Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 619 Endless geniuses

Not only the space, the sword is unparalleled, and the spirit of the ancient circles, the strength of the source is far from the ancient world.

On the power of the source, the at least is more than 100 times more than the ancient world.

You know, when the sword is unparalleled in the demon continent, go to the field of the fourth floor, it is the fourth floor, the spirit of the source of the source, and the ancient border, it is a lot of difference, but this Just just a place where the ancient world is very casual.

"The ancient world is in the ancient world, it is indeed possible." The sword was unparalleled secretly shook his head.

Just like Nanyang Continental, the gap between the ages and the ancient world is not able to describe the words.

In the sword, there is no double, a lot of many Lingzhong, who is from the ancient world, is amazed at this moment, and feel surrounded.

The sword has no double eyed ring around, and it is suddenly a look, "Dark God?"

"Sword is not double?"

The crowd was shrouded under the black robe. The middle-aged man in the face was the darkness of the sword. This darkness also saw the existence of swords.

When the Dark God, the Dark, the sword came, and there was another person, and there was another person who had only skinny bones left, and the skin is dark old, this old, the sword is also known.

"The Dark God, Ming Jun." The sword didn't look at the two in front of him, and the face showed a smile.

He didn't have a holiday with the Dark God. When he gave the sister, this darkness gave him a face. Although the sword is unparalleled, it doesn't like the nature of the Dark God, but now he just arrived in the ancient world, it can be seen It is quite happy to come out from the one who comes from my own side.

As for the top, the top of the Dark God.

They all came from the same party, and they were naturally held in a group.

"You are the sword is unparalleled? I have heard of you." The skin is dark thin old man † † † , † .

"I can let the meditation remember the name, and I will be fortunate." The sword was unparalleled.

"It is already an ancient world, the strong is like a cloud, I am not in the dark, those famous in the ancient world, you don't call me to meditate, call me the name, I am called Ming 6." Jun said.

"Call me no heart, I have arrived in the ancient circles, I can't claim later, in case there is a strong man, I heard the dark God, the four words are uncomfortable to kill me, then I am a miserable." Dark God Also said.

Wen said, swords are unparalleled, can't help but dumb.

The Dark God is in the middle of the ages, but one of the strongest people, the wind is going to rain, and it is quite horizontally.

You can come to Wange, but the two have become careful, even their own title is not used.

"Look at it, let's take a thousand ancient world, just have three great memories, come to participate in this Tianshi Festival." The Dark God has no heart around, and although there are countless Lingxiao strong, It is very unfamiliar, it is clearly a strong from other thousand people.

In addition, in this campus, there is still another campus. The campus is also huge, and there are many people in the campus, but the quantity is obviously far from this campus.

"Where, there is still a piece of campus?"

"If I have not guess, the person on the campus should be the genius of the ancient world!"

"The genius of the ancient world?"

Countless eyes are fun towards the other campus. The genius on the campus is very casual. It is very casual, and the surrounding environment is not surprised. In addition, the genius will also take this side of the school. Watching, these eyes are very clear about the Lingxiao from the Ancient borders.

This kind of light, with a trace of disdain!

Obviously, that piece of the genius of the ancient circles, did not look at them.

After all, the ancient world is only a low-alive world, but the ancient borders are the real core of the heavens, these genius strong people from the ancient circles will inevitably have a sense of arrogance.

"I have born a super power. This strong person is said that it has reached the eternal border, even if it is in the ancient borders, it is a real power. After he returns to the ancient world, he once said. , The ancient circles are far from the ages, and the gap is far. "

Among the crowd, a Ziyi old man talks in that paragraph.

"Born in the people of the ancient circles, born to be unique, they only need to cultivate, even if the talent is low, it can easily cultivate to the Lingxiai level, and there must be certain accommodation in the road, as for those talents slightly Some, only for decades of breakthrough in Lingxiao, everything is all! The sense of the road is more unsurcited, these innate advantages are not compared to our thousands of people. "

When I heard this purple clothes, the crowd immediately sounded a turning.

Even if there is no talent, within a hundred years, can you easily reach Lingmi?

You know, in their respective elderly, a small face world, countless warrants, can truly reach the level of Lingxiao, only the big cat kitten is two.

The mainland, the martial arts like the sword, countless, and only three of the strong people, the three ancestors.

The people of the ancient world, the hard work, constantly struggling in the difficulty of life and death, and finally there is a hit hope to reach the level of Lingxiao.

But in the ancient world, Ling Wei, too common.

"People are more than people, mad people." Many people complained in their hearts.

"This ancient times, even the most ordinary place, the aura, the source of the source is a hundred times more than the ancient world, and some strange land, spiritual power, the source of the source is better than the ancient world, thousands of times, thousands The estimate of the times, in such a good condition, of course, is stronger than our thousands of people. "The Dark God is unhealthy, and his eyes also carry a scarlet.

"It's no wonder that the genius of the ancient circles will look down on us. We will have a gap in innate conditions." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Hey, but it is good for cultivation conditions. If you are proud, we will stay in this ancient world, the future achievements may not be lower than they are." Sixth is not very unachable.

On the entire campus, a discussion, many of the Lingfong, who came from the ancient world, some observed the disdain, and a dissatisfaction. .

It is at this time ...


A strong power suddenly broke out from the place where the gathers gathered in the ancient border.

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