Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 615 comprehension, the first redo!

"That hammer, it is already crazy!" Xiao Emperor had a raging angry in burning.

Cold as frost, it is silent.

At this time, the cold as frost noticed next to the world, and it was also aware of the existence of swords in the world.

"He is also?" The cold is full of complicated face, followed by jail toward the world.

Among the world, the sword is unbearable from one person. Although there is a giant hand to form an offensive toward him, you can just appear next to him, from him, there is an invisible force , Easily shock the giant hand.

For three years, his world of this world has been in this world, with his continuous improvement of the world's way, it is more and more relaxed, and now, he is completely broken Open this world jail is just the last step.

"This last step, I feel that I have a faintness that I have been touched, but I still have a slight difference to truly understand." The sword is unparalleled. "

According to Xiao Emily, only the world's first heavy time is completely solved, and you can completely break the world, and now it seems that he is completely mastering the first redo, or a slightly different of.

"The sword is unparalleled."

A indifferent sound suddenly sounded.

This voice sword is unparalleled, and immediately looks at the voids in front of the front. I saw that there was a beautiful woman standing like a cactus. This woman is proud, raising a hand, I feel from it. The inner shaft.

So beautiful and proud woman should only have one in this world.

"Miss Cold, Miss Cream, not seen for many years, don't be innocent."

I saw cold as frost again, and the sword was unfair with a surprise.

"I will leave this way, and I will never come back in the future." Cold as cream directly.

"Oh?" The sword is not a double brow, and will leave immediately, and will not come again in the future?

"I stayed in this elderly, and you are in this ancient world, the only one with communication, reluctant is my friend, before leaving, I will send you one more Trouble, I don't know you. "

Cold as frost deeply saw the sword unparalleled, then there was a white jade seat behind her, and the frost was slowly sat down, and there was an ancient Qin, who had a dragon and phoenix.

This scene, the sword is not a double eyeliner.

The piano sound of cold as frost, is a heaven and earth, has a great ability.

The sword has remembered that he was in the Datang Dynasty. The first time I saw the cold as frost, in a month, the cold as the cream lived in a month, cold as the cream was playing the piano every day, and he was received by the piano The impact, the strength of the strength, the success of several levels in just one month.

Now, cold as a cream play again ...

The sword didn't have a double sucking, and immediately started to listen.

Cold as cream is also calm for a while, then the jade is slowly fluctuating the strings.

As the sound of the sound of the sound, even if the prison in this world, this piano contains a strange magic. The sword has no double one to hear the piano. It is completely immersed in which it is completely immersed in it.

The wonderful piano sounds, this piano sounds, but with a touch of sadness, it makes more sadness in this day.

The sword is unparalleled, but the brow is slightly frown.

He is able to feel that this is sad, the sorrow, and a touch of sorrow.

The same sound also contains a strange ability, attracting swords and unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled to fall into the world's relationship.

The world's first heavy mystery, I haven't been able to understand, but now, it is like Mouton, and naturally understands.

The world is prison, a calm.

The beautiful piano is slow down.

The sword is unparalleled, standing there, that has been crazy attacking his giant hand has stopped, and he is in this moment.

In front of the sword, the cold is like a cream has been recovered, and she stands up. She deeply watched the sword is unparalleled, and then the figure has disappeared in this world jail.

Among the huge gardens, Xiao Emily stood there, and the beautiful and arrogant figure was smashed, and then turned into the split space insect hole, and immediately disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Emperor is also a bit gloomy. He is holding his hands, and his body is slowly trembled. I don't know what I am thinking.

Just then ... Hey ~~~ That is completely built by the world of the world, but suddenly begins to tremble.

"Is this?" Xiao Emily looked at the world in prison, this world jail is what he has created. Everything happened in the world, he all seen clearly, "this kid, actually broke through it? In Frost Under the piano, the world has achieved breakthrough, will it fully understand the first heavy mystery? "

Under the eyes of Xiao Emperor, I saw that there was a strong, indestructible world jail, but suddenly received an influence of another world, and then the world's prison started to break down, only a moment, the world is prison Completely the power of the world, dissipating this world.

And in the disadvantaged world jail center, a black robes are standing there.

"This world is prison, but it is a means of use of the power of the world. I feel that the laws of these world power combines are very wonderful, but now I will completely understand the world's first heavy time, these worlds The combination of force is not there any mystery to me. "The sword has a shore of excitement.

This world is prison, this is an application of the world.

Like now, the sword is unparalleled, the world knows the first Xuan'ao, then as long as he is willing, he can form a nature of the world's prison, just a range of strength, much better than Xiao Emperor.

"In any case, the world's first heavy mystery, I was completely realistic." The sword is unparalleled, "I am grateful to the frost, if there is a help of her piano, I want to comprehend the last Some of the mysterious, I am afraid that it is not so easy. "

"Well, cold is like frost?"

The sword is unparalleled around the garden, but only sees Xiao Emperor's existence. As for the cold as frost, it does not see trace.

"Little guy." Xiao Emperor Xiao Di in the center of the garden shouted.

"Senior for Xiao Emperor." The sword didn't double up to the front of Xiao Emperor, "she gone?"


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