Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 627 is unfair?

Subsequently, the middle-aged man came to a campus from many millenies from the ancient world.

Like the previous, this middle-aged man also started to read the name.


The middle-aged man is the first, and it is the peak.

In this regard, no one feels unexpected. After all, this peak is in the first round of battlefield. It has fully proved his strength, saying that he is this Tianzhimei, the first person in many thousands of people, never .

"Fire and baby!"

Long Ying! "


The middle-aged man is magnificent, and one name is issued from his mouth, echoing on this campus.

This middle-aged man reads the thirteenth name ... "Sword is unparalleled!"

The sword in the crowd is unparalleled, a faint smile, and it is not unexpected.

The first round of genius war, five days of killing, although he did not do his best, even the world's own reminded, but the strength of the killing of this group of thousands of people, it is also enough The first twenty, naturally qualified to enter the second round.

He Xuan! "

"Oriental Moon!"

"Blood Phoenix!"

The woman's bloody phoenix, which is bump, is not easy to breathe.

Although she has a self-satisfaction, she has encountered the peak in the first round of genius, and she defeated the battlefield by the peak, and she did not stay until the end, so it was worried. But now, no matter whether there is anything to stay, as long as the strength is fully revealed on the first round battlefield, it is enough to enter the second round of fighting.

"The sword monarch, I have left the last?"

Blood phoenix can't hurt the sword, there is no big one, and there is some weird.

Before the battlefield, she had no double bucket with the sword. I then I met the peak of the pass. She was defeated by the peak and sent the battlefield, and she couldn't help but one knife, the sword is unparalleled, will not pick up, It was immediately sent out of the battlefield, resulting in the results ... She waited for a long time in the campus, and she did not see the sword and unparalleled.

"When this sword monarch is killed before, hide the strength?" The blood phoenix is ​​dark.

On the empty, the middle-aged man continued to read the name, and when he thought of the first hundred names, he stopped.


"Why don't you read it?"

"what happened?"

Many of the millenies from the campus have revealed the color of doubts.

However, the middle-aged man is cold, "Anyone who is read by the name is qualified to participate in the second round of genius war, others ... all eliminated!"

The cold voice echoed throughout the campus, but these thousands of thousands of thousands of people were all rumored.


"Jun, end?"

"One hundred people? Can only participate in the second round of genius war?"

"No! This is unfair, unfair!"

Someone is roaring immediately.

"Is there only one hundred?"

Those who have been named by the name, qualified to participate in the second round of genius war, are also surprised.

Task, they are added from the thousands of thousands of thousands of people, but there is more than 100 million!

More than 100,000 people participated in the first round of genius war, the result was passed, only one hundred people?

This probability, less than one thousandth!

And another battlefield, those who come from the ancient circles, they all added less than 10,000 people, and the results have passed the first round of genius, but there are nine hundred people, the probability has reached one tenth.

One is one thousandth, one is one tenth, this treatment gap, it is indeed too far away.

"We are so many people, the result is only one hundred people to participate in the second round of geniic war, and those who come to the Tianshi of the Tianshi will not come to the Tianzhimei. The result is that there are nine hundred people. Participate in the second round of genius war, this is unfair! "

"Eccentrically, this day of the event, the genius of the ancient circles, it is too eccentric!"

"I have the strength of myself, it is never weak than those of the ancient world, why can't I participate in the second round of genius? Is it because I am from the ancient world? I don't accept it, I don't accept it!"

A roar roaring sounded throughout the campus.

A lot of self-confidence in my own strength, but did not have a military person who was named, and the heart was extremely uncomfortable.


The middle-aged man snorted, and its eyes overlooks the bottom, and an instant is pressed against the entire campus.

This breath is strong, and the blood of the world who has seen it is still strongly strong, directly oppressed the audience, and immediately become quiet, and there are several of them, the most fierce The warrior is even directly oppressed by this atmosphere.

The voice of middle-aged men has also sounded again. "I said, this day, the day of people are equal, there is no highlight of the position, only strength, the talents are weak, you can't pass the first round of genius, then you can explain You are weak, no wonder others. "

"As for the unfair, the weak is not qualified!"

In this middle-aged man, it is no need to question, and then it is a wave. , Must leave, if it is uncomfortable, it is necessary to leave, and kill innocent! "

I heard this, the campus was on a piece.

Those who have not passed the first round of genius war, although the heart is still extremely unhappy, but it is in the middle-aged man, but only helplessly leave.

No one dares to stay in this, challenge this middle-aged man and the authority of many people behind the middle-aged man.

"Sword Monarch, congratulations!"

"The sword is unparalleled, you are the only one in our three people who can continue to stay to participate in the second round of geniic war, can be touched for our happening."

Dark emperor is unhealthy, and the sword is unparalleled.

He also made his best to fight on the battlefield, but why strength is only average, and he fails to stay in the second round of genius war.

The three people in the country, only the sword is unparalleled.

"Two, take care." The sword was unparalleled, and the Saxi left, shook his head, and it was full of helplessness.

He is very clear, these two people have no performances in Tianzhimei, there will be no sects to look at them, and they don't pay attention to the ancient world, alone in the ancient world, the danger is too big ...

Many people from the ancient world are slowly separated in a complaint.

This scene, but the sword was unparalleled secretly shook his head.


Really unfair?

The sword is unparalleled, I can't help but I have seen the campus of the Talents of the Oujie.

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