Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 616 is a step!

"Get." Xiao Emoti nodded.

"So urgent?" The sword didn't have a double frown. According to his knowledge, he left the ancient world for a long time. Today, she should just come back, but she is just a greeting, and she immediately left. There is almost no halftake.

"What is it?" The sword is unparalleled.

Just heard a sadness, sadness, helpless emotion from the piano.

Perhaps, there have been some changes in cold as frost.

"Little guy, why, are you worried about my daughter?" Xiao Emperor suddenly saw the sword.

"This ..." The sword has no double one, followed by slowly: "Miss Cold Ascend is a friend, and there is also a kind, her safety, I naturally worry."

"Just this?" Xiao Emily watched the sword and walked, and he said: "Little guy, you are lucky, my daughter is accompanied by ice heart, under the influence of physical fitness, she is born with cold It is almost difficult to have anything to cause her emotional fluctuation, so the cold nature, that although she has many servants in the ancient circles, they can really talk to her, not a few! "

"As for friends ... Oh, my daughter is born to now, no one can be recognized by her, becoming her friend, you are the first."

"What?" The sword was shocked.

Cold as frost, from birth to now, even a friend who said something is not.

"Perhaps because you have helped her to transform the ice heart bones in the body, or because of having something on you, or some kind of sex attract her, in short, your first friend is." Xiao Emi said, "Little guy, my daughter is in the ancient world, although there are countless days of talents, but she never said two words with those genius, and you ... can become her friend, this Isn't it lucky? "

"This is a chance of a thousand years, you have to hold it well."

When I heard this, the sword was nothing more than a big.

He is a friend with cold as a friend, but he still listened to Xiao Emperor's meaning.

"Okay, don't say this first, now the top priority is that day the day." Xiao Emperor became positive, "for another two days, the day of the day will be convened, you can have the world before this. The first heavy time is completely mastered, then it is fine, then ... you should break through! "

"Breakthrough?" The sword was unparalleled.

That day, there were only the martial arts that the Lingxiao hierarchy was qualified to participate, and the sword was only just a hierarchy of Jiuyi. Before the start of the day, naturally wanted to break through, cross-out the first step in the anti-sky four steps. Talent.

"Daotian crackdown on the volume, just to build a perfect root base, the anti-day four steps, the real start of cultivation, now you, I have already met perfect, plus these three years, The awareness of the road has a great improvement, and it is not difficult to cross that step, "Xiao Em said.

"Well." The sword nodded and nodded, and the heart also had absolute confidence.

He is now, it has long, and even exceeded the first step.

Only for a moment, the sword is unparalleled with the murder.

Three years, the sword is unparalleled in the world's way, the most incredible, and even directly enlighten the first mystery of the world.

And the killing of killing, under the respect of the nerve, the progress is equally amazing, the speed is not the world, but three years, killing this respect is completely comprehensively understood, and it can't Too much.

The world of the world is present together with the killing. The two major respects, then the sword is unparalleled in this castle.

The process of breakthrough is very easy and is not obstructed.

Just half a day, the sword is unparalleled, the spirit has already happened huge changes.

The first step in the sky, the sky, it is already!

In the sky, the corresponding thing is the normal military Lingxiao, and at the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and it is discovered that in terms of the sky.


"It's incredible!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is full of shock.

He has guess this to see the first step in the sky, the difference between the ordinary martial artists, guess a lot, but you really know that the sword is unparalleled but completely shocked.

The first step in the sky, the biggest difference with ordinary military, is not the body, spiritual power, etc., but ... talent!

Yes, it is talent!

A breakthrough has reached a role, and the sword is unparalleled. It immediately found that his understanding is obviously better than before the Jiuyi level, it is too much to improve.

At least a few times, or even ten times!

This can be a talent!

Perhaps he has improved so much during the day, once it breaks through the second step, his talent will weaken, but now his independence is improved so much, sword is unparalleled. Some of the trend of the world or killing, he immediately found that the speed of his refreshment is more than ten times more than before.

This is equal to what he is now in the day, enough to get the ten days before he is better than before.

Anti-day, real against the sky!

Even the swords are unparalleled, they are directly absorbed, and the half-rang is reluctant to calm down their mood.

"Now, in the sky, it will be the highest, the fastest in the speed of cultivation, etc. I will break through the second step in the future, I am afraid that the cultivation will never go back." The sword is unparalleled.

He also knows that the big changes in the sky, any unique ability will only be strong in a realm, and it will weaken when it breaks up again.

Like a big day, it is rolled up, the ultimate sea, congenital Jin Dan, once a breakthrough, will be weak.

"Unfortunately, I can't break through three years ago. Otherwise ... these three years of hardships, my strength can be able to improve again." The sword is unfortunately.

After completing the completion, the sword came to Xiao Emperor.

"It seems that the breakthrough is very smooth?" Xiao Emily looked at the sword and unparalleled, directly asked, "Jut into the first step, how do you feel, what is the strange thing?"

Although Xiao Emily knew the magic of the big days of crackdown, the big day of the day, there is four steps, there is a unique ability, and he is not clear.

The sword has no double sinking for a while, and there is no concealment, and the improvement of his own talent is directly promoted.


PS: The family encounters 100,000 emergency things, today is more.

Everyone is rest assured that this book is written for so long, and it has not yet owed it, the reputation is absolutely guaranteed.

Since I owe two chapters, I will definitely will be still still, and I will never be doubled, that is, I have two more, I will make up four more.

Not unexpected, tomorrow is still four chapters, but the day after tomorrow should be six, with four more doubles, and pay back today.

For everyone's inconvenience, please forgive me, there is an urgent thing in the family, and should be dealt with immediately.

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