"300 million?" The sword was unparalleled, holding a fist with hands, anger: "Ha!"

The strong breath rushed to the sky, directly put the Bababa shocked out.

In the stars, the power can get the biggest increase.

And it is automatic growth.

After all, just in your own path.


The blue breath appears, the sword is unparalleled from 10 million to 20 million.

Nowadays, this origin is equivalent to a miniature time and space.

The growth rate is also doubled.

Ten million of the power is more than 40 million again.

Powerful power, in his own home, such as fish, there is no irregnance.

But if you leave your own universe, I am afraid that it will be suppressed.

Although the current northern time and space, the life level has increased a lot.

It is already possible to maintain $ 50 million.

But the practitioner has more.

There are too many spaces that surpass 3 million.

If you want to grow back, you need to take the initiative to leave.

It is not unable to support more than 30 million power.


Shen Li recovered again to the normal state, and he didn't have to maintain super ancient times.

Nature is naturally impossible to anyone in Northern Times.

However, it should be customized.

The barrier disappears, and he also implements his own plan, and the temple is shocked upstream.


Consciousness returns from this source star to reality.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled and the knees are sitting on the front of the past.

The slowdown is standing, looking down at the abyss, looking up looking up at the stars.


One step, I came directly to the original universe.

Ten million era did not appear.

Today's Dynasty Temple has long happened to change the earth.

For his first God, knowing a lot more.

The first million era of the sword is unparalleled, and the backbone has become the universe.

Among the nine million era of the next few, there is a master of the universe with Wu Zuo Zuo.

Same as the Shangluo couple.

Dongsheng and the talent of Dongsheng, now it is still in half-step eight.

Among the consecutive generations, there was a lot of the Lord of the Eight Beacon Universe.

Among them, there is a son "Ming Ming" left by the palace.

There is also the Xinjiu, which was a sword, unparalleled rescue.

There are a lot more.

Today, the master of the eight -catering universe of Qi Temple has ten.

Seems a lot.

In fact, it is still much worse than the midstream space -time.

However, half of the current space and space, half of the site is occupied by the Temple of Qi.

Today, the Qi Temple in the lower reaches is only stationed.

The sword Wushuang tears the space at hand, and enters the Temple of Qi Temple and go straight to the sea of ​​origin.

I soon felt the consciousness of true spirit.

It is also an eight -robbing situation.

Moreover, the sea of ​​Qi Temple has completely merged with the true spirit.

Don't look at the true universe, but in the Qi Temple, it can erupt 20 million divine power.

"Sword Wushuang?" On the top of the ancient mountain, Zhen Ling got up and looked at the first god Lord who had never appeared in front of him, and said excitedly: "You finally get out of the customs, I don't come out, I am going to find you!"

It's really silent for too long.

So many people have never seen Jian Wushuang.

Even the Dharma body did not stay in the ancient mountain. Many new seven calamities, and even the eight -robbery have never seen Jian Wushuang.

And Jian Wushuang's prestige is gradually decreasing.

Now it is better to have three disciples I have left.

Shen Jian and Ji Tang have reached the seven -robbing situation, and they have also formed Taoist couples.

First, it is Shang and Luo.

"This retreat is unprecedented, and it has indeed delayed a lot of time.

It was the change he had proposed at the beginning, but he had a retreat.

There is also a bit embarrassing in the heart.

Zhenling smiled: "I don't mean that, but you have been closed, many people have forgotten your first God, you are going out to shock!"

This is unhappy with the sword.

It is indeed a shocking to shock all the boundaries, and the trend will lead the temple to hit upstream.

Before he closed, he concluded the information of the Babata collected upstream time and space.

Look for a weakest time and space, stand firm.

Upstream nine short time and space.

The original ancient times is the weakest, but with the day of the day, the ancient moon teaches it to become the three eternal power.

The weakest time and space becomes "falling the soup time and space"

This time and space once was still a good, and a god of death was born.

As the death of the death, the time and space of the soul is also completely Moro.

Even the hundreds of hundreds of houses are also a pool of water.

If it is not the temple to threaten the abyss time and space, the owner of the abyss will take a shovel to the soul.

Now, it is a big gift for the sword.

Just lack the treasures that ferries need.

He went to the time and space of the soul.

If you talk, then weird to go to the middle of the sky, you can also leave a good site for the other side.

If you don't talk, then you don't talk.


Weak meat.

Every day is staged.

You don't fight, others will go.

"This matter, give it to me!"

The true spirit heard the words, asked: "Are you alone?"

"This kind of thing is too much, isn't it bullied?" The sword is unparalleled, "Although the strong is respectful, can not be too too much, can be safe, or low-key, I heard the eight-time sky The robbery is fast into a locust, too high, even if it is, it is not very good to stay! "

His strength is really powerful.

You have to hold a time and space and need more super power.

Otherwise, others are full of you, but they are trapped for your forces, you can't walk all the way!

Sometimes, the world of strong people is not playing killing.

But people love the world.

Before the day, he left him, and he also had something else.

It is possible to take the opportunity to go to the sky, first to get three eternal power, let the temple can stand in the upstream time and space, or it is difficult to serve.

There is also one, it is to pay the middle time and space.

And he already has a reason why it is clear.

The temple of the gods belongs to the mid-range time and space.

Now go to the middle of the sky, this is also reasonable!

And did not have him at the beginning, and the middle time and space fell into Belut.

Always say that eliminating the barrier, the middle and downstream, will be completely cut.

He is now recovering the middle time and space, which is also reasonable.

After the idea of ​​knowing the sword, the true spirit is shot, and I am happy: "If the owner of the abyss, there will be these things, I have supported my hands, you will go, I will notify Wu Zhuo immediately. Receive site! "

"Is this a bit anxious?" Jian Wushuang felt that Zhenling was more anxious than him, and it was shameless.

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