Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 621, four rounds of genius!

Just when everyone was attracted by this two people who have been fighting.

"What are you doing?"

The cold drinks suddenly swayed in this world, followed by a figure, like transient, appearing on the most central air of the two campus.

This is a monumental middle-aged man. This middle-aged man is suffocating, and the horrible breath spreads, and many of the two campuses have made the stylets from the heart, and the two of the war, that White robe young people also have the face of the young people of the son.

At the beginning of this middle-aged man, he was oppressed by his two, and he felt like a mountain, it couldn't breathe.

"Adults, he first shot, I will fight against it, I can't stand it in that one by him?" The son lined.

This middle-aged man immediately glanced at the white robe youth, see the latter is not sweet, the middle-aged man is immediately in the heart.

"During the Day of the Day, there is no more people who are free to kill, you, violate the rules of the Tianzhimei, and roll over the rules of the Tianzhu event!"

This middle-aged man voice fell, and saw an invisible power directly toward the white robe youth. This white robe has nothing to resist, and the instant is a package to send a campus. .

"Ouyang Xuan, I am not willing to work, not willing!"

On the two campuses, no matter how many Lingxiao prostitutes from the ancient world or the geniuses can clearly hear the anger that the white robe is sent out, but this anger It is getting smaller and smaller, but ultimately it is completely disappeared.

"Listening, Tian Daomei, is the whole day of the world, and is the largest event in the sky. The rule is strict, just the person is just a small punishment, and then, whoever dares to do things according to the rules, no kill ! "Middle-aged man sounded cold, echoing in the world.

Two campuses, the genius of many Lingzhong, the martial arts are all in the heart, and the rules of the Tianzhu event will naturally do not dare to violate.

The middle-aged man watched the people below, and then opened again: "Tian Monastery, held once every three thousand years, is the largest day of the world, and you, some from the ancient world, but more They are all from many thousand people, but during the day of the day, everyone is equal, everything rely on talents, strength, as long as the strength is strong, the talented talents are high, and they can also pay off the top of the Tianskama. "

"In the final sentence, talent, strength is king."

When I heard this, many of the two campuses, the wears, couldn't help but hold their hands.

Tian Tian's event is divided into four rounds. Each round will eliminate most people, the stronger strength, go to the end, and the more opportunities to pay into the Zongmen. "

"After a time, the first round genius will start, you will start, you are ready."

After the middle-aged man finished, he closed his eyes directly, and he did not pay back these geniors on the campus.

And the two campuses have been completely turned out.

"Four rounds of genius! I don't know what these four rounds will experience?"

Many wearshers are guessing.

"Although I don't know the content of these four rounds of geniic war, I listen to my ancestors of the ancient world. This day, the first round is very important, as long as I can pass the first round, it is good, maybe Those large-scale Zongmen can't see us, you can go to some small sects, go to the peripheral disciple, still there is no problem. "A purple haired old man said in that.

"Peripheral disciple?"

"Through the first round, can only be used to become a periphery in the weak small block?"

Many people frowned.

It's just a peripheral disciple, with the interior disciples, there is a lot of gaps, and it is only a weak small.

This will come to participate in the many days of the Tianzhimei, since it comes here, who doesn't want to pay into the top of the top, after all, the more powerful, the cultivation of cultivation, the more, they play Space, more.

Just a weak periphery of the weak, not a few people satisfied.

"Hey, it is very good, I have been very good, my ancestors said that every time I have a grand event, people from the ancient world, nine into nine, even join those weak small pieces become periphery The disciples have no chances. They can only wait for the day of the day, they are alone in the sky. How long is the danger of the world, there is no such power, the strength is weak, it will not be killed by people The old man said coldly.

I heard this, many people who have no confidence in their own strength have gone miserable.

They all know what the violet old man said is the fact.

They just came to Wange, and the environment of the ancient circles did not know, and the strength is weak. If there is no one from the mountains, there is no one to be protected, and if you are blind, you can think about it. .

"No matter what, at least you have passed the first round!"

"I will not expect a few rounds behind the war, but I must pass the first round!"

"Will pass the first round of the bottom line and then impact as much as possible."

Many of the people of the ages are holding hands and will be determined by one by one.

Soon, one time passed, the middle-aged man who was suspended above, opened his eyes, then waved, immediately appeared on the edge of the two campus, there was a huge space insect hole.

"The first round of genius battle, just in the space insect cave." Middle-aged man angry: "There will be two space worm holes, which will be separated from the ancient world, that is, this A genius war, there are two battlefields, one is from the public genius battlefield, and the other is the battlefield of the people of the ancient world. The two battlefields will not have any communication. "

When I heard this, a large number of millenies in the Antkey critical camp were relaxed.

"It seems that this first round genius will not meet these geniuses from the ancient world."

"The genius of these ancient borders, their cultivation conditions are much stronger than us, and the strength must be much stronger than us, but fortunately, it will not touch them."

"I will not meet the Great Big Genius, then I can pass the chance of this first round of genius war."

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