Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 6127 Substation (below)

It is the second place after Huiqing.

It is also the second place in the temple.

Just a 60,000 era, successfully robbed successfully.

I heard that this time the robbery is so smooth, or because of his disciple.

When the sword was unparalleled, he felt that the "Duobao"

The disciple of the backbone, in the abyss time and space in the middle, got a singular power from the abyss.

I don't understand myself, I am dedicated to the backbone.

The backbone is beginning to study, and after the back is, it just absorbs that the category power, and the power directly exploded.

The situation also spent the eighth robbery.

There is also his disciple, and it has been absorbed once and has become the main of the seven-robbery universe.

The wind has passed Wanchang for a time.

Wanshan is now only the Lord of the Six-hearted universe, and these years have increased slowly.

Nowadays, the most famous in the god of the temple is that the backbone Luo Siyi is two.

Become the bone of the eight knobs, the peak will be more than 1,500 million, and three time and space in the middle.

The master of the abyss is anger, or there will be a war.

Hui Qing came out, naturally easily got the owner of the abyss.

Downstream time and space, now there is a desire of the following grams, this momentum, everyone looks out.

Even if the backbone does not shoot, some people will take the initiative to invest in the temple.

The sturdy temple brings too much pressure on the middle of the time.

Millions of era, have born a large number of strong people, and a brain to go to the middle of time.

The peak war is clear, and it is possible to constantly constant pressure throughout the middle.

Top war, there are many.

I don't want to play, in the middle of time and space, I have already given up.

Especially the Juyang Xianzun, the giant peak, and left the north, and the bottom semanties in the second giant peak space, gave Hui Qing.

The whole middle of time is time and space has lost our sharpness.

The Lord of the abyss, but I didn't see the sword without double.

If the sword is unparalleled, go to the middle time and space, that can indeed surrendered.

Although the Temple threatens the safety of the middle and space, it can also bring them hope.

There is no barrier in the future, and I will be brought to the temple early, and I can follow the upstream time and space.

Hele is not, anyway, it is not a hope.

The competition of the upstream time and space is fierce.

Suddenly, a large number of strong people were suddenly emerged, naturally they would compete for treasures and opportunities.

I can't open it early.

The king of the king is like this, there is a lot more than the water in the mountain.

And he also got a lot of time and space from the mainland of the king, one shot in the upstream time and space.

As for the middle and downstream, there is no representation.

Even if Wu Z is left with him.

Either you rush to the upstream time and space, or hungry.

Will not biased any forces.

You can give your own treasure, but you will never cover the forces.

Even if the Tempse of the Temple is the same.

At this point, let the sword have no wear.

The upstream is upstream, downstream is downstream.

If the barrier is eliminated, there is not so much thing.

The sword is unparalleled to enter the next stage of cultivation.

At present, he has already lit up the ninth universe.

Treasure consumption is also almost.

When you are connected back, you don't have to use mixed ingredients.

In the future, he also had to go to the outside world.

Search for treasures, go to the eighth robbery.

It's just that it's last.

The nine big universe connects to the front line, and he didn't have a look.

The card is over time.

A time without end.

It is completely immersed in cultivation, and he no longer stops.

There is no passage of time.

Sitting on the stars.

One is a nine million era.

The outside wind is melting, and the newborn freshman does not know how many reincarnations.

Only sword is unparalleled, there is no change.

The whole person sits in the stars.

The nine universe behind, shining, and thousands of temporary time comes together.

The prototype of time and space has been gradually formed.

Condensation time and space, at least to cultivate the time to a complete.

Today, the sword is unparalleled.

This is completely different from the power.

Don't look at the current practitioners, after the eight knocked border, it is still in the heart, paying attention to strength, regardless of the realm.

Waiting to the nine hobbies, I have to go to the god, I want to further, become the universe, I have to make up.

It is also because the sword is unparalleled.

His perfect universe can compare the universe.

As long as you master a universe, you can impact the universe.

But he is not the same.

The practitioners becomes the cosmic god, and he is even going to become a time and space, even the stars.

It is not a starry star of the starry, but is put on his own practice.

God's position, this is the virtual.

During your life is the Starry God.

Finally, isn't it falling?

The so-called gods, but

The original sword was unparalleled, and the gods were god.

I have long pulled the mysterious veil.

God is not completely invincible.

It's just that your own vision is not high enough, and his strength is not strong enough.

Being a God is not the goal.

The goal is to defeat them.


Jian Wushuang slowly opened his eyes and shot out of the light, which was his extremely powerful source of power.


As he got up slowly, a bone collision sounded.

It didn't stop until it was completely up.

"Barbata!" The first time he went out, Jian Wushuang first called Barbata.


A dark red little demon appeared in front of him.

The era of tens of millions of times has not been seen, and Barbata's strength has improved a lot.

However, he is not suitable for cultivation, just like Barbidi.

But wisdom is also a kind of strength.

"Master! You finally got out of the customs. Lord King Jie completely broke the barrier before 30,000 times. Now the North time and space can be born to the Lord of the Jiujiu Realm universe!"

The news did not surprise the sword Wushuang.

It was a normal thing.

If he can be born of the cosmic god, he may be surprised!

"By the way, the three major eternal old time in the upstream space -time, and the successful crossing has become a nine -robbing state. I have accumulated countless years. I speculate that they already have the power of nine calamities. In the mainland, before the old man of Tiancang left, he once entrusted Wan Shan to bring you a word. The northern space and space have now entered a period of expansion. The practitioners who have exceeded 30 million in power must leave, otherwise it will affect the development of the North time and space! "

A series of skewers in Bamata said, and the sword is unparalleled.

God is more than 30 million?

His current power is only 10 million.

Ten thousand power in the normal state, there is no burden on the northern time and space.

It is calculated here that the foundation is the foundation.

The three ancient existence left the northern time and space, which means that their foundation will exceed 30 million.

That didn't leave.

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