On the wedding night, his wife was captured.

After pursuing his wife's whereabouts, he spent the idea of ​​not knowing how much.

Later, after finding his wife, he thought his life was ending.

But embarked on the way to find a master.

Originally thought I was at its peak.

You can find Master soon.

As a result, my wife and children did not know what was going on.

Billions of years.

It passed by.

Everything has become dust!

"Senior life, you don't know how many times better than mortals, you can become the god of the universe of the Nine Stars, and the luck is even more anti -heaven. I don't think your life is bitter, but you feel that you are lucky!"

"Then borrow your words!" The old man smiled bitterly.

The two bowed to each other.

This battle is a farewell.

"Do it!"

Sword Wushuang drank, and Li Jianguang appeared in his eyes.

The power of divine power broke out with the origin.


Thousands of robbers pulled out.

He wants to use the strongest sword to welcome his strongest battle.

"Nine stars can also be enemy!"


The sword light burst out.

Form an infinite sword shadow.

It seems that the entire world of king is going to be opened.

Rushed to the old man.

The sixth sword of the starry sky is far from comparable to the first five swords.

This sword carries too much and too many things.

It is also the disorderly power he absorbed over the years, the perfect sword condensed.

It is the peak of the sixth sword.

If you want to play the sixth sword perfectly, he still needs him to survive.

The old man frowned and stared at the sword.

Lift one hand with one hand, and a black rhombus appeared in front of it.


"With my life, change your life!"

"It depends on who's life is even more bitter!"

At the moment when Lingjing appeared.

Everyone missed a shocking face.

"This is the mirror of the God of Destiny, how can there be a bitter life?"

"It's over, the god of fate is the real time and space god, which is stronger than the messenger of Xingling. It is close to the king of the Great Realm.

"This is not true, it's just imitation!" The king of Jie didn't lose money, and he found the strangeness at a glance.

Because the fate of refracted has not reached the level of the most high rules.

Sword light passed.

The mirror indeed reflects a sword light.

However, Jian Guang still went towards the old man.

The genuine sword light from the sword Wushuang is even more powerful.

Because the refraction will be superimposed.

Originally, it was just a sword's power. As a result, because of the hardship of the old man, it was difficult for himself to double the difficulty.

"It seems that my life is a bit bitter!"

He gave up completely.

Open your hands to welcome death.


The sword pierced the old man.

The consciousness of the god of consciousness was broken.

Everything has become a bubble.

One of the strongest nine star universe gods in the entire world.

The sword was defeated.

The reason why it did not say.

It is because the other party still exists subconsciously.

"Look at the sky!"

Everyone looked up.

I saw a huge imaginary shadow appear in the sky.

Ah, the skin is the same as the king, and the appearance is even similar.

It's just that majesty that makes everyone take a respect

The king of the northern boundary was kneeling.

"Great King!"

Although Jian Wushuang did not kneel down, he bowed and met.

This is the strongest existence in the realm of consciousness.

The king of the world has formed the first generation of the king of the king of the world.

In addition to Xingling, this is this.

Although Xingling's combat power is strong, it is not a practitioner after all.

The first king of the first generation is the practitioner.

"I have seen the king of the Great Realm!" The python robe girl also bowed!

Suddenly smiled, "Sword Wushuang, congratulations to you to win in ten games. In the later time, you can see me in the main house of the city!"

"Yes!" Jian Wushuang nodded respectfully.

He didn't expect the king of Great Realms to speak so well.

After speaking, the consciousness of the old man disappeared.

At this time, the audience realized that Sword Wushuang was a win -win situation.

Win thoroughly.

The shot was the strongest sword, winning ten consecutive victories.

Become the fourth in history.

It is also the first six -star universe god in the entire history. He defeated the Nine Star Universe God and won ten consecutive victories.

Congratulations to the endless stream.

There is no excitement in Sword Warriors.

Because he has that confidence.

Even if the sixth sword does not work, he can burst into consciousness and improve his divine power to the Nine Stars.

Who would be his opponent at that time?

Nine stars are complete, and there are few kings of the entire world.

It is the real player.

Invincible strong men below time and space God.

That's why he is so confident.

"The old man??" Jian Wushuang looked at the python robe girl.

He was curious why the old man was taken away.

Of course, you don't want to kill each other.

It's just curious.

This is the rules, life and death!

It was taken away like this.

The rest was not surprised because he defeated the Jiuxing Universe God, who still cares about the death of the elderly.

Well, not suffering from suffering.

But when Jian Wushuang learned the truth, he admired the other person's life.

"The time when the old man decided to reincarnate, you may not notice that there is no dark and daytime division in the world of the king of the world. You should know that in fact, when I talk more before, the time has passed. The next day! "

Jian Wushuang heard the words, and even admired the old man.

It turned out that the python robe girl delayed it.

Don't be so good for this life.

As for why he did not interrupt the battle of life and death, it was because of the order of the Great Realm. If you want to see if Jian Wushuang can defeat the bitter life old man.

It now seems to win.

No matter what aspect, I won.

He walked out of the corner field calmly.

Later is cheers.

He did not go directly to the city's government.

Instead, I returned to the end of the king of the King.

Dongtian World.


Sword Wushuang leisurely fishing.


At this time, the King of Jie pulled out.

"Why are you back, and there is still a mood fishing. Now the outside world is all discussing. The bitter life has been reincarnated, but he wakes up his memory and is laughed at. It is exposed, and then you will become the peerless Tianjiao in the starry sky, and the old man will still be a bitter old man! "

"Rumors, not hard work, really wake up, he has succeeded, more successful than many people present.

Facing the refutation of Jian Wushuang, the king nodded.

"Sword Wushuang, you have grown up, you will educate me now!"

"I dare!" Jian Wushuang waved the fishing rod and said indifferently: "How about eating fish at night?"


The reason why he did not go directly to the city's house was for the mood.

Fishing to nourish the heart.

Eat fish ...

"Go, remember to see the great world respectful!"

The king of the world looked at the back of the sword Wushuang, and his eyes were proud and proud.

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