Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6126 Substation (on)

In order to achieve the perfect gesture.

Time is also a white gap, and a closed door is 100,000 era.

There have been a lot of things during this time.

Barba tell did not inform him that he had three disciples, but also collected some things about the god of the temple, even in the middle of time and space, and the upstream time and space, there were a lot.

This 100,000 era is not only a transformation of downstream time and space, but also the transformation of the entire northern time and space.

Recycling secret law, the comprehensive strength of the entire northern time and space is increased several times.

After all, it is more than the main more than the universe.

Once these scatters are relented, the strength can also catch up with the universe.

However, some unlucky ferry failed, directly demonstrated, this kind of could not be reborn.

In general, the robbery is still a big risk, just allow you to fail, but if you are robbery, you can't blame.

And the Lord of the universe after returning, the robbery is better than the normal universe.

Failure once, it will add several times difficulty.

Always arrived.

Even so, those bulbs are still very happy to have this opportunity.

When the sword is unparalleled in the ancient times, the "alcine"

Nowadays, it is already the Lord.

His heritage is very deep, even if it is bulging, there is a power of the universe.

Nowadays, it has become the Lord of the Eight Cobkeement.

This kind of thing is staged many times in northern time and space.

Let the Lord of the Eight Coco Universe Directly exploded several times.

There are also those eight robbery, which also got the biggest benefits in this reincarnation secret law.

I started to prepare the ninth robbery.

However, this time, no one will reappear iron to take the ninth robbery, all waiting for the god of life and enhance the life level.

The three ancient existence is the same.

The sword is unparalleled, it is not anxious, he is now seven.

In addition to some big events in North Time and Space.

The temple has also changed a lot.

The quantity of the seven hobbies has been increasing, but the eight hobbies are still only one person.

The number of six-knocked border is also very good.

The Lord of the new universe is ten times the original.

Today's downstream time and space, there is already the Lord of 100,000 universe.

Although it is not as good as the number of the universe of the ancient month, can over time, morning and evening can surpass the ancient times.

As for the whole upstream time and space, it will not be done.

Because the resource of the upstream time and space is not the downstream time and space.

Light is the resources of the ancient times, which exceeds the entire downstream time and space.

If there are some seven-robust strong people who have led by Wu Zhi, the development of the temple is ending.

Now you need to compete for resources.

It needs to compete for the ground.


The weak entered the downstream and even the end.

The strong will gather upstream.

North time and space will also reverse the world.

Today, it is just waiting for a barrier to disappear.

Even if the barrier does not disappear.

The Qi Temple also has a large number of strong men began to enter the midstream time and space.

And it has won the space -time of a midstream.

A large number of strong men in the Temple of Qi are now relocating.

His three disciples also left downstream time and space.

The time of 100,000 yuan.

The three disciples also reached the main level of the universe.

Wan Shan does not need to improve too many realms.

It is now the Lord of the Universe of the Five Robbery.

And divine power has surpassed one million.

It is Tianjiao of the contemporary Qi Temple.

Although the speed of Ji Tang and Shen Jian is a bit slow, the strength is not bad.

Among them, Ji Tang's performance is even better.

This is expected by Sword Wushuang.

After arriving at the Lord of the Universe, Ji Tang went to the Ji family to learn about grievances, and his strength went rapidly again.

Master the time and space catalog directly.

Catching the pace of Shen Jian.

Have a time and space map.

As for the starry chart, it is the idea of ​​the sword and the words, the words that I said, I don't want to let the two disciples to force the trocardiographic temptation. They will only fall invert, and finally sleepy.

From the performance of the two, he matched more.

Before they walked, they also received several disciples and continued inheritance.

It's just those things that have nothing to do with the sword.

This time the cultivation of 100,000 era is stopped, but it is because the supercient turn has reached the perfect level.

In the future, it will not weaken because of its own power.

However, now the increase is weakened.

The sword is unbounded to give yourself a compromise.

Originally for the pursuit of power.

Finally, the ultimate improvement was released.

Perfect super ancient times, doubles.

Ordinary super ancient times, the power is only 50%.

For example, he now has a million power, and the power will be increased to 20 million.

It seems that there is much weaker than before.

When he can wait for 20 million, it is 4 million power.

Without improvement, after his basicity arrived for 20 million, it may be able to show super ancient times, and may even be unable to increase.

Now the super ancient times, the pattern is larger.

This is what he spent 10,000 era.

After he got up to the eight hobbies, the basic skills can reach 20 million.

At that time, the full power of the full power is to be more than 4 million.

Plus the source of the source.

The power will surpass the nine robbery.

With such a power, there is also the bottom of the world's mainland.

Next time, he has to enhance his own origin star.

At present, he is a louder, and there is a merits, and there is also the re-expansion of the native starry.

The nine superficial universe is his goal.

Do not reach no robbery.

In fact, it is very simple to light up the universe, but I want to connect the nine universe into a line, it is difficult.

This is difficult than him from new cultivation.

He first, you have to connect the nine universers.

Space is not the same.

But time must be equal.

Otherwise, how to connect to time and space!

This requires a lot of time.

Sit hard.

Lonely and anxiously.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will take a break in the cultivation of 10,000 era.

In order to make yourself in the state as much as possible, I don't hesitate to hand in hand with myself.

Purifying the pure feelings of the source.

The time in practice, the fastest.

The first million era is soon passed.

A major event that occurs in the outside world, it is passed to the mind.

The second eight knobs of the Shenqi Temple were born.

Such a long time, the birth of the second eight-knocked universe is also normal, but the birth of the Babysical universe, so that the sword is unparalleled is very surprised.

"Bone Rob!"

The tenth God of the Temple.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe.

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