The rising of the North time and space, just look at the Wushuang.

After the sword Wushuang left.

There was also a message on his conversation token.

The origin of Qidao has been gathered.

You can resurrect the sword at any time.

"hold on!"

This is the answer of the King of Jie.

Perhaps the sword Wushuang stayed here for a long time, and the growth rate will be faster.

Outside the city's house.

Jian Wushuang came alone.

On the way, he encountered a lot of cosmic gods who greeted him, and he responded one by one.

It did not have a trace of arrogance because of his ten consecutive victories.

"Dear swords in the junior!"

He shouted, but no one answered.

He didn't know whether he was in or not.

But when he looked up, he found himself in the city's main palace.

This is a Qingya attic.

On the balcony on the second floor, the king of the Great Realm was sitting on the chair and drinking tea leisurely.

Looking at the sword Wushuang below, said, "Let's talk about it!"

Just a word, Jian Wushuang had already reached the chair next to the king of the Great Realm.



This is the mood of Jian Wushuang at this time.

But this is a trivial matter, not waste of time and opportunities.

When I said, I said: "The predecessors of the Great Realm, I want to know the secrets of the starry sky, and I also want to get a magic pot that can carry more beast consciousness!"

"Simple!" As soon as the Great King waved, the surrounding heaven and earth changed again.


The vast disorderly place.

It's all barren, without any movements.

But Jian Wushuang felt the flow rate of time.

Every breath is endless reincarnation.

Several breaths passed, and the picture began to change.

Sword Wushuang seemed to be in the depths.

"Look, the starry sky is about to be born!"


In the barren disorder, countless figures suddenly appeared.

Each is the boundary beast.

And it is still extremely powerful beast, each of which is no less than Morosa.

The moment these beasts gathered here.

Jian Wushuang thought of Morosa's words.

as predicted.

The creator of the starry sky is the boundary beast.

Just in the blink of an eye, these beasts began to die.

A pole absorbs all these consciousness and power.

Then the pole began to outbreak of shining light.

Always flashed.

There is no meaning to stop.

This makes Jian Wushuang a little curious, it is difficult to become the time and space opened by the starry sky, and it will experience a long time.

Every breath does not know how much reincarnation is.

The King of Great Realms seemed to see his doubts and said indifferently: "The starry sky has been opened, this is the extreme!"


"Just this little?"

He was unbelievable and thought it was a big king who joked with him.

"Don't believe it, then come back and zoom in to you!"

As soon as the king of the Great Realm waved, time retreated before the beast of the boundary.

The pole starts to enlarge, not extension.

In the extreme, it is the current starry sky.

It was just that at that time, there were no four time and space, and the world was already king.

Twelve stories of starry sky.

Twelve star areas.

At the same time, a weird life in strange clothes appeared.

This is Star.

They each held the scepter.

Jian Wushuang saw Visi, and it seemed that the other party also saw him, and he leaned out a iconic smile at him.

The action of covering my mouth has not changed.

Go to see the rest of the Star Spirit.

The appearance of Xingling is almost the same.

One of the small stars, standing in the first star area.

He seemed to be different from other star spirit, but Jian Wushuang said that he was not allowed.

After the Portrait of the Twelve Star Spirits is over.

In the first star area, there is also a throne.

The throne is carrying the sword Wushuang.

But you can see a slender arm on the throne.

Hands are also different from human races, but yellow skin with four fingers.

"He is the founder of the starry sky?"

The Great King nodded and said, "Yes, the entire starry sky was created by him."

"Can't you see the appearance of the other person?"

"No!" The king of the Great Realm shook his head.

In fact, Sword Wushuang is the most curious about the founder of the Starry Sky.

Curious about each other's looks and other identities.

This question, he started thinking since hearing the secret he said to him.

Want to be the founder of the starry sky.

Otherwise, how can he give him such a strong treasure.

From the time of weakness, he began to point him.

It seemed to be guiding him all the way to the starry sky.

I can't see the right face now, a little lost.

The face of Mr. Xuanyi should be a kind old man.

It doesn't look like the missing arm.

Then look down.

The time of the starry sky is quickly lost.

He saw a huge eyes in the first star area, and he was shocked in his heart, and he seemed to have seen each other.

"This is the eyes of the giant god, and the ancestor of the giant gods!"

"The eyes of the giant?" Jian Wushuang's heart was shocked, which was also a big man.

I heard that it is already a strong man in time and space.

The life created is the first starry sky.

Continuously changing with face changes.

In the end, the world king continent appeared on the starry sky.

He also saw the big world king when he was young, and he was at a loss.

From the ninth star area.

It is the pride of the entire ninth star area.

He opened the four major time and space and opened the world of the world.

It has also opened up this strange consciousness world in the world of the king.

Just like the origin of the origin of Morosa.

Seeing the end of the end, Jian Wushuang learned that the era of the Great Realm was actually at this moment.

Because there is no breath in total.

He has experienced so much in the starry sky.


After reading all this, Jian Wushuang breathed a sigh of relief.

Not excited.

I have guess a roughly before.

Now it is naturally calm.

The Great King looked at him and laughed: "Little guy, you are the first person to be so calm after watching this!"

"Honestly, I have guess it, so I am not too excited!" Jian Wushuang answered truthfully.

"Then you are not curious, why do the king of the world die, why do twelve stars in the end?"

"Isn't they also the beast?" Jian Wushuang pointed at the influence of Vis, and then said: "It should be a better relationship with the founder of the starry sky, but also to better manage the starry sky!"

He also guessed.

The Great Borders laughed after listening. "You think of the founder of the Starry Sky too narrow, and you also underestimate the existence of Star Spirit. They are indeed bounded beasts, but they are the masters of the world beasts. After the beast consciousness, after completely crushing, not all of them entered the starry sky, but condensed twelve star spirits. In fact, there was only one star spirit, but the big star official, but the original star official could not be Can't. With so much, he took out eleven power from the body and cast the current twelve stars. When it comes to these star spirit, you have to control the big star official and call the father! "

"That's it!" Jian Wushuang heard that he was startled.

There are too many power to bear, and the eleven copies will be taken out at will.

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