Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 620 Excited!

"Ouyang Xuan, the whole, I finally found you!"

A burst was also sounded on the campus of the ancient junior talented, and then everyone saw that a white robe had just risen to the campus, and a golden gun in his hand was fierce.

The power that suddenly broke out, spread from this golden gun.

The golden tunnel hurts out, immediately has the endless highlights, as if a golden sun is like, it is extremely eye-catching, and all the two of the two campuses have come to participate in this day of the war.

"This shot!"

During the cave camp, I saw the moment of this gun, I immediately sounded a sound of the cold air, apparent that this shot has made many people in the past.

"Esteen of terrible secrets!"

The darkness of the Darkness is unfamiliar, and the same faces next to them are dignified.

Even the sword is unparalleled, and I can't help but read it.

"This person, mastering the perfect bright way, and understanding is very high, the gun method he shows is his own secret skills, this secret is a first-order higher secret technology!" The sword is unparalleled. Judging this white robe youth strength. .

The person who was attacked by the white robe's youth was a young man who took a folding fan. It seems that the young man who is like a grandeur is like a young man who is killing him. A smile in cold, followed by the fuel fan in the hands, chairing the void, and suddenly endless wave invading.

The long guns of the white robe youth are falling in this no waves, but the power is weakened at an amazing speed. In an instant, this is a horrible shot, which is directly resolved.


"So simple?"

"It's just like this, just add that shot?"

There is a excitement in the Danyian Camp.

Just, they still think that the white strength of the white robe is terrible. His understanding of the comprehension is also the secret skills he created, and it is very unparalleled, but the young man in the son is now, and it is obvious than that of the white robe. To be strong.

"This person, comprehend the way of dripping, very high, the distance will be completely comprehensible, and it is not far away." The sword was unparalleled.

After clearing the gods of the Youth Youth, the young man in the son is again shot again. It is still a windy and cloud, and the fans in the hand is light, and the moment, but immediately has a horrible. The sword is swept.


A long-awaited sword is spent on the front of the white robe, and the young people have dignified, the long gun is like a dragon, and the endless stabbed eyes are bright, and a shot immediately stab out.


A great rang, the terrible energy is splashing around, and the geniuses from the ancient circles can be seen around him, and it is easy to avoid it. These energy is swept away from the ground, but It couldn't break the transparent spar on the ground.

On the void, the white robe young people came out of a boring, and some wolf's arms were retired, and the right hand of the long gun was slightly trembled.

"Want to kill me? You are still alive." The young man in the son smirk, and the voice gave people very warm, such as the breeze.

There is a raging angry in the young people in the white robe, and the bottom is full.

Losing, although it is just a short-lived hand, he knows that he has been defeated.

"too strong!"

"These two people, good terrible!"

"Especially the young people of the grandchildren, he is compre with the way of dripping, and even realized the way of the wind, and the comprehension is very high, and the creation of the secret skills is equally strong, much more powerful than I have."

The ancient camp, from all thousand ancient countless Lingxiao militaries, the eyes took a shocking and looked at the gods and there were two young people.

Just that scene, although it is very short, but they see it clear.

It's because I clear, they are shocking, this strength is really too strong, and it is much stronger than them.

"Betting, actually to be so?" The Dark God is very dark.

He, it is also a self-created secret skill. In the event of a lot of Lingxiao military, it is in the middle of the Avenue, it is not said to stand in the top, but at least in front of him, he is also in the strength of his own strength. confidence.

Just, he still somewhat uneven, thinking that the genius of the ancient borders, but it is nothing more than cultivation.

As a result, it is really seen that the two exaggerations of the two ancient borders, he only knows that the gap between each other is like this.

There is no doubt that the two of this shot, anyone is enough to beat him easily, or even kill him.

Whether these two people are in the understanding, they are still in the secret, they are far away from him, and they don't have the courage to fight against him.

And these two are just the most ordinary two in many older geniuses.

From other than those who laughed with a smile, he can see that the strengths of those who have exposed these two people, that is, the two are these people. Among the Genius of Wanjie, it should only belong to normal levels.

Perhaps that is more powerful to comprehend two ways, but in those who are geniuses, they are afraid that they may not be able to take the top ten.

"This is the genius of the ancient world?"

The sword is unimaced, but the eyes have seen the two people in the past.

After three years of hard repair, the strength has already reached a new point. Now he, like the darkness of the Dark God, and the Sixth of this level of Lingxia, it has been despised, but these students are in front of them. The genius of the world, is a challenge for him.

Seeing the instant of these two people showed the strength, I didn't know when the sword was more excited. There is also a war.

Not only him, in many strong people in the August 1, there are a few of them, they are all true geniuses, much more than other thousands of Lingxiao, when they see the ancient borders. After the strength of the genius show, they are inexplicably excited.

"Wan Down, this is the ancient world!"

"The strong is like a cloud, genius everywhere, even if it is a genius, the strength is compared with me, it is not too much!"

"Hey, I really want to fight with these geniors!"

Among the large counts of camps, a few people, like Nafeng, fire and infancy including swords and unparalleled, did not because the two powerful genius showed the strength, but also afraid, the opposite of them rose a battle Hibuy.

Many of them are invincible for too long.

And now, they have opponents.


PS: Today, four are more, no accident, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow is six, double back to the two chapters owed yesterday.

In addition, the new volume begins, and it is also a new map start, ask for subscription, reward support.

The next plot will be very embarrassed, very cool, I believe that readers who have seen the fantasy book know that genius war, usually very cool, and will be as good as possible, write perfect, write Passionate blood!

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