Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6124, you don't understand! !

If the second round is accidentally, it is likely to eliminate two.

The quarter is the disciple of Luo, and it is also a sword.

And her swords have already finished the fifth floor, to the edge of the right, if not for see the road, it can be accessed.

"Season, you will leave the blood of the season, even if you don't admit it, you can't change it!"

People in these years, people also have to find the season.

The sword is unparalleled, but the season did not shake his own heart.

If the teacher is not a teacher to leave the season, he will not live, and it will not have today's achievements.

Everything in her today has nothing to do with the season.

If there is contact, it is hatred.

Her mother, die in the season.

This account, it is necessary to have a good evening.

The quarter didn't know this relationship. He thought that Ji Tumin is a sword, but he can't get it in the season.

So I have been pulling.

"I am with the quaternary grievances, you won't understand!"

The time of the era and makes the jams grow a lot.

It is not a madman buried by hatred.

She is divided into the enemy.

Who is innocent.

The quarter is the same family, but there is no compliance with her friendship.

There is no need to follow a quarter from a young quarter from a small star.

What she wants to do is to defeat my opponents and win the honor for the teacher.

This is enough.


The cold is flashing, and the sword is in the middle of overbearing.

The first sword will show the stars of the stars.

A huge lake spread from the swords and shadows and wrapped in the quarter group.

"I don't understand your grievances with the quaternary, can you still understand the sword?"

The sword is broken in the quarter, and the rock sword has also reached a very high level.

Only the sword broke the starry sword.

This is not enough for her.

On the ring, the two seasons Tianjiao documented.

Also attracting the people of the universe that watch the battle.

I am very envious, and the quarter has three pro-disciples.

The future is not limited.

It is not necessary to be in the pool.

This battle, for the quarter, is actually a loss.

Because the strength of the rainy season is enough to enter the first twenty.

Nowadays, you have to share a winning issue.

In addition to the quartz, Shen Jian has also fallen into anxiety.

Wanshan is over the test.

Although it is not a very nippy, it is very good, there is a great power of the threshold, but it is a lot of Wanshan.

Wanshan has shown a thousand and changing, and it has been a strong force.

It is easy to rush the opponent, showing the pressure on the initial trial.

Twenty-five battles have ended the facts.

There are only two people left and Ji Tumin for two people supported hard.

The current situation is not very good.

Ji Tang was suppressed by the quarter, Shen Jian went there.

It can be the moment of the victory.

A Wang Yang sea has fallen from the day.

"Xinghai Sword!"

The two will be displayed together.

Just a sword, I will move the winning and negative.

"Shen Jian, win!"

", win!"

Many people have not reacted, obviously will be lost, but they are turned over.

The quarter is even unacceptable. She can't accept my own girl who is lost to a quarter.

It is clear to win, but defeated by a sword.

"I, actually lose!" After the quarter, I retired halfway, I couldn't calm down for a long time.

Ji Tang Qiangjian into the sheath, slowly walked to the side of the ring, tone firmly: "You don't know grievance, don't understand the sword!"

After leaving this sentence, she left straight and went to the winner group.

If you don't understand the grievances, you don't understand why Ji Yan did not return to the family. He didn't have suffered from her people, but they would like to ask the other party.

It is indeed a bit ridiculous.

I don't understand the sword road, then it is much more.

Just a starry sword, I have already arrived at the top of the top.

That sword is definitely a star lake.

More lakes also condense the sea.

The small sea is also the sea.

Xinghe Lake Sea!

Once the integration is through, it is an invincible.

It is no longer a Dao Jun, it can be comparable.

Seeing your two disciples, connecting a breakthrough, and I won the test.

The sword is unparalleled is very pleased.

Didn't say anything, just nodded.

This is enough to make the disciples feel true.

Wanshan's performance is also the same, just the power of the power, not so complicated, and there will be such a possibility.

Everything is a step-by-step manifestation.

"The third round of lottery, now!"

Finally, the ratio of the third round.

This time will decide the top ten.

The empty swab can be said to go directly to the top ten.

In the 12 winners, we must also play two losers.

There are only 25 people left.

On the watchtock, some people have closed their eyes.

Diabatic eyes.

His disciple did not enter in the first twenty-five.

There is also fun, he is the same.

In the past 100 disciples, only one, still smoked in Wanshan in the second round.

It is also unlucky.

Some people are lost, and some people are happy.

Only a disciple of backbone, "Duobao People"

Pumped directly to the empty sign, lying and entered the top ten, becoming this truth, the first one entered the top ten trials.


The backbone is very proud. "

"Hey, this is an internal compaction. If it is the killing of the outside world, he has already fallen, you can don't be proud!"

There have been no hi-hobby universe, and the face is embarrassed.

The backbone, but at this time, it is intentionally showed, and naturally besieged by everyone.

"Hey, you are awkward me!"

The true spirits did a cough, and he said: "Don't talk nonsense, the third round begins, the top ten will be decided!"

In the current twenty-four Daojun, swords have three people.

Wu Zhi also accounted for three.

Hui Qing accounted for one, which is gold .

The merchant has only one place.

Loo is also.

The rest of the people are not covered, that is, there is one.

This battle is a winner.

They are all in person with disciples and tell them the shortcomings of opponents.

Once lost, their days will not be better.

Now the downstream time and space, the resources that can be developed are developed.

If you want to add the deficiencies of the Temple, you have to get in the middle of the sky, or the upstream time and space, and the same strength is desperate.

The sword is unparalleled, many people also understand.

Suitable for teaching disciples to stay taught disciples.

Not suitable, then go out.

Always leave your comfort.

Now the temple is constantly expanding, and it is necessary to put water.

Get a batch of strong, go to the middle time or the upstream time and space.

Put the Wei name of the Temple in advance.

So after the barrier disappears, the integrated strength of the temple is still not.

At that time, there is no double out of the sword.

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