Will quit Qiankun, the sword is unparalleled, but it looks a little excited.

So many swords secrets ... Although these probes are only created by Jingshangwu, the priests of the swords, the swords of the swords, can be unparalleled, and any sword secret technology is deeper. After all, he I am still impossible to create a secret skills.

These swords secrets are of course huge for him.

"In addition to these swords secrets, in these three years, I can also give you ten times. If you are in the world of the world, or if you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me. However, you only have ten opportunities, you can cherish it. "Xiao Em said.

"The younger generation understand, thank you for your predecessors." The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are also hot.

Xiao Emperor, the peak of the ancient circles, willing to point him ten times ...

Ten times, Xiao Emperor's pointers, even if it is just once, then I am afraid in the ancient world to make countless genius strong people to fight?

"Go!" Xiao Emily waved.

The sword was unparalleled to Xiao Emperor, and then turned and went to the world.

Looking at the sword is unparalleled again into the world's jail, Xiao Emperor's face slowly reveals a smile.

"This little guy, he is very high, but also because of cultivating the relationship between the big days, there is a perfect root, and the understanding is greatly improved!"

"Three years, for others, but it is a lot of instants, but it is enough to make his strength greatly improve, that is, I don't know which step can be upgraded to this step." Xiao Emily laughed.

There are many resources he giving, and even he personally pointed out, so a great opportunity, even if there is a general person, there will be a lot of improvement in three years, let alone the sword is unparalleled such super genius?

In the world jail, one is completely formed by the power of the world, the sword is unparalleled, and with the sword unparalleled now, the speed of these giants is still powerful, all have it. A large increase, once the sword is unparalleled, the wolf is incomparable.

"The senior for Xiao Emperor is not thin, giving me so many opportunity conditions, these three years, for me is definitely a great creation, I don't waste it, I can't waste it, I have to find ways, do the best possible Improve my strength, as for the end, how much can be improved ... Everything will be seen after three years. "The sword has a thick light.

From this day, the sword was unparalleled to fall into the hardship.

And this hardship, or the world's own and killing this respect is completely separated.

World Rest, stay in the world jail, relying on the world's prison, he has the world of the world, and he has a sword cheats in the world, and the world's way, while drinking the world, it is drilling the cheats, occasionally If you encounter a bottleneck, or some are completely unclear, he will come out from the world, and ask Xiao Emperor.

Xiao Emi can be the peak of the ancient circles, and it is good at the world. As for the sword secret skills, Xiao Emperor is not good at, but the sword is unparalleled or more than enough.

And the other side, the sword is unparalleled, it is sent into a place called killing area by the emperor, where there are many killing that has been killed completely, and it is the swords of the 'madman', these 'mad 'I saw the sword where there was no one who didn't hesitate to kill.

The sword is unparalleled. So, the sword is unparalleled killing this kills in this killing area, almost every day, killing people, he is a lot of Yunjing, and Tian Shoutang. The sword secret technology created by the sword warrior, these swords, secrets, is targeted by killing.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, there is also the six-heavy building assistant, the road to kill is increased, the same very fast.

Two big respects, stay in different places, perceived different roads, drilling different nature of the sword secrets, and there is no impact on each other.

So unique cultivation conditions, plus sword unparalleled talents have completely burst out, his strength, began to lift the amazing speed.

Spring is coming to autumn, once a year followed the year, constantly flowing.

One shock, three years have passed.

In that huge garden, Xiao Emperor sat in a chair, and looked at a line of books alone. This line of books, but a Lingxiao, this way, the world, writing A view of the next travel, wrote this Lingxiao's experience in the world.

According to the truth, a Lingxiao is nothing to do with the antity of Xiao Em, but the tour of the Lingxiao, Xiao Di actually saw the taste.

The blink of an eye has been in the past, and Xiao Emperor finally took this line of books, income in Qiankun, then Xiao Emperor's eyes did not help but read it in the world.

"For three years, this little guy's progress is really fast enough, it is my hidden singer." Xiao Emperor secretly praised.

For these three years, the sword is unparalleled. He looks at the eyes. It is very clear that the advancement of the sword is unparalleled.

"Unfortunately, he still can't break my world prison." Xiao Emperor sorry.

If the sword is unparalleled to break his world in these three years, it is really perfect, but he also knows that in just three years, the sword is unparalleled to see the sword secret skills and can reach the present. This step is very striking, it is impossible to force it.

at this time……


Xiao Emperor suddenly saw it immediately. He immediately looked at the voids in front of him. There, there was a sudden twisted, followed by a beautiful cold figure slowly stepped out from the distorted space, appearing Xiao Emperor's face.

This is a white robe woman.

White robe is very beautiful, cold is suffocating.

Similarly, she is also very cold, cold to only one appearance, it is enough to make everything around the world into ice.

"Father." White Robe Women looked at Xiao Emperor and owed it slightly.

Xiao Emperor's daughter, and still so beautiful, there is no doubt that this beautiful woman is naturally cold!

"Is it come back?" Xiao Emily looked at the frost, and his face was indifferent.

"I will come to my father today. I will not come again in the future." Cold as frost said, the sound is not too high.

Xiao Emperor is now sinking, "Say goodbye? Is it because of that thing?"

"Well." Cold as a frost slightly, "is a mother, personally tell ..."

If you are so cold, you have not thoroughly speaking, Xiao Emi is a waving a prevention chair, which is obvious to use a very unique material-reducing a plastic chair to make a powder.

"Cold? That happened!" Xiao Emperor's voice took a heavy angry.


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