the watchtock, many people were too dark.

As a result, many talents are extremely good, and it is likely to be besieged.

This is the fairness.

In particular, the Tianjiao of those families, each treasure is rushing, and when you look at it, you will be a good treasure. It is definitely an object of siege.

Many Tianjiao in the Damadam are falling in the contact war.

The most of them is the Tianjiao of the major families.

Directly by tens of thousands of derivatives, the treasure was broken.

If you don't actively call out to give up the emperor saved, it is absolutely fallen.

After giving up, the token will fall.

See the token, the war continues.

From the beginning of the contact battle, there was no broken.

There are also some luck, in the edge of the valley, I have already jeelled.

Among them, there is Shen Jian and Quartet.

Although there is a glimpse of the sky, it is not good to be siege.

And collect this kind of order, two people are too lazy to do.

It's better to wait for others to collect almost, then go out to find those super Tianjiao.

Watched it once.

The battle in the canyon has been a few months before they gradually calm down.

There are fewer people.

I know that in the canyon, I don't play an advantage.

It can also be able to kill the quarter.

For example, the super Tianjiao in Wanjia.

One person is awkward.

Just one person, he defeated hundreds of thousands of derivatives.

Currently ranked first.

This makes the Wanjia's master are extremely proud.

I feel that there is no white culture.

The war is displayed, which has indeed made many universe the gods of the horror.

Such actions and talents, even if there is no such trial, you can also worship the Lord of the universe.

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