However, because this time trial, you will have more Tianjiao.

There will be a lot of this super Tianjiao.

The first three years of trial is most intense.

But the ornamentality is also relatively low.

It seems to be fierce, but it is also very bad.

There is no place to be two eyes.

The sword has no double-sighted force, but there is a goal in my heart.

He also has a good person.

In addition to the Shenjian and Tiem, there are several little guys who use swords, talents are very good.

More than he was a lot in the Danctuary, even some Damai will cultivate the ultimate path to the big realm, which is already comparable to the general Dao Jun.

Only one person in the top of the top of the sword is unparalleled.

A girl who has mastered the moon.

Nowadays, millions of dermations have been defeated.

It is a steady thing to enter a thousand things.

Although average, as long as it collects millions of tokens, they can enter the first thousand.

In these Deman, the most preferred in the outside world, many of them are the world or the cosmosphere, will stop because of the launch of the card.

And before entering the trial, the family's old ancestors, or the elders of the Zongmen can be explained.

Collection token is just the first step.

The most important thing is to be bright.

Let the big giants on the watchtock to remember themselves.

This is successful.

"Hey, there are thousands of mountains in the first, and now there are hundreds of thousands of trials in this way, surviving trials, and thousands of people, you say that he can finally Collect hundreds of millions of tokens? "

The true spirit looked at everyone and was bored, and he said the strongest testist in this trial.

The performance of Wanshan, in fact, in the eyes of the swords, there is no eye, because Wanshan has cultivated their ultimate path to the big chartered realm.

Although it is a Danctuary, it is very close to the road.

Such a realm, dealing with the trial of the ultimate way, is crushing.

Hundreds of millions of tokens, it is not difficult for Wanshan, it is not difficult!

It's hard to chase those trotters who escape.

"His strength is really good, hundreds of millions of tokens can be collected, but he is very special, saying is the ultimate way, but there is no kind of cohesiveness, but the original Wanshen is very like , Wan Dao is unknone, and it is more robust than the original Wanxing, one step, a footprint, is fast, and it is stable! "

Wu Zuo is frustrated, although Wanshan's strength is good, it is not suitable for him.

In their eyes, it is just a foundation.

Really want is still a pure heart.

For example, who is the quarter of the quarter, the strength can only be taken to the first twenty in the trial person.

However, her way is extremely complete, but the derivative can maintain the initial heart, not interfered with the outside world.

Many people put into appreciation of this season.

The sword is the same, but unfortunately the other's swords are different from him.

If you really want to choose, you still have to look at the pursuit of the way.

Otherwise, it is also a talent of the other party.

"Wu Zhi brother said so, this Wan Mountain is very suitable for me to go to the door!" The company smiled, and his cultivation was also steady.

It was the first ultimate emperor of the original universe, and the first robbery of the next time and space, the first universe.

Going fast, it is steady.

It's what he said.

Don't look at the sword unparalleled and others.

But these years, his strength has been close to Wu Zhi and others.

It is not far from the border.

I didn't stop.

Also let Wu Zhi, who have some tension.

Those who go to the sky, you can get the heritage of the king, or the fidelity given, far is not a comparable, but now the business is gradually rushing up.

It should be what I should say in Wu Zhi.

Going to the upstream time and space, it is not as good as the meditation of the Temple of the Temple, and it is also shameful.

Nowadays, the first initiative to throw an olive branch on the trial.

Everyone is not hiding.

I have said that I am optimistic.

When they didn't pick it, they had noisy.

Are grabbing people.

Even the character is honest, and the temper is warm and clear.

Because this time, he also has a candidate.

It is a golden body, from Tongtian Buddha.

Although the current Tongtian Buddhism, there is no Tongtian Buddha.

However, the original Buddha has become the master of the five knocked universe.

Nowadays, it is the first Buddha owner of Tongtian Buddha.

Hui Qing walked the heaven, only the Buddha.

Tongtian Buddha's Magical Magniel.

Finally, there is no amount of Buddha to win.

Won the Tongtian Buddhism, and won the Buddha.

"This Luo Han, is not a heaven, and the temper is not good, understanding is that the world is the world, it is not all the way to you, it is better to let me!"

It is no day to compete with Hui Qing.

He feels the golden body, there is a magic breed in his heart.

It is more suitable for breaking into hell.

Hui Qing took a deep breath, a little unhappy, firmly said: "He will choose me, the magic can be removed."

There is no words in this words.

In fact, I haven't had a positive devil.

Everyone wisted for a long time.

I didn't have a result, and finally I have to see how the trial is going.

The sorry is not a noisy, starting to ponder how the medicine is in the case.

"Well?" Wu Zuo turned his head and looked at the sword and unparalleled. It was found that the sword was unparalleled from the beginning to the end. Some curiosity asked: "Warriors, you won't look at it?"

Wu Zuo's words also caused other people's attention, and they have seen the swords.

This is found that the sword is unparalleled.

"I can't see you in seeing, the only thing in the eyes of the two eyes is also booked for you!" The sword was unparalleled.

In his heart, there are actually a lot, and each of those who have everything is stronger than the original.

The era of donation has changed.

Just like those derivies in the upstream time and space.

When I went to go, I was also shocked, and the time and space in the downstream, I also chased upstream time and space.

Next, they will cultivate more powerful Daojun and catch up with the upstream time and space.

Even the emperor also chased the pace of upstream time and space.

This is what he has to do.

Therefore, for the selection of apprentices, they have too much pursuit.

Even if I lose it, I don't have any treasures.

Just do something good, leave some things to the Dynasty.

Going to the world, I don't know when to come back.

Zamas' s things, they don't know.

More stress, are behind!

Just like those testists.

Today's trial is just a start.

The later tesselves are behind.

Everyone feels that he is somewhat in today, but it does not understand why.

In the trial world, the battle is still continuing.

The manifestation of Ji Tumin and Shen Jian is not bad.

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