Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 626 First round, end!

On the battlefield, the sword is unparalleled with the peaks of hundreds of feet away, Yao Yao is holding.

Peak saw that the sword is not double the breath, there is no weakened, the brow is wrinkled, and the sound is still angry. "You are I am in this battlefield, the first one you can take a knife, you The strength is very strong, more than those people I have encountered before. "

"Investment, your strength is equally strong." The sword said unparalleled.

He is from the heart, this peak is indeed strong.

Even the sword is unparalleled, if you make the world's book, you don't have to be able to defeat each other.

"Your strength, you should go to the end of this first round of genius, I look forward to it on the battlefield of the second round," peak.

After listening to this, the sword was unpaired, he heard, this peak did not fight with him now.

After all, this is just the first round of geniic war, and the battlefield they are only is only the battlefield of the ancient world.

This genius war, now just now, he is not necessary to make a won now.

"I also look forward to touching you on the next few rounds of battlefields." The sword has no double eyelining, and the battle is iv.

The peak deeply saw the sword unparalleled, and took a nodded, they left.

When the peak is walking, hidden in the surroundings, and everything you just saw from the beginning to the end, immediately horses.

After this battle, the sword has no names of the monarch, and immediately skyrocket in this battlefield.

After all, the sword is unparalleled, but the first front is next to the peak and does not die, and the peak will take the peak.

The next time, the smashing is still continuing, but because the people in the battlefield become less and less related, this killing has not been crazy before.

The sword is unparalleled with the blood and phoenix, and the peak is in a battle, and I have encountered a strong force that I have been identified on the battlefield. This person has a slightly better than the blood and phoenix. But the final sword There is no double one to show the star first-order top secret skills, the other party can't resist, and will eventually kill each other.

time flies.

Finally, when this first round of genius lasted after five days.

Booming ~~~ A vast power is surprising to sweep throughout the battlefield, feel this power, the battlefield, no matter what is doing, it is not allowed to stop, follow them, discover them The self-defeating of his own body is coming, and the rays will still stay in this battlefield, and send it back to the outside world.

The huge campus, the dense numbness of numbers comes from the Augustu world.

The entire campus is noisy, and many eyes look to some people who have promised in the battlefield.

"Look, that is the peak!"

"The terrible guy, I heard that in the five days of the battlefield, the number of people who died in his hands were countless, and even the strong people who were identified enough to take the top 30, there were nearly ten dead in him. In the hands, and he shot, it is just a knife, it is possible to take a knife, but the result is possible. "

"This peak is too terrible!"

"That, it is a fire and baby. It is a strong in the peak. The two strengths are extremely horrible, but who wants to be weak, if they don't fight, I am afraid that no one knows."

"That is Xuan Ying, it is said to have a battle with the fire and baby!"

"See the young people youth? He is the sword monarch, and the whole battlefield can take a knife on the front of it, only a few flexible, and this sword monarch is one of them, and he It also gives the peak to force a step. Although the strength is more powerful than the peak, it is also very powerful. "

Everyone is talking about.

They also gathered here, but they didn't understand each other. They didn't know each other. Naturally, there was nothing to say. After the first round of genius, five days after the fierce battle, those strength, it became it. topic.

On the other side of the campus, those geniors from the ancient circles are also the same scene.

"I don't know, have we pass this first round."

Most people have a little bit, only some of the strength is extremely confident, like a sword, unparalleled, peak, and fire, they are not worried.

Everyone is quietly waiting.

Before that countless mirror screens, those who were responsible for recording records were rapidly sorted out various information. After half a time, all of them were finished, and they were all determined through the first round of genius war.

"This is the most detailed information on the first round of genius war, and immediately sent this information to all parties." The white robes headed were told.

"Yes." Someone immediately sent information.

This day, the event is jointly organized by all parties to Tianzhuang, but it is just the first round of genius, it is eliminated those mediocrity generations. It is not very attractive to those Zongmen, so those Zongmen Nobody has come to see this first round of fierce battle.

Just after the first round of genius war, these white robe responsible for the record will be given to each offended information.

From the second round, those sects will be interested.

"Through the list of the first round of genius war, it has been organized, and it will be announced."

The current white robe took the list and went to the school farm and quickly delivered this list to the middle-aged man who hosted the conference.

After the list of men's results, after studying a moment, nodded slightly, and then he had a movement, first appeared on the campus where those who were in the vast border.

"Your party battlefield, through the list of the first round of genius war, already come out, here, I will read your name, and if I read the name, I passed." Middle-aged man finished, I don't want to react to those who have made those who are doing it, they have begun to read a name.



"Ouyang Xuan!"



Another name read from this middle-aged man's mouth, all of which have been named, naturally one of them exposed, as for those who have not read the name, it is nervous.

Time lapse, this middle-aged man is hit to hundreds of names, and finally stopped when he thought of ninth.

"All the nine hundred people who have been read, you are eligible to participate in the next second round genius war, as for the rest of the people, all eliminated!" The middle-aged man is indifferent, and does not bring a soft feelings.

Those of the campus of the Evan Genius gathered, some people have worried for a while.


PS: Today's six chapters! Tomorrow is still six.

The first round of genius is just an appetizer, really wonderful behind, everyone will wait and see!

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