Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6125 The ultimate air transport is also strength.

He can guarantee for a while, can't keep it.

You can only use this method to change the temple.

The third round of fighting is also starting.

This time, the three disciples who are unparalleled to the sword are not bad.

Wanshan Shengsheng Voucher.

Ji Tumin and Shen Jian Shi Shi Xinghai Sword, and each of them took a test.

Thoroughly entered the past.

The time consumes the longest, even if you can't get the top ten.

After the end of ten, the last two places were automatically judged.

Since then, ten candidates appear.

The three disciples under the sword unparalleled entered the top ten, and the winning is also very beautiful.

Then, the golden contrast under Hui Qingmen, and there is the evil moon sword under Luo.

The remaining five, is a multi-treasure villager, and the quasi of the quarter, the palace of the palace.

The last two, from the Zongmen, and the scatter of the true spirits.

Ten people selected.

Wu Zuo is the most embarrassing, he only left three disciples, all fall.

This time, there is only six people.

The sword has no double accounting for three places.

Luo Zhanzhan has two.

Then it is a very good backbone, and the Lord of Shang, Hui Qing, and Light and Shadow.

The rest can be unlucky, and the days later will not be better.

Especially U.

Go to the upstream time and space, I will definitely be paid.

Eighteen super power, left twelve in a time.

The pressure inside the is much smaller.

And there will be a large number of treasures.

The heritage will be getting stronger.

The fourth round of comparative test has also lost the original intention, only the most stronger matchup.

Five-game derivation ended, Shen Jian and Ji Tong defeated.

Wanshan entered the top five.

The disciple of backbone Luo, "Taoist Taoist", with a singularity, and again.

The fifth round of lottery, but also revealed the weather, and won the empty sign again.

This time, Wanshan also encountered the enemy, and the pro-parental disciples of Hui Qing, "Golden Malam"

In the end, the ancient changes will be presented and defeat the other party.

Wan Mountain, which is ambiguous, and close to the first sword.

If it is fully proficient, it is not a possibility of it.

The last three pairs.

Wanshan pairs to the evil moon, two people fight to the hands.

Duo Taoist, took the first one with luck.

Let this more serious than the test.

The road is over.

The sword is unparalleled with everyone, and the closed plan is announced.

This closed closure will have been a long time.

On the day of the customs, I almost arrived at the Baxin, or Dan Bao upgraded the life level of the northern time and space, it can be born.

In addition to this, it will not be deployed.

This is determined, and the Wu Zhi, who is awkward, deeply sucking.

Even if you are going out, you will stop practicing.

Otherwise, it is too far from the sword.

After farewell to each other, the swords have three disciples left the god hall.

Things, he also told three disciples, this kind of thing is nothing to conceal.

The time of the era, as a master, the nature of the teaching.

Make people do things, and the most important inheritance.

It should now be to face the secular.

The origin of the original universe.

The sword has three disciples, enters an ordinary secret, and set up a tamah and left Bamata in this place.

Single three disciples, there is an important thing in the future, you can find him here.

Of course, this is impossible to stay here, he will let Babata stationed this place, there is something that Baba will tell him.

"Wanshan, you are walking, remembering the most important, not improving the treasure of the power, but a way to increase the power, stacking the power, but no one can do, but the increase of power, not anyone can do it Before leaving, he is still worried about the temptation of Wanshan, and the treasure of the family will enhance his own power and destroy his route.

In this regard, he is still overman, and it is impossible to easily improve the power of Wanshan.

When Daojun, the foundation is 50,000, and the rest is how to increase its own power.

Decoction of thousands of octaves, and vast.

When I arrived at the emperor, I maintained 100,000 power.

Go to the more powerful.

When the Lord of the Universe, I didn't have these constraints.

At that time, I would like to understand his goodness.

"Master!" Wan Mountain is just right, respectful: "Disciple, will keep in mind!"

The ancient changes and super ancient times have passed the other party.

The way in the future is his own.

After the exchange of Wanshan, the sword was unparalleled and looked at the jaritan and Shen Jian.

These two people inherit his swords and is most difficult.

Moreover, the present source is very slow, and the two will enter a quiet years.

"The teacher left three pictures, divided into the universe, time and space, starry sky, everything, the universe is also good, the complete five sword is also enough to arrive at the northern time, do not have to pursue the limit, to the universe After the Lord, you can also make a teacher, inherit these, I will pass me! "


The sword is unparalleled, and naturally teaches some disciples.

But he didn't have time to do this.

I will give my own three disciples.

"Okay, I should go back and closer. If there is anything in the future, I can tell Bamata. He will turn to me, you can talk to it!" After all, the sword did not turn into the hut.

Three disciples were smashed together, standing for a long time.

Wanshan took a sigh of breath and knew that the next way was going on, and said: "Teacher, the sister, can you have place?"

Two shook his head.

A magnificent road road will also be launched on three people.


Besides, the sword is unparalleled, after entering the tamah house, only left a fidelity.

This is already floating.

He didn't look at the closure of the downstream time and space.

The sure is closed in its own home.

The present is to go to the end, feel the ridiculous, let your blood.

The stagnation of the million era, no fight, no cultivation.

It should also be well cultivated.


Sky Mountain.

The sword is unparalleled, and the power directly arrived for 30 million.

This is also the limit currently by the world.

His foundation is 8 million, plus two million rostrum, tens of millions.

There is no improving.

Anyway, there is no need to fight now.

The improvement is also a matter of eight hobbies.

The Secrets of God's Secrets "Super Change" have reached the perfect level.

Ordinary super ancient times, the power of the increase is only double.

Perfect super ancient times, can be doubled.

The premise is the environment.

And the heritage of your own.

Sometimes the perfect super ancient change, does not increase by double.

He also needs to make some changes.

The trouble of the power line is the secret of the increase.

This is the most time consuming, but it is not a realm, but a force.


The sword is unparalleled in the heart of the stars, and the mind is constantly improving the supercomproad.

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